Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 77 Atuo's appearance.. Atuo's defeat.. The demonized Atuo..

Chapter 77 Atuo's appearance.. Atuo's defeat.. The demonized Atuo..
"If Ato came to attack us now, it might be difficult for us to fight."

Angel Yan in Mo Yu's arms spoke weakly word by word.

"It's okay, let me give you some energy first."

After Mo Yu finished speaking, he put his hand on Angel Yan's body. There was a faint golden light on his hand, and the continuous energy was entering Yan's body.

Angel Yan, who was originally extremely weak, slowly returned to normal.

Suddenly, Mo Yu found that he could no longer use energy, as if the energy in his body was forbidden to be used.

"Xiao Chao, what's the matter?"

Mo Yu hurriedly asked Xiaochao with his consciousness.

〖It was detected that someone used a large astrocomputer to seal off the energy space with a radius of 1000 meters within the owner.

As a result, the host cannot absorb star energy. 〗

"Hurry up and find a way to crack it for me."

Mo Yu is in a panic now, if he can't recover and use his energy, and A Tuo just happens to call, the consequences will be disastrous.

〖Unable to crack, the target uses a large astronomical computer,

Master, please retreat immediately.

A massive dark energy has been detected approaching. 〗


Mo Yu knew that the only possibility was that Atuo came.

Holy Kaisa is like a huge angel server. Once she disconnects, other angels will be in a similar situation to Angel Yan. Atuo will definitely come when Angel Yan is weakest.

But with Mo Yu here, even Morgana would not dare to come rashly. The only possibility is that Morgana contacted Karl, the god of death, and used the big clock to block Mo Yu's use of energy. Let Atuo have confidence.

"Queen Ren is worried about me, and sent me to destroy you when you are weakest, otherwise you will be a corpse when you enter Frazer, but this tactic is feasible."

In the sky, a red-black-skinned demon descended from the sky. His head was shaped like a shark, and the wings behind him were shaped like rags. His whole body glowed slightly red, and he was Atuo.

"Ancient Sword Demon?"

Sniff's frightened expression immediately emerged, and he accused A Tuo in the sky in a panic.

Angel Yan saw that A Tuo came in person, and his face changed from weak to the proud face before.

"Put me down."

Yan and Mo Yu said.


Mo Yu nodded solemnly, then put Yan on the ground, looked at Shi Naif again and said.

"Now hurry up to the Alan Kingdom in the south, ask him for support, and send troops to destroy the remaining primitive demons in your barbarian country."

"it is good."

Shi Naifu looked at Mo Yuheyan worriedly, then turned and ran to the south.

"It seems that you have long known that Queen Kaisha will disconnect!"

Yan didn't expect Ato to say such a thing.

"Our queen has already made preparations, Holy Kaisa? Now I'm afraid that there will be no scum left."

Atuo looked at Angel Yan provocatively and said.


Yan is extremely angry now, he didn't expect the demon sense to really kill the holy Keisha.

Yan immediately spread his wings, took out the flame sword and flew into the sky, at the same height as Atuo. The two sides confronted each other, and the battle was imminent.

"You are responsible for assisting me, he has become a god now."

Angel Yan said to Mo Yu after analyzing it with his insightful eyes.

"it is good!"

Mo Yu knew that with his own combat power, even if A Tuo became a god, he would not be able to defeat him, but the energy in Mo Yu's body had been disabled, rushing up would only be a burden, and when Yan had just absorbed his own energy and was not disabled part of the energy, so now it can only be the main attack, and Mo Yu stabs Atuo with his annihilation-level holy blade from time to time.

Angel Yan took the lead in attacking, holding the flaming sword in his hand, it turned into a flash of white light, and the white light rushed towards Atuo.

Atuo has now become a divine body, and this level of blow has no effect on him.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Yan raised his flame sword again, and a wave of thunder energy slowly climbed out of the sword and gathered at the tip of the sword.

The energy couldn't be hit like a barrage, and hit Ato continuously.

Ato was instantly shrouded in smoke from the explosion.

This move is Yan himself using his own special genes to combine with flame bombing, a move you came up with, although it is far inferior to flame bombing, but it still has power, and the time it is used is relatively short, the energy can be gathered Faster and more precise strikes on targets.

A Tuo saw a large amount of thunder energy bombarding him, so he hurriedly used the sword of command to block it.

The gunpowder smoke in the sky dissipated, and Ato was still flying in the sky unharmed.

Mo Yu knew that A Tuo had become a god, and his body was a third-generation god body like his own. According to this level of attack, Mo Yu himself would not be injured, let alone the current A Tuo.

"Yan, it seems that your attack power is still a bit weak."

Most of the energy just now was blocked by A Tuo's sword of command, and only a small part of the damage hit A Tuo's divine body, but still less than half of it was hurt.


The sound of the sword piercing into the flesh sounded.

A Tuo turned his head in disbelief, and Mo Yu cut off his entire arm.

"Then how do you feel about this sword?"

Holding the holy blade in his hand, Mo Yu looked warily at Atuo, who was clutching his broken arm in the sky, with a provocative tone.

The most advanced Annihilation Weapon, even the fourth-generation divine body can still slash, but A Tuo is just a simple third-generation divine body, and can't block this sword at all.

"Ato, retreat quickly, we haven't found a way to break the sword of the Holy Star God of War, stop making sacrifices in vain."

Morgana has been watching Atuo's battle all the time. When she saw Mo Yu take out the holy blade, Morgana's heart tightened, and a fear appeared in her heart. That sword was the one that almost killed herself. Even I can't stop him, let alone Atuo who has become a god now.

As Morgana saw, Mo Yu successfully chopped off one of Atuo's arms with this sword.

Morgana hurriedly said in Ato's dark communication.

"It seems that your weapon has a great effect on him. My thunder energy can no longer cause damage to her. I don't know if the flame-level weapon is useful. Now I know that your weapon is useful to him. I will go up and delay him." , You saw the timing and stabbed him a few times."

Seeing that Mo Yu's Holy Blade had an effect on Ato, Angel Yan immediately changed his tactics.

Yan turned into an 'assistant', frantically looking for opportunities for 'ADC' Mo Yu.

"I don't need the queen, I still have a way."

Atuo said to Morgana weakly.

In the past few days, A Tuo accidentally discovered that the Sword of Command has another feature, it can demonize any part of the user, including his entire divine body.

"It seems that you have discovered the characteristics of the sword of command. That characteristic is very harmful to yourself. After you use it up, turn it off quickly."

"Understood, Queen."

Atuo's voice gradually became thicker, like a beast that had escaped its seal for several years.

Countless black air gushed out from the sword of command, and the black air quickly covered Atuo's whole body, blocking the sight of Mo Yu and Angel Yan. Because the two were very vigilant, they did not dare to advance rashly, which also contributed to Atuo's death. The process of becoming a god.

The demonized Atuo's strength has greatly increased, and his appearance has also undergone a huge change. The original broken arm was found again, and the new arm glowed red. (Please refer to the model of Aatrox’s ultimate move in League of Legends for the specific appearance)
(End of this chapter)

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