Chapter 78
Atuo has been completely demonized at this time, and the red wings slowly spread behind him, and the newly grown bloody hand tightly holds the sword of command that is already glowing red, and the momentum of the whole person has reached The fourth generation of gods.

"Not good, what kind of secret technique should he use? Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to possess the fourth-generation divine body."

Mo Yu took a look at all the specific data of Atuo through the eyes of the stars, and immediately talked to Angel Yan after discovering the abnormality.

"The first generation owner of the Sword of Command is Aatrox... the ancestor of Atuo. He sealed all his power in the sword of command. Now Atox should have activated Aatrox to store in the sword of command. Power in the sword."

Yan explained to Mo Yu.

"However, based on the tolerance range of Atuo's third-generation divine body, he probably won't be able to last long. Now my flame-level weapon should be useless to him. I can only rely on your sword and hurry up to deal with him."

"it is good!"

With a serious face, Mo Yu nodded solemnly.


A beast-like roar came out from Atuo's mouth.


Mo Yu and Yan were attracted by the howling sound at the same time, seeing A Tuo's sudden burst of momentum, the two sides reminded.

"For the queen, everything is worth it." A Tuo looked at his current appearance and said to himself.

Then he looked at Mo Yu and Yan, released his aura, and a strong wind swept over, blowing the dust on the ground.

A Tuo slowly flapped his blood-red wings and took off, saying loudly:
"You will all be crushed by me."

After speaking, the figure burst out, drawing a red light in the sky.

And his primary goal is Angel Yan. After all, Atuo's biggest task is to kill the agent of the King of Angels, and this agent is Yan.

With the speed of Atuo's fourth-generation divine body, he appeared in front of Angel Yan in less than a second, holding the sword of command tightly in his hand, and was about to slash Xiang Yan.

And when Mo Yu saw A Tuo rushing towards Yan like a ray of light, he immediately spread his wings and rushed over.

When he saw that Yan had been caught by A Tuo, and the arrow of command was about to pierce Yan's body, Mo Yu knew that there was no time, so he immediately shouted at A Tuo anxiously:


A Tuo's mind paused, his vision began to blur, and the dark energy in his entire body stopped functioning.

Angel Yan immediately broke free from Atuo's shackles, and struck Ato's shoulder with a blow of the flame sword, but did not hurt him in the slightest.

A few seconds later, A Tuo regained consciousness, raised the sword of command and slashed at Yan again.

And Yan had already made preparations, the moment A Tuo slashed at him, he dodged to the left, and then kicked A Tuo out.

A Tuo stabilized his form in the air, and rushed towards Angel Yan again.

"You fucking slow down!"

Mo Yu flew out from the side and threw himself on A Tuo. Both of them flew out and hit the surrounding stone walls, instantly raising a lot of dust.

When Angel Yan rushed over immediately, the dust had dispersed.

A Tuo grabbed Mo Yu's head with one hand, and the entire sword of command penetrated Mo Yu's body.

As early as when he rushed over, A Tuo had turned around, and the tip of the sword of command was aimed at Mo Yu.

Under the action of gravity, Mo Yu himself sent his body into the Sword of Command.

"Mo Yu!"

Seeing that A Tuo pierced Mo Yu's chest with his sword, Angel Yan shouted impatiently. He didn't even call out 'child', but called out his name directly.

Mo Yu looked down at the blood-red sword on his chest, and when he heard Yan's shout, he raised his head and smiled slightly at Yan.

With messy hair and blood gushing from the corner of his mouth, coupled with the smile on Mo Yu's face, he looked helpless, but he didn't want others to worry.

Enduring the intense pain in his chest, Mo Yu shook his left hand, took out the Holy Judgment Blade, and slashed at A Tuo again.

But Mo Yu, who has been seriously injured, has a significant drop in speed, which is naturally not as good as Atuo, who is in full condition.

Seeing Mo Yu slashing with his own sword, A Tuo immediately drew out the sword of command and blocked the sword.

And because A Tuo pulled out the sword, Mo Yu's divine body was traumatized again, and he fell to the ground weakly.

The blood that flowed from the chest stained the ground red.

Because of the lack of energy support of the holy blade, coupled with the last sword cut by Mo Yu, the entire body of the sword collapsed, and the sword of command that Atuo used to block also showed slight cracks.

When Angel Yan saw Mo Yu who was breathing in more air and output less air, he didn't care about anything, and rushed directly to Mo Yu who fell to the ground.

But how could A Tuo give her this chance, he rushed out from the side, and smashed the armor on Yan's abdomen with a sword.

When he saw that Mo Yu had lost his vitality, and saw Yan's dying life, A Tuo knew that it was about to end soon.

So he turned off the energy support of the sword of command, and the whole person returned to the previous state. The injury on the broken arm has been healed, but the hand has not grown back.

A Tuo stopped talking nonsense, walked towards the dying Angel Yan step by step, and stepped on her body.

"Uh, can Zhixin hear you?"

Yanke ignored Atuo, but instead contacted Angel Zhixin who had escaped from the Styx galaxy.

"Sister Yan."

"Where are you now?"

"I'm rushing to Earth now. Queen Keisha has fallen. I received the last message she sent me. She betrothed me to Xin Zhao of the Earth Heroes Company. I'm rushing to Earth now."

Said heartily.

"Then would you like to read the oath with me?" Angel Yan asked
"En!" Zhi Xin nodded.

"I would like to be Xin Zhao's guardian angel

love what he loves, think what he thinks

Bear the pain and suffer for him.

No matter poor or rich, no matter noble or humble, no matter you are in troubled times, you are still ignored by God.

I am willing to draw my sword and fight for him, fold my wings for him, and never leave him, forever. "

Angel Yan and Angel Zhixin read out the oath of their angel clan together.

"What about you, sister Yan?"

Angel Zhixin asked sadly, because when he heard Yan's voice, he had already concluded that he might never see him again.

"I'm just about to call the curtain call."

Angel Yan said slowly, and turned his head to look at Mo Yu, whose vitality had disappeared not far away.

"I'm going to go with him right now."

Yan looked at Mo Yu's 'corpse' with a slight smile.

"Child, I'm here to accompany you."

Afterwards, Yan's vitality also disappeared, and he lay quietly on the ground, neither breathing nor angry, with a poignant smile on the corner of his mouth.

A Tuo took his foot off Yan's body, put his left hand on his right chest, and his tone was full of respect.

"You are real fighters. You fight for your beliefs and your homeland. Even if you die in battle, you will not surrender. I admire you."

"The Queen, Angel Yan and Saint Star God of War are dead, but I can't judge whether they have really fallen."

Atuo contacted Morgana, looked at the two completely lifeless 'corpses' on the ground, and said.

In the eyes of others, the two on the ground might have died, but A Tuo didn't think so.

 I, the author boss, hereby declare.

  This book was opened by me, and this road is mine. If you want to read this book, please submit a recommendation.

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(End of this chapter)

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