Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 79 Atuo loses, Morgana compromises

Chapter 79 Atuo loses, Morgana compromises

In the pitch-black environment, a silver-haired man in black armor stood in the center.

"Where is this?"

Mo Yu turned his head and looked around, and said alone.

〖You are in your dark plane. 〗

An electronic sound rang.

"Then I am dead?"

〖Defined from a biological point of view, yes! 〗

Said the electronic voice.

"Sure enough"

Mo Yu shook his head mockingly.

He himself has a biological engine, which can be equivalent to a resurrection armor. Now he may be resurrected again. Thinking about it, it is really a failure.

"Explain, explain."

〖I am your secondary biological engine system in the dark plane.

Since your heart has stopped beating, your divine body has been severely destroyed, your energy has been drained, your vitality has gradually disappeared, and you are dead. 〗The electronic voice explained.

"Then what else can you do, tell me!"

Mo Yu was tired of waiting.

〖Because your super genetic system is equipped with a secondary biological system.

We will destroy and redefine your heart, repair your body, replenish your energy, and upgrade your body.

At that time, you are no longer the third-generation divine body, but the fourth-generation divine body.

I would like to ask whether to upgrade and revive immediately. 〗

"Well, hurry up. Give some energy to Angel Yan first, and send her back to Earth."

Mo Yu chose to resurrect, but he knew that the time of day should also be activating the secondary biological system, so Mo Yu gave energy to Yan, and sent her back to the earth first.

〖Is executing! 〗

Their 'cadavers' are here.

"Queen, the sword of the Holy Star God of War has been broken, may I ask if I still need to take it back?"

Atuo is still there to contact Morgana.

"If it is broken, it will be broken, and you can study it if you bring the pieces back."

Morgana didn't care so much, anyway, she just wanted to study this sword that could seriously injure herself.

A light blue energy flew out of Mo Yu's 'corpse' and flew into Angel Yan's divine body.

Yan's 'corpse' immediately spread its wings and flew towards the earth.

Seeing this, A Tuo thought that Angel Yan was not dead, so he immediately took out his command sword, spread his wings and chased after him.

Just when he was about to catch up with Angel Yan.

A huge silver steel wing blocked A Tuo's face, preventing him from chasing Angel Yan.

"Did you think you could leave?"

A fearful yet familiar voice sounded behind Ato.

Ato looked back.

I saw Mo Yu standing in the air, stepping on the rippling space under his feet, controlling the silver wing with one hand, and holding the holy blade in the other, looking at A Tuo casually.

The holy blade automatically snapped together when Mo Yu recovered his energy.

"Bichi, why does he have Keisha's silver wings? No, the silver wings are better than Keisha's, Atuo quickly retreat!"

When Morgana saw Mo Yu's silver wings on Devil One, she suddenly felt bad.

Because she felt that this silver wing was better than Keisha's. It was powerful enough to shred the fourth-generation god body, and Morgana couldn't even stand it. If Atuo didn't retreat, he might be shredded.

"Queen, I may not be able to leave."

A Tuo looked at the surrounding space and said in a low voice.

"What's going on! Artest, show me." Morgana roared angrily.

Atuo finally became a god, and Morgana didn't want him to receive the box lunch too early.

"Queen, the space around Ato is sealed, forming a space barrier. It will take 10 minutes for Devil One to solve it."

Artest's voice became smaller and smaller.

Because they all know that in 10 minutes, the Holy Star God of War with silver wings is completely capable of shredding Atuo.


Atuo is now desperate, he can only give it a go, although he knows that he may not be able to beat it.

"Prepare for death."

Mo Yu looked at A Tuo with a smile and said.

This is the first time he uses the silver wing, and he doesn't know how powerful it is, but his heart is already full of joy.

A pair of huge silver wings spread out, and the one on the left rotated and stood up, cutting towards A Tuo.

A Tuo immediately dodged from the right, and then spread his wings to attack Mo Yu.

Just when the sword of command was about to hit Mo Yu, a blue sphere shield appeared beside Mo Yu, and he easily dropped the sword.

Mo Yu waved his left hand again, and the silver wings struck from the left, stabbing straight at A Tuo's body.

A Tuo hastily resisted with the Sword of Command, trying in vain to block Silver Wing's blow with the broken Sword of Command, but the ending was often unsatisfactory.


The sword of command shattered.

The silver wings submerged into Atuo's divine body, and the annihilation elements crazily devoured Atuo's super genes, and his wounds couldn't even bleed.


A Tuo fell from the sky to the ground and had difficulty breathing, but he didn't have any fear in his heart. Death was nothing to A Tuo. He was tired of fighting and killing. If it wasn't for Morgana, he It may have returned to Kunza, and like the holy Kaisa, death may be the best relief.

Mo Yu slowly landed beside A Tuo, walking towards the seriously injured A Tuo.

"Bichi, let Ato go quickly, or I will destroy the earth."

Morgana emptied her two new demon claws and came rushing through the wormhole, and if he didn't come again, Atuo would really be dead.

And Morgana was not joking, Devil One has a star-killing weapon, as long as it is fired, the earth will disappear.

"You can try, so that your entire Devil One will be buried with you."

Mo Yu looked at Morgana with a smile and said.

When Morgana saw Mo Yu's smile, she felt that he was more evil than herself.

"Let's talk about terms."

Morgana compromised.

"I prohibit the appearance of weapons above nuclear weapons on the earth, and then I will first solve the people who threw nuclear weapons, and then come to you to settle accounts."

Mo Yu directly threatens Morgana to manage the nuclear strikes of the gluttons. If there is another nuclear strike on the earth, Mo Yu will find Morgana's Demon One to have a good talk.

"Okay, I promise."

Although Morgana hated being used as a mercenary, she had no choice but to agree to Mo Yu's conditions.

"Well, he paid you back."

After Mo Yu got the answer, he directly threw Atuo, who was seriously injured, out of the space barrier and flew into Morgana's devil's claws.

Mo Yu knew that Morgana had a cure, otherwise Morgana would be fine.

A wormhole appeared behind Mo Yu, and he stepped back into it slowly, so Morgana was relieved that the wormhole finally disappeared.

She knew that Mo Yu might have returned to Earth and would not trouble her again. What she had to do now was to cure Ato quickly, otherwise the annihilation elements would annihilate all Ato's super genes in a very short time.

(End of this chapter)

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