Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 80 Non-Human Organization, God Gang

Chapter 80 Non-Human Organization, God Gang
Earth Huaxia
Xiangbei area.

On a country road heading north, a silver-haired man in white casual clothes was walking slowly.

When he passed by the Shaoyang area in southern Hunan, he saw a lot.

On the first day, the aliens called, and many people panicked.

The next day, aliens invaded many cities and began to invade China in an all-round way.

On the third day, some people couldn't take it anymore, they willingly degenerated, turned into demons, and became non-human from then on.

On the fourth day, we swore to take it back and drive out all intruders.

〖Because the master activated the secondary biological engine, one reward: the void control terminal.Core calculation frame number: 200 frames. 〗

"What is a void control terminal? Is it the same as a void controller!"

Mo Yu was walking on the road, and after hearing Xiao Chao's words, he sat down on a stone by the side of the road and asked.

〖Yes, but its ability is far beyond the void controller. 〗

Xiaochao explained.

"Oh, I see."

Mo Yu took out the void control terminal with one hand.

A fist-sized, black-blue diamond-shaped ball appeared in Mo Yu's hand.


A black line immediately appeared on Mo Yu's head.

How can you say that.

"What am I"

Mo Yu couldn't help cursing.

〖The Void Control Terminal must be the same as the Void Controller and must be eaten up〗

Xiaochao added to the burden in Mo Yu's heart again.

Deep feelings, a dull mouth.

"I don't care about him!"

Mo Yu gritted his teeth tightly, stretched his mouth to the maximum, stuffed the void control terminal into his mouth with one hand, and covered his closed mouth with both hands to prevent him from spitting it out. His entire cheeks swelled like a goldfish.

"Whoa. Whoa."

With a 'gudong' sound.

Mo Yu finally swallowed the void control terminal into his stomach.

〖There are many loopholes detected in Superchip, and they are being repaired and improved, please wait. 〗

An electronic sound that I had never heard before sounded.

Mo Yu knew that this was the voice of the void control terminal.

Now, he is perfecting his own superchip, and time is the most difficult thing to wait for. Mo Yu doesn't intend to just sit there stupidly, he has to find a place with an army first.

Then go to the North Star together.

〖It is detected that the master’s holy angel gene can be upgraded, and the master’s invincible body can be upgraded if it is detected. Do you want to upgrade? 〗

"How can I upgrade so many things?"

Mo Yu was a little puzzled. He remembered that there were not so many things that could be upgraded before, and Xiaochao never told him, but why can they be upgraded now?

〖It is detected that the owner has upgraded to the fourth-generation divine body, and the energy reserve has expanded, which has met the upgrade standard.

Do you want to upgrade? 〗

Xiaochao explained.

"Okay! Let's go up!"

You can make yourself stronger, why not accept it, Mo Yu decisively accepted Xiaochao's upgrade.

A screen suddenly appeared in front of Mo Yu's eyes. It was transparent and glowing. There were many numbers on the screen. The most eye-catching ones were the two upgrade options.

{Two-winged holy angel. Upgrading. Four-winged holy angel}
{Invincible body is being upgraded. Immortal body}
Mo Yu turned off the screen and let him upgrade slowly, while Mo Yu himself started to hurry.

Now most of the cities have been occupied by Taotie, and currently only Beizhixing is still fighting fiercely with Taotie. Beizhixing needs Mo Yu and the Xiongbing Company.

"I rely on. My stomach. My head."

Suddenly, Mo Yu's stomach and head began to have severe pain, as if his head was about to explode, and it was as if someone had forcefully stuffed something into his stomach.

〖Master don’t have to worry, it’s because Chaoxin is perfecting the master’s genetic system and improving the master’s brain development, which is why the pain in the brain is caused.

The pain in the stomach is that the immortal body is repairing the missing super gene in the master's stomach.

Since the holy angel gene is being upgraded, it is temporarily unable to open the wings. 〗

Xiao Chao reminded Mo Yu and said.

"Why are you late"

Before he finished speaking, Mo Yu just felt dizzy, and his whole body was like a sponge, collapsing to the ground.

He only heard it vaguely.

"Hurry up, a citizen over there is unconscious, come here quickly, medic, medic"

Mo Yu felt that he was being carried on his back and started to move. He really wanted to thank these people, but he couldn't move at all, his brain entered a state of paralysis, and he passed out completely.

"Where am I?"

Mo Yu woke up leisurely.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a beautiful nurse holding a towel to wipe her sweat.

Four eyes facing each other.

"Thank you. Where is this?"

Mo Yu scratched his head in embarrassment, and changed the subject first.

"This is the outskirts of CS City, the Sisha evacuation point"

The nurse, blushing, slowly replied to Mo Yu's question.

"It's all in Changsha."

Mo Yu nodded and spoke slowly.

"Captain, there is not much food in the camp, and there is not much ammunition left. I'm afraid we won't last for a few days."

A soldier followed another officer.

The regiment leader took a puff of the cigarette in his hand, and slowly exhaled a long puff of thick smoke.

"Haven't the troops who collected the food come back yet?"

"I came back, but I didn't collect much food. They just came back with a silver-haired boy."

From the soldier's point of view, silver hair is not mainstream, well-dressed, and handsome, he must be a son of some rich family.

He also guessed right, Mo Yu is the son of a son, and his parents are rich, but now, in this era of aliens, money seems to be useless, and it feels safer to have a gun in his hand. .

"As long as it is the people, no matter if he is a son-in-law or a gangster, we have the obligation to take care of it."

The regimental commander threw the cigarette butt on the ground, looked at the soldier and said.


The soldiers saluted the regiment commander with a big military salute.

"You go and let them continue to investigate for me. Don't let those bastards of God's Gang attack us, and don't forget to keep an eye out for those dogs from aliens."

The head ordered to go down.


The soldier shouted, then turned and ran in the direction of the reconnaissance squad.

There are two types of groups that are raging in Changsha today.

The first is the vassal state of Gluttony, giant wolf warriors, and some gluttonous hounds.

The second type is the God Gang he just mentioned.

The Gang of Gods is a special organization, most of them are non-human, some are willing to degenerate into demons, some collect gluttonous and demon corpses from the battlefield, kidnap biologists in some universities, and drink the genes they have prepared Reagent, thus transformed into a non-human.

With these genetic reagents, the word "God" is no longer a dream. During the war, the ambitions of criminals were constantly expanded.

The temptation of gods gradually arises, they yearn for gods and become gods, so they think of this crazy way to create gods by themselves.

But they don't have the corresponding technology and resources, they can only collect the corpses of gluttons and demons, and extract genes and blood from the corpses.

Then they succeeded, they successfully became non-human beings, not like gluttons or demons, neither fish nor fowl.

They gathered non-human beings everywhere and formed the organization God Gang. They did not resist the invasion of aliens, and specialized in harming ordinary humans.

Once the aliens came, they would shrink back, and once the aliens left, they would make up and snatch the corpses of those aliens, doing all kinds of evil.

Their skin is very hard, and ordinary bullets can't hurt them at all. Only grenades can barely kill them, and armor-piercing bullets can also kill them.

Because the Shenbang was afraid of grenades and Sisha's armor-piercing ammunition reserves, they did not rashly attack Sisha's base.

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(End of this chapter)

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