Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 81 Rescue 4 Sand Soldiers

Chapter 81 Rescue Four Sand Soldiers

There were waves of air defense sirens in the Sisha base.

"what happened?"

The head of the regiment hurriedly walked out of his tent, shouted at the soldiers who had been in chaos.

"Captain, it's not good, there are three gluttonous spaceships coming."

A soldier ran over quickly and said.


The regiment leader didn't expect that Taotie would personally fight over. The previous sneak attacks were basically from giant wolves and their hounds.

The soldiers of the entire base have entered a state of combat readiness, and all your citizens have hid in the air-raid shelter next to Sisha City.

"Call the soldiers to intercept with me, and we must not let them harm the people."

The leader threw away the sundries in his hand, took out a gun from his waist, and said angrily.


"What's going on outside?"

Sitting on the bed alone, Mo Yu said suspiciously when he heard the movement outside.


The tent was opened, and the beautiful nurse from before rushed in and helped Mo Yu out of bed.

"Come on, aliens are calling."

Her voice was anxious, she could have gone by herself, but as a party member, she felt that she could not abandon any people, so she turned back.

"Aliens are coming?"

Due to the perfection of the super gene, Mo Yu has not yet adapted to it, and he feels that he has not recovered very well. When he heard that the aliens were calling, Mo Yu also got out of bed.

"You go first, the aliens are handed over to me."

After speaking, Mo Yu rushed towards the place where the battle had started without looking back.

Now we leave our pretty nurse standing there with a dazed expression on her face.

'Da da.. da.. da..'

'Boom' -

The side where Taotie was intercepted was full of gunshots, shells exploding, gunpowder smoke filling the sky, wreckage everywhere on the ground, and burning trees.

"How's the evacuation of the crowd going?"

The head of the regiment shouted loudly.

"Head, the crowd evacuated very smoothly."

"Okay, let's retreat quickly."

After hearing that the masses were safe, the head of the regiment breathed a sigh of relief and immediately issued an order to retreat.

If he continues to fight like this, his 368 regiment will be wiped out, so he must minimize the loss.

Now that he felt that the four sands could not be kept, he might as well retreat quickly so that the green hills would not be afraid of running out of firewood.

"No need to retreat, they left it to me."

A voice resounded throughout the four sands.

Almost all the soldiers stopped firing, even the gluttons on the other side also stopped firing.

"What's going on? What's the situation with that voice?"

Among the three Taotie airships, a Taotie who resembled the captain said.

"I don't know, we detected that there are no super soldiers here."

A gluttonous soldier said.


There was a violent explosion in the sky.

There were originally three gluttonous airships, but now there are only two left.

"What's going on? Is there anyone helping us?"

"Could it be those guys from the God Gang?"

The head of the group looked at the spaceship that exploded suddenly in the sky, and then thought of the sound that had just sounded. The only person who made him think of coming to support was the help of God.

"Captain! Look at that"

A soldier shouted, pointing to the sky.

The head of the group heard the reputation and looked over.

I saw a man wearing dark blue black armor and silver-white hair in the sky. There were four pairs of golden wings flapping slowly on his back, and he had already condensed an energy ball in his hand.


The energy ball was shot out of Mo Yu's hand suddenly, and there was another violent explosion sound. Of the two spaceships left in the sky, only the middle one remained.

"Is that black armor or an angel?"

In the only gluttonous airship, a gluttonous soldier looked at Mo Yu who was in a blue light and asked timidly.

"It doesn't matter if he is a black armor or an angel, retreat quickly."

The captain of the gluttonous spaceship, after seeing that Mo Yu easily took down the two spaceships without any effort, immediately sounded the warning from their gluttonous superior.

There is a black armor mistakenly attacking,
An angel attacked by mistake,
There was a mistaken attack by the Holy Star God of War.

And now this person may be one of them, and they don't have the God Killing Weapon equipped, even if they are equipped, they can't beat them.

All I can do now is run.

The Taotie airship immediately turned its bow, and the power engine at the stern was fully activated, fleeing at the maximum speed.


Mo Yu looked at those Taotie who were trying to escape with disdain, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

〖Opening Supercore
Locking on the target The target is the gluttonous fireship. The analysis is completed. Turn off the power system, turn off the attack system, stop the energy supply, start the self-destruction program, and the explosion time is 1 minute〗

As Xiaochao's words stopped, the flames sprayed from the tail of the gluttonous airship in the distance slowly extinguished, and the entire airship also stopped slowly because it had no power, stranded in the air alone.

Mo Yu didn't care anymore, anyway, the spaceship would self-destruct in a minute, so why waste some energy.

"Hello, I'm the deputy captain of Xiongbing Company, Mo Yu."

After Mo Yu landed, he walked up to the leader and stretched out his hand, introducing himself.

"Are you a member of the Xiongbing Company?"

Shocked, the team leader slowly reached out to hold Mo Yu's outstretched hand, and held it friendly, but his tone was full of shock and disbelief.

Xiong Bing fought two battles in a row and won both of them. Later, he was invited to appear on the TV station and became famous.

And now the vice-captain of the Xiongbing Company is in front of him. From some rumors in the army, he knows that the vice-captain of the Xiongbing Company is the most powerful existence in all the combat power of the Xiongbing Company.

Fighting against Buddha and Sun Wukong are not his opponents.

"Well! I am."

Mo Yu smiled and nodded kindly.

"Over there."


The leader pointed to the gluttonous airship lingering in the distant sky, but before he finished speaking, a gluttonous airship also exploded.

"Okay, it's all settled!"

Mo Yu shrugged, smiled and said to the soldiers.

"Oh oh oh"

The regiment leader slowly came out of the shock, "Brothers, we have won, everyone go back first."


Many soldiers cheered.

"Hello, soldier, my name is Peng Renbo, and I am their regiment leader."

Head Peng introduced to Mo Yu as he walked.

"Hello, Captain Peng, Mo Yu!"

"Seeing that you are relatively young, let's call you Xiaoyu from now on!"

Captain Peng said heartily.

He had just won a battle, and it was thanks to the help of the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company, which made Captain Peng feel very good.

"Guild Master, Sisha was attacked by Taotie just now!"

A non-human with an extremely ugly appearance, a shiny black body, and bumps all over his skin said to their leader of the God Sect.

And this gang leader has almost the same characteristics as those non-humans, the only difference is the skin color, he is red, and other non-humans are divided into black, blue and coffee.

"Then how are they fighting?"

The leader of the Shenbang slowly sat back in his seat, lowered his forehead with one hand and closed his eyes, and said very leisurely.

"Those guys from Sisha won the battle, but they seem to have suffered heavy losses!"

The black non-human fished his head and said uncertainly.

In fact, he really didn't know the specific situation of Sisha. The only thing he knew was that Sisha was attacked by three gluttonous spaceships, and then Sisha actually won.

"Call all the helpers and clear the world for me today."

The leader of the God Clan doesn't care about that much, he has been spying on Sisha for a long time, and now that Sisha base is attacked by Taotie, he will definitely suffer heavy losses and lack of human resources, but now is a good opportunity.

He immediately sent troops to attack.

What he didn't know was that Sisha had indeed suffered heavy losses, but Sisha had an additional vice-captain of the Xiongbing Company.

All that awaits them, these non-humans, is death.

 Formal notification to everyone present here
  Starting today, every day in the future

  chapter a day

  If you have any objections
  I can't help it

(End of this chapter)

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