Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 82 Upgrading Troop Weapons

Chapter 82 Upgrading Troop Weapons
In the Sisha base, dozens of officers and Mo Yu gathered around a table to drink.

"I said Xiaoyu, what is the reason for this communication failure?"

After taking a sip of the canned beer, Captain Peng looked at Mo Yu and asked.

"I do not know either!"

Mo Yu replied truthfully, the only thing he knew was what Morgana did, and what the Devil One did to block the communication of the whole earth.

"You are the vice-captain of the Xiongbing Company. You have fought so many victories, and you must know more than us."


"Ha ha."

Mo Yu smiled helplessly.

"The current weapons and equipment are too backward. They can't beat the armor of those aliens at all. If the weapons and equipment are better, they can fight back."

Head Peng took a sip of his wine in a low voice and murmured.


Mo Yu muttered softly.

Now it seems that his own super core can make some weapons, and if he defines the physical power and energy source a little bit, Mo Yu can mass-produce it by himself.

"Commander Peng, I have a solution for the weapon matter."

Mo Yu looked up at Peng Renbo and said confidently.

"Really? That would be great."

When Captain Peng heard that Mo Yu had a solution to the weapon problem, he was also very happy.

"Commander Peng, first give me a weapon you commonly use."

"it is good."

Captain Peng immediately brought a Type [-] rifle and handed it to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu took it, his eyes turned blue, and there were many equations around him, and programs that he couldn't understand, but these were easy-to-understand knowledge in Mo Yu's eyes.

〖Analyzing the material structure of the weapon. After the analysis is completed, the impact of the weapon will be enhanced. The recoil of the weapon will be reduced. The energy source of the weapon will be redefined. The energy source will be defined. Personal willpower.

With the completion of the final settings, the appearance of the entire Type [-] rifle changed drastically. The original red-green rifle turned dark blue, and a slightly golden energy flowed from the entire gun body.

"Okay, it's done."

Mo Yu handed the latest version of the Type [-] rifle to Captain Peng.

Everyone else present looked at this new weapon with a look of novelty.

They feel that the appearance of this weapon has become very cool, and they don't know how powerful it is. Just judging from the slightly golden energy exuding from the appearance, they know that the power is not weak.

"Go outside and try the power."

Mo Yu stood up and pointed outside, looking at Captain Peng who was excitedly playing with the latest [-]th style and said.

"Oh good good good."

Other people in the tent followed suit, and they also wanted to see the power of this gun.

When other soldiers at the Sisha base saw their commander holding a strange gun on his mobile phone, they involuntarily stopped their work and stopped to watch from a distance.

"Just hit that."

Mo Yu pointed to a big tree 200 meters away and said.

"it is good!"

Captain Peng nodded in response.

Those who can become regiment leaders are generally not too bad at marksmanship.

I saw Commander Peng's standard gun-holding posture, plus a standard [-]-style aiming posture.


There was a sound like a bullet jamming from the latest Type [-] or [-] rifle. Commander Peng looked at the gun in his hand suspiciously. It was common for something to go wrong right after it was finished, and it was impossible to finish it right away.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. When I set up this weapon, I defined the authority of the user. The user must have: patriotism, selflessness, justice, bravery, etc. If these conditions are not met, it will No one will use it."

Mo Yu explained to the soldiers.

After hearing this, Captain Peng also felt that this method was feasible, otherwise if this kind of gun leaked out in the future, it would be a disaster.

He took a deep breath, slowly raised the gun in his hand again, aimed at the big tree in the distance, and switched to single-shot mode.

Eyes, sights, and targets are three points and one line.


Life is like the sound of Barrett's cannon, deafening.

As for that big tree, the entire trunk was punched with a hole the size of a fist.

"It's powerful, but the sound is a bit loud."

Captain Peng pointed out the shortcomings of this gun.

This gun is good everywhere, with great power, low recoil, high accuracy, and fast rate of fire. The only downside is that the sound is a bit loud.

In their previous battles in the four sands, most of the guns had to wear noise cancellers, firstly to prevent their position from being revealed, and secondly to facilitate assassination.

"Well, I'm changing it."

Mo Yu nodded solemnly, loud voice is indeed a problem.

Mo Yu took the gun handed over by Captain Peng, his eyes turned blue again, he reopened the super core, and began to adjust the attributes of the weapon.

〖Readjust the weapon sound.
Keep the sound to a minimum.
readjust weapons
Automatically collect user thoughts.
Setup complete〗

"Okay, try again."

Mo Yu gave the gun to Captain Peng again.

'Da da.. da.. da..'

Commander Peng took the gun and directly hit the big tree in the distance.

The whole uncle was battered, and there were large and small holes all over the cover.


Since the entire tree does not have a complete trunk to support the weight, it then collapses.

This improvement minimized the sound. Even if it is not equipped with a silencer, the sound of its shooting cannot be heard within 300 meters.

Mo Yu also set it to the state of automatic absorption, once the gun has no energy, it will automatically absorb, and the absorption time is only about 30 minutes.

Take a break for three to 10 minutes and fight continuously for five or six hours. What are you waiting for?You deserve something like this. (Accidentally placed an advertisement)
"Xiaoyu, this weapon can be mass-produced. If each of our soldiers has one, we don't have to be afraid of those alien bastards."

After testing the new weapon, Captain Peng spoke to Mo Yu with an excited expression on his face.

"Of course Commander Peng, you ask the soldiers to put their guns in my room first, and you will assign them to them after I finish them."

Mo Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Commander Peng nodded, turned around and began to greet the soldiers to send their weapons to Mo Yu's room.

As long as the troops are equipped with this kind of weapon, they don't have to worry about being harassed by those guys from the God Gang every day, and they don't have to be afraid of the attacks of gluttons.

The weapon made by Mo Yu can easily break through their defenses and kill them instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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