Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 83: The Gang of Extinguishing Gods!

Chapter 83: The Gang of Extinguishing Gods!

'Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.'

The tanks of the God Gang began to attack the jungle, hills, and woodland in front of them, regardless of whether there were people hiding there.

Those non-humans flying in the air also swooped over.

Seeing this, Mo Yu immediately turned into a blue light and rushed out.

"Hit me hard."

Captain Peng saw that Mo Yu had already started to act, and immediately ordered to open fire.

When the flying non-humans saw the flames fired by the human soldiers, they also rushed towards the flames.

A blue light flashed past their bodies, and those non-human corpses separated and fell from the sky one after another.

In less than a minute, all non-humans flying in the sky disappeared.

Gao En, the leader of God's Gang, who was sitting in a truck in the distance, looked at the fallen members with astonishment.

He had no idea that there were such powerful people in Sisha.

But for the sake of his own face, he didn't order to retreat, and sent out their sharpshooter, that is, non-humans who could shoot energy balls.

"Sharpshooters, get rid of them for me."

Gao Eun yelled and pointed in the direction where Sisha soldiers fired.

Those non-humans sitting on the tank stood up one by one, raised their hands, and pointed the muzzles in their hands.

There was a flash of light from the muzzle, and a burst of energy was fired, and this burst of energy just hit Captain Peng's side.

Commander Peng was stunned by the shock wave generated by the energy explosion.


Commander Peng's guard just saw it, shouted worriedly, and immediately ran over, put his hand on Commander Peng's nose to sniff, found that he was still alive, and immediately carried Commander Peng on his back and ran to the treatment point.

Seeing another non-human action, Mo Yu immediately stopped in the sky.

The members of the God Gang stopped shooting strangely, and looked up at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu was wearing a dark blue black armor with golden blue wings. For those members who lived under the bewitchment of the leader of the God Clan, it was like a bolt from the blue.

With a jerk of his wrist, he took out the holy blade, held the sword in front of his face, and then shot out of his body, cutting off a sharpshooter non-human in the middle with one blow.

And Mo Yu quickly rushed to the next target, and with a turn, he chopped off the head of a non-human being.

The entire battlefield is like Mo Yu's trial ground, and those non-human beings are his trial objects.

One after another, the non-human marksmen were killed by Mo Yu under the tank.

Gao En started to panic, he had no idea that there were people from Xiongbing Company in Sisha.

"All members retreat."

At Gao En's order, all members of God's Gang began to flee.

Mo Yu would not let those non-human beings run away, but he chased after them with his sword in hand.

Constantly harvesting those non-human beings who are neither human nor ghost.

'Boom. Boom.'

Several explosions occurred in the retreating troops of the God Gang.

Mo Yu heard the sound of tanks firing in the distance, so he turned his head to look.

I saw more than a dozen tanks driving out from the hillside in the distance, and the target of those tanks was the escaped God Gang.

Mo Yu didn't look at it too much, there would be plenty of time after the solution was over.

When he was harvesting those non-human lives, he suddenly saw a red-skinned man sitting on a truck, with bony spurs protruding all over his body, and two sharp horns on his head. He looked like a boss.

He decisively gave up those low-level non-human beings and turned to Gorn in the truck.

Gao En felt a chill in the back of his head in bewilderment, and immediately turned his head to watch.


Mo Yu was sitting leisurely on the back seat of the truck, resting his sword on Gao En's neck.

"Not surprised, not surprised."

But realizing that the leader of the God Clan might be a foreigner, Mo Yu went on to say:

"Surprise. Mother fuck.!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Gao En's reaction, the sword light flashed, and Gao En quickly chilled his neck, and looked down, his head was no longer on his neck.

Mo Yu still knows what is meant by 'the villain dies because of talking too much'. Although he is decent, he must act decisively, otherwise who knows if someone will come out to save him.

Soon, the war came to an end.

It ended with the victory of Sisha, and there were also troops from the Binnan area to support Sisha.

 I have something to do today, so it's a bit short, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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