Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 84 Arrives in Zhengzhou.rescue angel

Chapter 84 Arrives in Zhengzhou.rescue angel

one morning.

Standing on the last tank of the far away tank company, Mo Yu looked at the Sisha soldiers who were saluting to him, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

I am finally going to support Beizhixing, and I don't know what kind of crisis will appear there.

But this is not the reason to trap Mo Yu, as long as you take it seriously, there is nothing difficult.

"This is Zhengzhou, Henan. I am Mo Yu, the deputy captain of the Xiongbing Company of the Super Seminary. He is not a god.

He will not look at the lives of ordinary people with the eyes of God,
Once upon a time, he was also an ordinary person, an ordinary person with dreams, he insisted on his own heart, the heart of an ordinary person,

He was an ordinary person in the past, he is also now, and he will be in the future! "

Before I knew it, I had already arrived in Zhengzhou, 693.1 kilometers away from the capital, the North Star, and the road is still very long.

"Xiaoyu, according to the current speed, we can reach the capital in less than three days."

Wu Yi lifted the lid from the top of the tank and looked at Mo Yu and said.

"Well, nothing happened on the road these days, and it's pretty safe."

Mo Yu smiled and said to Wu Yi.

"That is, since using the new weapon, my hands have been itchy. A hero is useless."

Wu Yi sighed helplessly. Ever since he used the new weapon Mo Yu gave him, he really wanted to show off his skills, but it was often not what he thought.

As soon as those aliens came, they immediately ran away after seeing Mo Yu.

When escaping, how coquettish and coquettish the position should be. The shells fired by the tank have not hit a single shot. Mo Yu has no choice but to let them escape, so he can only solve it by himself.

"Isn't this great? If there are fewer aliens calling, everyone won't have to worry about it every day."

Mo Yu felt that Wu Yi's thinking was a bit extreme, wouldn't it be good to have less war, why would he think about fighting and killing all day long.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mo Yu's dream is world nuclear peace.

"That's right, look at my brain, it's the same reason!"

Wu Yi patted his head and said with an embarrassed smile.

Mo Yu looked at Wu Yi with a smile, and then turned his gaze to Luoyang in the distance. Although the distance was too far, Mo Yu still saw it.


Mo Yu suddenly felt the movement of energy fluctuations. Although the distance was a bit far, 21 kilometers away, Mo Yu felt that he had to figure out what was going on.

"Company Commander Wu, I just felt traces of energy fluctuations. There must be someone fighting twenty kilometers away. Maybe they are my team members. I have to go and see first!"

Mo Yu made a decisive decision to go over and have a look, and immediately talked to Wu Yi.

"En! We just have to rest in Zhengzhou for a whole day, Xiaoyu, you can go, but be careful!"

Wu Yi was afraid that something else would happen to Mo Yu on the road, so he warned Mo Yu.

"it is good!"

After Mo Yu simply agreed, he immediately spread his wings and flew towards the direction with energy fluctuations.

"As long as she is killed, Queen Morgana will be very happy, and she will reward us greatly."

A primitive demon 1 looked at the female angel in front of him with his scarlet eyes, and his tone was full of greed.

"Yes, let's get her done quickly, and then go back to claim credit."

The other demon 2 also agrees with 1, but he is afraid of causing trouble, causing the angel to fail to kill, and instead get himself involved, so he urged.

"Makes sense!"

After speaking, Shuangshuang raised her left hand, and two blue energy balls slowly appeared in their palms.

After condensing, he immediately aimed at the female angel.

"I didn't expect that I would fall into the hands of you rubbish today. If other sisters know about it, they will definitely laugh at me." The female angel looked at the energy bullets that had already been shot at her, full of There was no panic on the blood-stained face, and the hand holding the flame sword was slowly released, with a slight smile on his face, "Hehehe, but it is indeed a joke."

The angel smiled as he faced the threats coming at him, and was already preparing to upload bits and pieces of his life.

Every angel will upload all the past in his life to the database of the city of angels after his fall.

There are the most glorious moments in their lives, and there are also their bleakest scenes. No matter what, they are worthy of respect.

brush brush---

The sound of a weapon cutting through the sky resounded immediately.

A flash of white light came to the angel's side in an instant, blocking the blow for her.

The female angel watched everything that happened in disbelief. When the Holy Kaisa fell, the entire angel server lost its support, and she also fell powerlessly into the field.

Many days had passed when she woke up again, and she was going to the North Star to meet Angel Leng.

But unexpectedly, he was attacked by more than 40 primitive demons on the way.

Originally injured, coupled with the lack of energy, she has no hope of defeating those low-level demons.

But out of her obsession with justice, she resolutely started fighting the demons.

Unexpectedly, the demons went to the wheel tactics, and in the end there were only two demons left, and the energy in her body was successfully exhausted, and she became the meat of the two demons.

Originally, she was ready to fight and die for justice, but now someone appeared to prevent her from fighting for justice, but gave her the life to continue fighting for justice.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay to catch up."

A voice sounded from the forest on the right, and the flying white light rushed towards the forest quickly.

The sound was getting closer and closer, and the two demons and a female angel finally saw the appearance of the person coming.

With silver hair and dark blue dark alloy armor, he made a two-handed gesture with one hand.

The white light was waving in his hand, dancing along with it, looking extremely sharp.

"It seems that I have ruined your good deeds."

Mo Yu glanced at the shocked female angel, then at the two demons in the sky, his tone was extremely sarcastic, but his face was embarrassing.

"Who is he?"

Demon 1 looked at Demon 2 and asked.

"I don't know! Let's withdraw quickly."

Demon 2 shook his head, looking at this strange black-armored warrior who suddenly appeared, his instinct told him that this man was very dangerous and they couldn't beat him.

"Then let that female angel go like this?"

Devil 1 felt unwilling, and felt that the flesh in his mouth was flying.

"Then are you sure you have beaten that black-armored warrior?"

Devil 2 heard 1's reluctance, but there was nothing he could do about it, strength was the best proof.

"No. Let's withdraw."

Devil 1 took a deep look at Mo Yu and the female angel on the ground. He still knew the strength of the two of them, so he decisively chose to retreat.

"Oh, I was ignored by others, I should teach you a lesson."

Mo Yu said in a leisurely tone.

Then his left hand suddenly moved towards the two demons.


White light protruded, and the sound of the blade cutting through the air sounded.

It passed through the bodies of those two demons almost instantly, without even giving them time to react.


The two demons made a dumbfounded sound at the same time.


Their bodies suddenly split in two, and four pieces of minced meat fell from the sky.

"Sorry, it seems to be a little heavy handed, but I don't have anything important."

Looking at the minced meat on the ground, Mo Yu said in a funny voice.

Then he showed a disdainful smile, turned around and walked to the female angel, and slowly squatted down to look at her.

"Thank you, my name is Yunyi."

Angel Yun also blushed when Mo Yu looked at her, and thanked Mo Yu in a small voice.

"My name is Mo Yu, the deputy team of the Xiongbing Company."

(End of this chapter)

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