Hades is a girl

Chapter 195 Misty Town

Chapter 195 Misty Town ([-])

Ling Ye opened his eyes and found himself in a very strange environment. His head was still buzzing and he was confused. His original memory was sealed, but because of the fate of Hades, the seal gradually loosened. , there are still some signs showing, and there is still a lack of an external breakthrough to find your own.

When Ling Ye saw the people around him clearly, he couldn't help being startled, because everyone around him was full of a strange feeling, an unreal feeling, his face was pale and dead .

But at the next moment, a very simple man with a straw hat walked up to him and said, "Wang Di, I really admire you. You can still fall asleep like this. I'm so scared!"

Wang Di?He called me Wang Di?

Ling Ye's mind was in a trance for a while, I'm Wang Di?

Subconsciously, Ling Ye reached out to touch his face, the touch on his face was very strange, but when he raised his head in confusion, and when he saw the appearance of these people in front of him, his face suddenly became frightened, because the simple and honest man in front of him The person wearing the straw hat was vomiting blood, and then the corners of their eyes began to burst. They were obviously smiling, but their eyes were piercing.

What's even more bizarre is that his body began to crack, and the internal organs in his stomach were clearly visible.

"Ah" Ling Ye let out a terrified roar instinctively, and suddenly someone hugged him, and asked kindly: "Di'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Mom, I..." Ling Ye got stuck as soon as he spoke.

Mom, whose mother is he calling?
After Ling Ye was confused for a while, he subconsciously turned his head and continued to look, and saw a face that made him feel very familiar and familiar. Ling Ye's originally confused and flustered heart suddenly became much calmer.

Really, why doesn't he even know his own mother?

"Wang Di, what are you yelling about? There seems to be a monster appearing in the town. It seems that someone's family saw the existence of that ghost near our village?"

Ling Ye followed the voice, and found that the horrible scene he saw just now was gone. The person squatting in front of me and talking to me was my familiar buddy Liu Dashu!
Ling Ye looked at this familiar but inconsistent environment, and his head was aching again. He... he always felt that he had forgotten something?And it's still very important, the most important thing is that he suddenly can't remember it.

However, Ling Ye's confusion was only fleeting before this foreign memory took over his entire mind.

Yes, I am Wang Di!Some time ago, the whole village was shrouded in a mist. This mist was very strange, and the plants were crazily spawned. Many villagers tried to leave here to visit the town, and found that even the town had become like this. The most important thing is to communicate with The outside world has lost communication.

On the first day, the fog was shrouded, and people found that they could not get out of the edge of the fog, as if there was an invisible barrier, and they would still come back, even if they walked straight all the time; the second day, the plants crazily spawned; For three days, all energy sources such as electricity were out of function, and people fell into panic; on the fourth day, many living livestock and pets disappeared; on the fifth day, all creatures except humans seemed to be extinct, not even in the river There was a fish; on the sixth day, a huge monster appeared in the town, this monster crazily slaughtered human beings, and now it is the seventh day!
By the way, there are such legends in the folk that it seems that people will lose their souls when they are frightened or stressed, and this must be the case with him.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye pretended to be bold and patted Liu Dashu on the shoulder and said: "If you can't fight, you have to fight, how many survive, we are in a village, even if you die, you will still be a good man 30 years later! "

Liu Dashu said with a sad face: "Hey, now I can't say I'm afraid of death, I'm just afraid of this kind of feeling, Wang Di, let me tell you, that monster is really scary, my cousin once told me that he would rather It’s better to commit suicide than to fight a monster, my cousin is so courageous, I don’t want to see that monster, it’s really scary like that!”

"For your wife and son, and for the folks in our village, we men have to go, otherwise we can't hide at all!" Ling Ye said in a deep voice, he seems to have fully accepted his identity as 'Wang Di' at this moment up.

"Wang Di has been the best of you since he was a child! How about a cigarette?" Liu Dashu handed over a cigarette, with a look of seeing through life and death, "Actually, I also want to understand, isn't it just death? Death with the folks Together, it's worth it!

Ling Ye smiled, took the cigarette, and took a puff of it sullenly, his movements were a little jerky, but Ling Ye didn't think much about it, but after just taking this puff, Ling Ye couldn't smoke anymore, Because the smoke has no smell, but has a rotten smell.

But out of politeness, Ling Ye forcibly resisted the urge to throw it away.

Ling Ye returned to her 'home', and soon her mother brought her a bowl of fried rice with eggs.
"Jun'er, eat something." His mother urged with concern.

I'm going to face that monster soon, and I really have to fill my stomach.

After receiving the food handed by her mother, Ling Ye took a mouthful vigorously, but after just one mouthful, Ling Ye spat it out with a 'wow' sound.

The taste of fried rice with eggs is disgusting, rotten, rotten, with an indescribable fishy smell, which is more uncomfortable than the cigarette just now.

Seeing her appearance, my mother asked worriedly: "Di'er, what's wrong with you? It's not to your liking? It's still uncomfortable, if it's not, then forget it."

Ling Ye didn't want his mother to worry, so he just shook his head. Ling Ye didn't know what was wrong with him, why he didn't feel right about what he ate today, he remembered that his mother's cooking wasn't that bad.

But what does the food they cook taste like?He found that he couldn't remember something, and the feeling of forgetting something became stronger and stronger.

Seeing Ling Ye like this, her mother patted him on the back and comforted him: "Di'er is fine, and Mom has seen it off. At worst, we all die together, which is better than waiting to die. It's just that you are too young, and you have suffered a lot." ..."

Ling Ye was also very sad when he heard him say this, and couldn't help but hugged her mother tightly and said: "Don't be afraid, so many men are here, so you may not be afraid of that monster, we still have shotguns!"

"Di'er, if our family can escape this catastrophe, we will move away, to a big city with a lot of people, even if it is renting a house, at least there is no need to worry about it!" My father smoked beside him. He said to Ling Ye.

This was obviously a very touching scene, but Ling Ye felt that it was filled with a strong sense of disobedience, but he couldn't tell where the disharmony was.

(End of this chapter)

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