Hades is a girl

Chapter 196 Misty Town

Chapter 196 Misty Town ([-])

At this moment, a voice shouted: "It's twelve o'clock at noon, everyone is ready."

Ling Ye immediately stood up when he heard that, he remembered the rules, the men should stand on the outside, the children should be in the middle, the elderly should be protecting the children, the women should be on the outside, and the men should be on the outside, this is an agreement good plan.

Ling Ye was holding a hoe in his hand, and he was also standing on the outermost edge. Standing next to me was Dashu Liu. Although there was fog, Ling Ye could feel that he was trembling, as if to give himself courage, Dashu Liu pulled him Ling Ye asked: "Wang Di, are you afraid?"

Ling Ye didn't answer, because he himself had an inexplicable illusion, as if everyone here was led by an invisible thread behind him, and their positions were all set in advance, just like It's like an NPC in the game.

"Ling Ye, wake up, wake up!" At this moment, urgent calls echoed in Ling Ye's ears.

That voice is so kind, who is it?It's Lan Shuo's voice... No, who is Lan Shuo?

However, before Ling Ye could continue to think about it, a sudden gust of wind blew in, making the mist around them thicker, as if it was about to condense into water, and at the same time, everyone here fluttered their skirts, silent, deathly silent , as if there were only footsteps left in the world.

With the sudden change in the environment, Ling Ye's heart seemed to be in his throat, and he stretched out his hand tremblingly to touch his heart, but the next moment Ling Ye's eyes widened in fear, and he... had no heartbeat!
Why do I have no heartbeat? As long as I am a human being, shouldn't I have a heartbeat?I am already dead?So what am I now?
Suddenly Ling Ye's head began to hurt sharply, and something was about to come out, and the previous calling sounded in his mind again.

'Bang' suddenly there was a loud noise, and a big hole was smashed into the concrete road in front!
In the center of the big hole, a three-meter-tall demon appeared. The reason why he was called a demon was that he was similar to the image described in the legend, with thick black hair growing all over his body, and a scarf on his head. On the pair of feet, on the back is a pair of bat-like wings, the most important thing is the pair of eyes, these eyes are cold and ruthless, like the eyes of the dead full of boundless death.

And that kind of coldness makes people tremble from the bottom of their hearts!
This face scared everyone present.

"Humble ants..." He spoke. The voice seemed to come from ancient times. They had never heard of what he said, but they understood the meaning of this sentence.

"The devil, the devil from ancient times!" Someone shouted, and the villagers here were about to collapse from fright.
The devil's hand that had been behind his back suddenly stretched out, and flung out a dead head. It was the head of the village chief!

This fear seemed to have been staged to the extreme. Among the men who were still standing, one of them frantically raised the hatchet in his hand and shouted: "I will fight you desperately."

It was as if his roar was a kindling that ignited the emotions of the villagers, and everyone became crazy. In just a moment, everyone shouted: "Fight."

"Kill this devil!"

A few men have already rushed up, and the banter in the devil's eyes is getting stronger and stronger. I don't know if it's Ling Ye's illusion. He always feels that the old village chief's gaze is clearly on me, and his eyes are full of anger. Sarcasm and a trace of unspeakable doubt.

Just when Ling Ye was puzzled, Liu Dashu next to him was so frightened that he couldn't control his urination just now, but now he also rushed up. Perhaps at this time, people believed more firmly that there was no way out except desperately.

Ling Ye also raised his hoe, but he didn't charge forward, instead he was a little confused, did he want to go all out?

Logically speaking, I have to work hard, but my body instinct is organizing me, it seems that as long as I do it, something uncomfortable will happen.

At this moment, the first scream sounded, it was so heart-piercing, and it spread far, far away in this dense fog...

Ling Ye saw that the first man who rushed up had been caught by the old village chief, and he crushed his head with one hand, red and yellow things splashed, and this was only the first one, the other one was pierced in the stomach by the devil, After Ling Ye clearly understood the hand that was pulled out from the devil inside, he saw that the heart was intact in the bloody hole, and it beat a few times. How much pain did he have to endure?

People were scared again. The few people who had rushed forward slowly retreated, and the whole crowd was retreating.

"Wow..." The children began to cry bitterly, calling their parents.

Some people also started to giggle, because they were so frightened that they went crazy.

But the devil seems to regard this group of people as playthings, and is not in a hurry to kill people. As the people retreat, he just presses on step by step, approaching the crowd step by step. This kind of psychological pressure is simply a kind of inhuman torture... …

"Mom, where are you, mom..." Some children also started calling mom.

Mom, this word carries the greatest love in the world, and finally the women broke out. One woman picked up an iron rod and squeezed out of the crowd tremblingly. She suddenly shouted madly: "I will die when I die. As long as my son lives."

She rushed up and smashed the iron bar at the devil like crazy. Perhaps it was the bloodiness of this woman that stimulated everyone, and they rushed up again, although at the next moment, the woman who rushed out had her head smashed by the devil. Unscrewed ruthlessly...

However, this was just an unbalanced killing after all.

This place has become a hell on earth. Ling Ye saw blood splatters, broken internal organs, and even flesh and blood flying everywhere. In an instant, the strong smell of blood permeated the place. There is nothing more terrifying and sad than this scene. something happened.

Originally, Ling Ye was still a little hesitant and confused, but now he couldn't bear the excitement any longer, and he raised his hoe and charged forward.

"Once you make a move, karma will be entangled, and it will be difficult to get out!" And just when Ling Ye's blood was boiling, a thunderous voice sounded in his mind.

All the scenery in front of me began to blur, and the scene of hell on earth seemed to be stopped abruptly, as if the pause button had been pressed.

And in front of Ling Ye suddenly appeared a petite girl in a black palace dress, holding her jade feet and walking towards him step by step as if strolling in a garden, such a bloody expression coupled with the girl's fairy-like face Appearance, forming a strong contrast.

Ling Ye's head began to ache sharply. The girl in front of him looked familiar but unfamiliar. There seemed to be a sound of something breaking in his mind, and a stream of memories swept across Ling Ye's body like a spring.

"Go back! Get rid of this demon by the way, I didn't expect that there are orphans in this race of demons..." The girl said, and at the same time, she had already walked in front of Ling Ye, and lightly tapped Ling Ye's forehead with her green jade finger. It made Ling Ye's vision blur again.

(End of this chapter)

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