One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 25 28. Eat the Bubble Fruit

Chapter 25 28. Eat the Bubble Fruit
28. Eat the Bubble Fruit
The sound of gunfire not only injured Nami and fell to the ground, but also alarmed the nearby crowd.

When a group of marines surrounded the captain and left, a figure ran over not far away.

That was Nuo Qigao, Nami's older sister, both of whom were adopted by Bermer.

Nami was about to go to her home. Although the navy arrived first, it was indeed not far from Nami's home - the Orange Garden.

No, Nuo Qigao ran over when he heard the gunshot.

Running past the navy, Nuo Qigao saw the package in the captain's hand, but she didn't know why they were smiling so happily.

With an ominous premonition in his heart, Nuo Qigao ignored the navy and ran forward quickly.

When the navy saw Nuo Qigao passing by, they didn't pay any attention to it. All they thought about now was the treasure.

Finally, Nuo Qigao saw Nami lying on the ground.

"Nami..." Nuo Qigao screamed and stepped forward to help Nami up.

"Caibao... Caibao..." Nami's eyes were out of focus, and she just kept calling Caibao.

But Nuo Qigao didn't figure it out for a while, just saw the gunshot wound on Nami's shoulder, so he shook Nami's shoulder and asked what was going on.

"What's going on here?" Nuo Qigao asked, pointing at Nami's wound.

And Nami was also relieved, and burst into tears: "They...they stole my money... ahhhhhh"

Ah, Nuo Qigao's scalp was numb, and now she knew why those marines were so happy to hold a package. It turned out that it was Nami's hard-earned treasure.

"Nami..." Nuo Qigao didn't know how to comfort Nami, so he could only hold Nami tightly with both hands.

It can be seen from Nuo Qigao's face that Nuo Qigao is about to be out of anger at this time.But Nuo Qigao also knew the difference in strength, did not speak, hugged Nami tightly, and shed tears behind Nami's invisible back.

After a few minutes of delay, Nuo Qigao calmed down and began to help Nami treat the wound.

After simply helping Nami to bandage, Nuo Qigao is going to take Nami to Dr. Nagao to treat the wound.

Nuo Qigao helped Nami who was still crying bitterly to get up, but just like that, a wooden box fell from Nami's arms.


The wooden box hit the ground so that the wooden box was completely opened, and the fruit full of spiral patterns inside also fell out.

Nami, who was still in grief, was also attracted by this accident.Suddenly, a picture appeared in Nami's mind.

A man with three scars on his shoulder said to himself with a smile on his face: "Remember, eat the contents when you need strength!"

"By the way, Devil Fruit..." Nami looked like she was going crazy, she didn't care to wipe away her tears, and threw herself on the Devil Fruit on the ground.

Holding the devil fruit in both hands in a panic, Nami has no extra thoughts, she just wants to eat this fruit at this moment.

And Nuo Qigao, who watched Nami's series of actions, saw the fruit falling out, and his first thought was, what exactly is it.

But soon Nami was frantically holding the fruit and was about to eat it.

Subconsciously, Nuo Qigao wanted to stop it, but Nami acted faster. After Nuo Qigao pulled Nami back, the fruit went into Nami's mouth. In the end, Nuo Qigao still failed to stop Nami beautiful.

At this time, Nuo Qigao already knew what a fruit was.

……Devil Fruit……

In Nuo Qigao's mind, he hated such a fruit, but at this time, Nuo Qigao was glad that he could not stop Nami and let Nami eat this fruit.

But now Nami is not feeling well, the taste of the devil fruit is not flattering, it is too unpalatable.

But the anger and resentment in her heart made Nami not to spit it out, and took a bite.

Immediately, Nami felt as if a power in her body was awakening.

getting stronger...


Suddenly Nuo Qigao slipped Nami's hand.

It turned out that Nami's arm was full of bubbles, and it was the bubbles that made Nuo Qigao unable to hold on to Nami.

But now Nami doesn't have so many feelings, she now finds that there is an inexplicable extra memory in her mind.

That is about the skill of using Bubble Fruit...

bubble defense
Wrap yourself in bubbles to achieve the purpose of defense.

golden bubble

The touched object or person becomes extremely smooth, loses its edges and corners, and turns into a doll, making it unable to stand, and its attack is halved.Can be broken with water.

Foam Master·Soap Sheep

Wrap yourself in bubbles and take the shape of a sheep.

Sheep Cloud Relaxing Bubble

Releases bubbles that can wash away power, which can be blown away when attached to the target.

Yangyun Dajinbo

Releases a wave-like relaxation bubble, which can only be activated when in the state of a soap sheep, and its weakness is that it cannot move.


(End of this chapter)

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