One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 26 29.2 Female Conversation

Chapter 26 29. Two Women Talking
29. Two women talking
time flies……

Nami is undergoing a powerful transformation, and Nuo Qigao beside Nami has not been idle, constantly watching Nami's changes carefully, and is also worried about Nami.

"Hmm..." Nami groaned, waking up from the metamorphosis.

Nami slowly opened her eyes, but what caught her eyes was Nuo Qigao's worried face.Looking at Nuo Qigao who looked at her worriedly, Nami smiled at him.

"Nuo Qigao... I'm fine. I feel full of strength now." As she spoke, Nami still didn't forget to hit Nuo Qigao with a bubble.

"What I want to do now is to take back my treasure." Nami gritted her teeth and said viciously.

But Nuo Qigao is not feeling well now.

"Nami... you first... get rid of this... on me." Nuo Qigao said weakly.

There is no way, a relaxation bubble, Nuo Qigao felt that the strength of the whole body was gone, and he stumbled even when he said this sentence.

"Ah... Ah, Nuo Qigao, I'm sorry." Nami said mischievously, showing a bright smile.

Seeing this, Nuo Qigao was very happy.

Nami has been working for the Dragon Pirates since she was very young. Since then, Nuo Qigao has rarely seen Nami's smile, let alone such a bright smile now.

With a wave of Nami's hand, the bubbles on Nuo Qigao disappeared.

"It's much better..." Nuo Qigao stretched his waist.

"Nami, what kind of power is this, so powerful." Nuo Qigao obviously still cares about Nami's situation.

A mysterious and proud expression appeared on Nami's face, and she said happily: "This devil fruit is a bubble fruit, and the one that was used on you just now is the relaxation bubble. This kind of bubble can make the enemy General weakness, very strong.

Not only that, I can also use bubble defense, which can block the enemy's attack..."

Nami was very happy and introduced her fruit ability to Nuo Qigao in detail.

Nuo Qigao had never been in contact with these things, and he was very interested in them for a while, and was fascinated by them.

What Nuo Qigao didn't know was that his heart had begun to change.

Become eager for power, eager to be strong, and want to have your own power.

But obviously, all this is too far away.

Nuo Qigao is not stupid, she knew that Nami could not get a devil fruit with her own strength, so she had the following conversation.

"Nami, where did you get this devil fruit?" Nuo Qigao suddenly asked heavily.

Nami also had a meal, and the man who was always confident appeared in her mind again.

It was the man who said the fruit would give him strength.

Involuntarily, Nami fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Nuo Qigao was also very curious, but she didn't speak again, just quietly watching Nami's pensive state.

Some pictures kept flashing in her mind, but Nami didn't notice the outside situation.

...But in the end Nami calmed down and said calmly: "It was given to me by a person."

"A strange man gave it to me." Nami said with a strange expression suddenly.

"I stole his treasure, he could have caught me, but not only did he not, he also gave me this devil fruit."

"Ah..." Nuo Qigao exclaimed in surprise, but he couldn't understand it.

After saying this, Nami didn't say anything more, because Nami didn't know how to define that man.

But Nami could feel that the man was powerful and had no malice towards her.

That's it, that's it, that's enough.

Nami knew that that man was trustworthy.

It doesn't matter how long we've known each other, it's a feeling, a cognition, and it's rarely wrong.

After saying this, Nami seemed to think of something again, and said with a fierce expression: "I seem to have one more thing to do, a very...important...thing."

"Ah..." Nuo Qigao was surprised by such a transformation of Nami, but he was not surprised.

However, Nuo Qigao glanced at the gunshot wound on Nami's shoulder, and Nuo Qigao still told Nami to heal the wound first.

Nuo Qigao knew that such words were really frustrating, but Nuo Qigao really cared about Nami's body.

"Nuo Qigao..." Nami couldn't help raising her voice, staring at Nuo Qigao.

But Nuo Qigao looked at Nami with a more serious look.

In this way, the two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Nami was defeated.

"Okay..." Such a sentence seemed to take all of Nami's strength.

For some reason, Nami, who was fine at first, suddenly shook a few times and was about to fall down.

"Nami..." Seeing this, Nuo Qigao immediately supported Nami.

 I haven't written for a long time, maybe the writing is not good, everyone forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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