Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 101 Did You Steal Food?

Chapter 101 Did You Steal Food?

While Jiang Hui and Zhu Zhengfeng were sitting next to the server and chatting, the wonderful clips of "Happy Farm" were constantly being performed in various dormitories, some Internet cafes, and some school computer rooms.

Dormitory A.

Lao Lin: "Ah Ning, hurry up and open Happy Farm, you can steal vegetables."

Aning: "What is Happy Farm? Why haven't I heard of it?".

Lao Lin: "Xiaonei sent a group letter to the station, follow the prompt to activate it, it's very fun."

Aning: "Then I'll go and have a look."


Dormitory B.

Xiaoqiang: "Awang, your corn is ripe, hurry up to collect it, it's about to be stolen."

Awang: "Stolen? It will be stolen after planting. Damn, I'll go and collect it."

Xiaoqiang: "This food stealing function is very fun. I have already stolen several stores, and the points are rising very quickly."

Awang: "I'll also go to see who's stuff is ripe, and go steal some."

Xiaoqiang: "I'm going to ask a few more people to register, the more people there are, the more fun it is."

Awang: "Well, I'll call a few more people too."


Dormitory C.

Xiao Du: "Brothers, hurry up and register on Xiaonei, there are good things to recommend."

Xiao Zhao: "I'm not interested in Xiaonei, I didn't seem to be interested in watching you play last time."

Xiao Du: "They released a new game today. It's free and very fun. Hurry up and register for one. I'll teach you how to play it."

Xiao Zhao: "Xiao Du, don't fool me, or I will be in a hurry with you."

Xiao Du: "How dare I, I lied to you as a puppy, and many people are playing with it."


Dormitory D.

Xiaoli: "Xiaoyan, hurry up and steal potatoes from Xiaodan, her potatoes are ripe."

Xiaoyan: "Really? I'll go quickly. Who else's stuff is cooked?".

Xiaodan: "Wow! You guys don't go too far, save some for me."

Xiaoli: "Haha, I've upgraded. I can grow a piece of land again, and I can grow tomatoes."

Xiaodan: "Xiao Li, what secrets do you have? You got promoted so fast?".

Xiaoli: "Points can be exchanged for fertilizers, and crops will mature quickly with fertilizers."

Xiaodan: "Who will send me a bag of fertilizer."


Dormitory E.

Jingle Bell!Jingle Bell!
Xiao Chen: "I rely on midnight, whose mobile phone alarm clock keeps ringing?".

Xiao Zheng: "It's three o'clock so soon? My crops are ripe, I have to go to harvest quickly, or they will be stolen again."

Xiao Chen: "Xiao Zheng, you are bewitched, you got up in the middle of the night to play games?".

Xiao Zheng: "Hey, I can't help it, I'm worried that things will be stolen."

Xiao Chen: "It's not a real thing. If it's stolen, it's stolen. It doesn't matter."

Xiao Zheng: "You don't understand, you should sign up for Xiaonei as soon as possible tomorrow, otherwise you will fall behind."




Li Fang is a senior student at Yunzhou University and is currently working as an intern in an advertising company.A few days ago, since Xiaonei launched Happy Farm, Li Fang has been out of control, and even the schedule of work and rest changes according to the growth law of "crops".

In the past, Li Fang would not get up until after 07:30 every day.Now, she often wakes up before 06:30, turns on the computer, logs on to Xiaonei, visits her friend’s farm, and catches all the ripe fruits.Li Fang said: "Because there are fewer people in the morning, it is easier to steal 'valuable goods'."

Immediately afterwards, Li Fang finished washing in a hurry, didn't even bother to put on makeup, and went straight to the bus stop of No. 517—the reason for rushing early was to arrive at the company earlier, so as to steal food online.Li Fang said: "It doesn't matter if you eat breakfast or not, but you must remember to steal the food."

After arriving at the company, Li Fang naturally did not immediately put "stealing vegetables" aside, and quickly "invaded" other people's farms to conduct a "big raid".Of course, she also does not forget to help a few "roommates" who love to sleep late clean up the farm and increase experience points.During her working hours, she budgeted her spare time carefully, trying to spend more time in and out of the "vegetable garden", "even sometimes I can't feel at ease when I go to work."

In just a few days, Li Fang has already reached the ninth level in "Happy Farm". She also owns a watchdog and tens of thousands of "assets". "It's very fulfilling."

A reporter interviewed Li Fang and asked why he was so keen on stealing food?Li Fang said frankly that she used to have nothing to do when she returned to school after get off work, and her enthusiasm for learning and life was slowly fading. Stealing vegetables not only enriched her life, but also rekindled her passion for life.



Two days ago, Jing Jing, a sophomore in college, opened the Happy Farm on Xiaonei with the encouragement of her friends many times, and began to "plant vegetables".Although this week is the exam week, the first thing Jing Jing does when she wakes up every day is to open the Happy Farm, calculate whether her own fruits should be harvested, and take a few handfuls of vegetables from others by the way.After returning to the dormitory after class, I also miss the vegetable fields very much, for fear that the time will be miscalculated and the vegetables will be stolen.After several days of unremitting efforts, her level has been raised from level 0 to level 5, and there are more than 1 "gold coins" in her purse.




The launch of "Happy Farm" has achieved unprecedented success. More than 80.00% of Xiaonei users are playing the game of stealing vegetables on the farm, and they are very happy to play.

There are also many people outside the school who have begun to pay attention to this game, and advocated on the Internet that Xiaonei should put this game where everyone can play, or open the registration permission of Xiaonei for non-university students.

In fact, if this game is launched a year or so later, it is estimated that it will have a greater influence. After all, the current users of are still limited to colleges and universities. Compared with the number of Internet users in society, the power is still relatively small.And it is more difficult to attract the widespread attention of outsiders. After all, the current media and newspapers are run by social figures, and the attention paid to the student group is relatively weak.

Although the response to the game was very good, and other personnel on were very excited, but these were all within Jiang Hui's expectations, and Jiang Hui didn't think there was any fuss.In later generations, in order to steal food, there have been many cases of roommates quarreling and even divorces. The popularity of the game is much hotter than it is now.

In the past few days, apart from taking a few final exams, Jiang Hui has been busy with "Angry Birds" at other times.This game is simpler than "Happy Farm". Jiang Hui wanted to launch it as soon as the Spring Festival came back, giving everyone a new surprise, and further improving the reputation of Guanghui Games Co., Ltd. in the industry.

Jiang Hui estimated that it wouldn't be long. After these two games became popular, people from other companies should contact them to buy other games or commission the development of games.

But these are all things to come. The most important thing now is to continue to increase the topicality and player numbers of "Happy Farm" and, so that major Internet companies can see the power of this food-stealing game and sell it at a good price.

(End of this chapter)

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