Chapter 102

After the popularity of "Happy Farm", the most nervous must be the penguins, because the social nature of this game is too strong.You must know that just after Penguin launched the Penguin game in August 03, the number of Penguin registrations quickly reached 8 million. Penguin has tried the power of small online games.Now that "Happy Farm" on the Xiaonei website is so popular, if Xiaonei opens the registration of social personnel immediately, the number of people playing penguin games will inevitably decline rapidly, so the most worrying thing is the penguins.

But if you want to say who benefits the most, it is estimated that it must be Xiaonei.In just a few short days, the number of registered students on increased by more than 100 million, almost reaching 500 million.

The increase of registered users of also increases the playability of "Happy Farm" and itself. The two complement each other and can be described as the best partner.

In fact, few people will play such a small game. The key is where and with whom to play this small game.It relies on the Xiaonei network, and the friends in it are all classmates or friends, and everyone plays together.You help me water, I help you kill insects, you steal my radish, I steal your apple, you come and go, it can not only entertain, but also increase the relationship, why not do it.So the rise of this kind of community game actually has a certain inevitable trend.

Why did the combination of "Happy Farm" and penguins in later generations form the trend of stealing food in the whole society?Modern white-collar workers are bored at work and after get off work, and don't know what to do with the computer every day. BBS is outdated, BLOG is too lazy to write, and books have long been tired of reading. This kind of game comes at the right time. The operation is simple and easy to learn, green farms, green vegetables and radishes... It’s really a spare time to let Buddha go back to the countryside. Great way to relax.

The fact that "Happy Farm" became popular after combining with Xiaonei is actually the same reason.After 12 years of studying hard, students have lost interest in class.With so much time every day, if you don’t have boyfriends and girlfriends, you don’t know how to spend it. At this time, "Happy Farm" is here. It is easy to operate, you can interact with friends frequently, find your own sense of existence, and at least announce to the world I'm alive.

The launch of "Happy Farm" proves that it is completely feasible to open third-party plug-ins on the Xiaonei website. The most urgent task is to add a recharge module to the Xiaonei website.It doesn’t need to be so complicated at the beginning, as long as it can have a simple recharge function. After slowly developing, it can form its own recharge platform, and it will become independent after the scale is formed.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to make money for SNS sites like Xiaonei, one is advertising, and the other is value-added services. Brand advertisements on SNS websites have not been well resolved around the world, because the contents of the websites are highly uncertain.For example, when a user sees Motorola's brand advertisement, he may also see other users' posts criticizing Motorola. Such uncertainty makes brand advertisements generally unwilling to use direct advertisements to be placed on SNS websites.

With reference to Penguin's value-added services, Xiaonei can completely find new value-added services, such as upgrading the level through recharging, and the search permissions and privacy modes of users of different levels will be set differently.

Although "ad placement" is a good brand promotion method, it is also the method that many manufacturers like to choose. There are similar cases on other websites.But it is not necessarily the best way to make money.

At present, brand advertisements, value-added services, and plug-in application charges that Jiang Hui plans to try in the future are all good workarounds.

Jiang Hui intends to learn from the model of the later Apple APP, and operate the plug-in application service of into a platform. Each company can put the plug-in on it, and users pay to download and use it. .If managed well, this will be a considerable profit.

With the rapid development of, both inside the team and the outside world, there are voices to open the registration authority to the public, and Jiang Hui has also been entangled in conflicts.However, thinking of the experience of Xiaonei changing to RenRen in later generations, many students, including myself at the time, slowly gave up this website after the Xiao Nei network was revised.

Direction is more important than hard work!Although this is a very simple truth, it is actually quite difficult to find the right direction.The reason why Xiaonei became popular in colleges and universities so quickly is because it is positioned as a social platform for college students.Due to its precise positioning, Xiaonei quickly attracted a large number of college students, which made it famous in one fell swoop.If the target users are blindly expanded, although the total number of registered users is estimated to increase, the attractiveness to students will inevitably decrease.

How to resolve this contradiction?It is best to develop a website application for all social personnel.Jiang Hui thought of Weibo. When Sina Weibo was launched, it immediately achieved very good results.

In fact, the current is somewhat similar to Weibo for college students. You can post your mood, diary, post pictures, share good articles, etc. on it.It's just that all of these are limited to the group of registered users in colleges and universities, and the development will be limited to a certain extent.However, the expansion of the college entrance examination has started for many years, and the number of college students will increase.There will be more than 3000 million students in the future, and this user group is enough to support a large website.Various brands surrounding college students are also very interested in Xiaonei, such as Adidas, Nike, Li Ning, Anta, Yonex and so on.

Jiang Hui felt that it was necessary to quickly recruit people to start the development of Weibo and other games after the year, so that the product launch of Guanghui Games would also have its own platform, and the payment excuse could also be shared with Xiaonei.

Although the current promotion of is relatively successful, it is still necessary to further improve user stickiness.As a college student, second-hand books and other things that are in high demand on the flea market, if they are transplanted to the intramural network for transactions, can drive cross-school market transactions in the same city.It is necessary to launch the flea market module on the school net as soon as possible.

The diary and photo album now only have the comment function, and it is necessary to transplant the like function of Moments in the future to Xiaonei.This can greatly improve the enthusiasm for user interaction. After all, the troublesome degree of clicking a like is different from the troublesome level of writing a comment. If there are more likes, users who post logs and photo albums will have a much higher sense of accomplishment, which will stimulate them. More relevant information will be published.

(End of this chapter)

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