Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 105 The Winter Vacation Is Coming

Chapter 105 The Winter Vacation Is Coming

With the help of Xiang Weiwei, it was confirmed that there was no problem with the contract. Finally, on the evening of the day everyone met, Jiang Hui and Penguin reached a cooperation agreement.

Penguin will start the promotion of "Happy Farm" in two days, officially launch it on the Penguin game platform in five days, and confirm the effect of the launch in 30 days.Because Penguin needs to pay 100 million in the worst case, so the down payment of the contract is set at 100 million.

As for "Happy Landlords", Jiang Hui will complete the game structure and settings in three days, and then Penguin will develop the game according to the structure within a week, and strive to launch it before the Chinese New Year. After all, the Spring Festival holiday is everyone's free time. The most, the most conducive to the promotion of "Happy Landlords".

After finishing these things, the first semester of the freshman year came to an end, and the exams of all subjects were completed, and the winter vacation began the day after tomorrow.

Jiang Hui had already asked everyone about the situation of returning home during the Chinese New Year. After all, if you don't book train tickets in advance, you will definitely have no tickets.Except for He Ling, Lu Yang, and Lin Zhen who were from the imperial capital, it didn't matter if they went home or not, the only other people were Chen Hu who stayed and didn't go home for the New Year.

Fortunately, most of the work I am doing now can be carried out without being in the imperial capital. I don’t have to worry too much about affecting the normal operation of the website after returning home during the Spring Festival. If you use it, if no one is watching at any time, there is a real possibility of trouble.

Before going home, just after the exam, Jiang Hui planned to spend some time with Bai Xue. He really didn't have time to spend with her these few days. She was also busy with the exam review and didn't dare to be distracted.So the two of them haven't seen each other for several days, and just had a phone call before going to bed.

Originally, Jiang Hui planned to invite Manager Gao and Manager Xu to have dinner together, but the two of them rushed back to report, rejected Jiang Hui's banquet, and flew back to Shenzhen City that night.

Leaving Xiang Weiwei alone, she was too embarrassed to ask Jiang Hui to treat him as a joke. After all, Jiang Hui is the boss now. Although he doesn't have the airs of a boss, it is different after all.

Of course, it was useless for Jiang Hui to be so heartless, so he asked Xiang Weiwei and said, "I'm going to have dinner with Bai Xue in a while, didn't you always want to know her before, even though I have met recently, but you two really love her." I didn't get to know each other well, why don't I get to know each other through dinner tonight?"

"Forget it, you've been so busy recently, you probably don't have much time to go out with your girlfriend. It's hard to find an opportunity, and there's a big light bulb like me next to it. How depressing it is, and I feel uncomfortable eating too." Xiang Wei Wei said.

"Okay then, I'll invite everyone to have dinner together when the Spring Festival comes back. Everyone has worked hard recently," Jiang Hui said.

The two walked to the school, Jiang Hui called Bai Xue to ask where she was on the way, and went to find her later.

"Honey, you are finally free to find me, I was just thinking of calling you," said Bai Xue on the other end of the phone.

"I've been too busy recently, why don't I call you as soon as I'm done, where are you now, I'll come and pick you up for dinner," Jiang Hui said.

"I'm in the dormitory, where are you? How long will it take?" Bai Xue said.

"I'm going to the school from the outside now, and it will take about 10 to [-] minutes to reach the downstairs of your dormitory. I will call you when the time comes," Jiang Hui said.

. . . . . .

"He Ling likes you too," Xiang Weiwei said suddenly.

Since the first promotion of Xiaonei, Xiang Weiwei and He Ling have basically been in the same group. In addition, both of them are members of the school's student union, and the relationship has quickly warmed up. Now they are like best friends who have known each other for many years.Xiang Weiwei is also one of He Ling's few good friends at Imperial University of Technology.

"What did you say? Why didn't I know?" Jiang Hui pretended to be confused when he didn't quite understand why Xiang Weiwei suddenly mentioned the fact that He Ling liked her.

"Everyone can see that He Ling is interested in you. Just pretend not to know. I suddenly thought of a sentence: I can wake up a person who is asleep, but I cannot wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep. You're just pretending to be asleep now," Xiang Weiwei said.

"My relationship with Bai Xue is pretty good now," Jiang Hui said.

"I know, I can see it all," Xiang Weiwei said.

"Don't you girls hate men looking at each other and looking at the pot while eating?" Jiang Hui said.

"Emotions are all selfish. When I like someone, no matter what his situation is, I hope that I can get him," Xiang Weiwei said.

"I haven't figured out what to do now, let's talk about it later," Jiang Hui said.

"I'm going home by train tomorrow night, do you have anything else to say?" Xiang Weiwei said.

"It's nothing more, I guess after the Spring Festival comes back, there may be some things on the side of Guanghui Games, we'll talk about that at that time," Jiang Hui said.

The two of them were chatting, and felt that they arrived at the downstairs of Xiang Weiwei's dormitory not long after. After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Xiang Weiwei went upstairs.

Jiang Hui called Bai Xue and told her that he would be downstairs in her dormitory in two or three minutes.

Bai Xue didn't wear a down jacket today, but a fiery red coat, blue jeans, and a pair of high-heeled boots. This person looked enthusiastic and youthful.

"Hey, the bride is here, when will we enter the bridal chamber?" Jiang Hui said with a teaser.

Bai Xue ignored Jiang Hui's words, trotted over and hugged Jiang Hui's neck, bent her legs, and hung her whole body on Jiang Hui's body.

Jiang Hui stretched out his hands to hug Bai Xue's slender waist, twirled around twice, and then gave another deep kiss before letting go of Bai Xue.

"Baby, do you miss me?" Jiang Hui said.

"I think, I think about it every day, but you ignore me," Bai Xue said.

"I was too busy a few days ago. I had a day of negotiations with the Penguin people today. It just ended. Your air ticket is the morning after tomorrow. We still have a day and two nights. I will listen to you. You can go wherever you say." Wherever you go, you can do what you say," Jiang Hui said.

"Really? That's great. Then I'm going to go to the movies, go skating, and go shopping," Bai Xue said.

In winter in the imperial capital, the temperature can reach minus eighty-nine degrees. There is a thick layer of ice on the water surface of various lakes and parks such as Shichahai, which is very suitable for skating. This time of year is a good season for skating.

With Bai Xue in his arms, Jiang Hui walked outside the school, planning to find a place to eat first, and then watch a movie.

Some people on the school road have already started to drag their luggage out, it seems that the winter vacation is really coming.

(End of this chapter)

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