Chapter 104
Penguin originally came here to buy "Happy Farm". The so-called acquisition of the company is just a cover. Of course, if Jiang Hui can promise them to sell the company, Penguin will not refuse. As long as the price is right, buy "Happy Farm" alone There is not much difference between buying Brilliant games as a whole.

"Boss Jiang is unwilling to sell "Happy Farm" as a whole, because he is worried that it will affect the continued use of this game on Xiaonei. We can discuss this, and it is not impossible to allow Xiaonei to continue to use it," said Manager Xu.

"In fact, why does Penguin have to buy out this game? As long as we cooperate with Guanghui Games and launch "Happy Farm" on the Penguin platform. Although Penguin now has [-] million users, the user stickiness is not very high. You don’t have much to do except chatting on it. Although you have recently launched Penguin games, the effect is actually very average. Penguin lacks a few phenomenal games, and what we are best at at Guanghui Games is developing good games.” Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang is very confident in himself. The Brilliance game currently only has "Happy Farm". This cannot prove that the follow-up game must be popular?" Manager Xu said.

"Actually, it can be like this. You have already seen whether "Happy Farm" is popular or not, so you can consider using cash to buy out its use and update rights on the Penguin platform. We can use the combination of sharing and the number of users for subsequent games. We can cooperate by means of cooperation. We can agree that how many users use this game within a certain period of time, how much Penguin will pay, and the game revenue will be distributed according to a certain proportion; Distributing proceeds," Jiang Hui said.

While chatting, Jiang Hui thought of the enduring Happy Landlords on Penguin in later generations. This game is actually not difficult at all, but its ability to attract money and increase user stickiness is very powerful.

"Fighting the Landlord" is a three-player poker game that was first popular in HB. Two peasants join forces to fight against a landlord. Because of its simple rules and strong entertainment, it quickly became popular all over the country. "Happy Landlords" is based on the traditional rules, introduces "Happy Beans" points, and adds a series of new playing methods such as grabbing landlords, clear cards, lame children, etc., and launches a more exciting and varied " "Fight the Landlord" game.It is very suitable for the Penguin platform. Of course, it is not impossible to use it on the campus, but the effect is estimated to be much worse. After all, this game is not so attractive to college students.

"Could Mr. Jiang talk about the situation of this game in detail?" Manager Gao said.

"I'm sorry, but you also know that for a game, the most important thing is creativity. With a good idea, you can find a few programmers in the subsequent development work to make it," Jiang Hui said.

"We don't know the content of the game at all, so how can we talk to you," Manager Xu said.

"Actually, as I just said, we can agree on some preconditions. Only when these preconditions are met will Penguin need to pay. For example, you can propose that the game needs to be used by 5 people before Penguin pays. Now Penguin Games The number of simultaneous online users is only 10,000+, right? If you have no confidence in Brilliant Games, we can agree that whether it is "Happy Farm" or other games, if the number of concurrent online users is less than 15, Brilliant Games will not charge a penny." , Jiang Hui said.

"Seeing Mr. Jiang's full confidence, I am full of curiosity about the follow-up games," said Manager Xu.

"You two are afraid to buy a game that doesn't work well and go back. I understand this. How about this? I have a proposal. After "Happy Farm" is launched on the Penguin platform for one month, if the number of users is less than 50 and it is online at the same time If the number of people is less than 15, then I will follow your original proposal: 100 million buyout, and sell this game to Penguin. If more than 100 million people use it within a month, then Penguin will buy out "Happy Farm" for 200 million. The exclusive right to use and adapt the Penguin platform. If more than 200 million people use it within a month, then Penguin will spend 500 million in cash and [-]% of the game’s revenue to Brilliant Games. After that, the number of users will double Double the price, double the price,” Jiang Hui said.

Manager Gao and Manager Xu looked at each other, but they really didn't expect Jiang Hui to be so confident in his game.You must know that the total number of users of the current Penguin game is less than 100 million, and the highest number of online users is 10,000+.If this is really done according to Jiang Hui's rules, the number of people in the Penguin game will at least double to make a good profit for the Brilliant game.

Jiang Hui's proposal is actually not an unacceptable request for the current Penguin, and it can even be said to be a very attractive proposal. After all, if it is really because of a game, the Penguin game platform will be launched , this benefit is not simply a few million, or even tens of millions can be measured.

"Mr. Jiang, we have no way of judging your statement. We need to call and communicate with the headquarters to reply. I want to confirm again. Is the other new game Mr. Jiang planning to cooperate with Penguin according to this at that time?", Manager Xu Said.

"Yes, the two games can use exactly the same cooperative mode," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, please wait for a while, we need to make a phone call," Manager Xu said.

After speaking, Manager Gao and Manager Xu left their seats and left the cafe.

Jiang Hui was actually not worried about whether Penguin would agree to his proposal, at most there would be some changes in the details.After all, it is completely impossible for Penguin to achieve the data of his own proposal within a month.We must know that Penguin has spent a lot of manpower and material resources in order to promote Penguin games, but it still does not have millions of users, let alone several million users. The boss would wake up laughing from his dream.

Not long after, Manager Gao and Manager Xu returned to their seats.

"Mr. Jiang, Penguin agrees to your proposal in principle, but we have some additional opinions. For example, the game's share ratio cannot exceed 30.00%, and this ratio can only be achieved in the first year, and it will decrease every year thereafter. 5.00%, until the remaining 5.00%, and..." Manager Xu said all the supplementary opinions of Penguin Company.

This result is completely acceptable to Jiang Hui. If others don't know how good "Happy Farm" and "Happy Landlord" are, how can he not know?Regardless of dividends, Penguin will have to pay at least 1000 million, or even 2000 million for these two games. If the publicity is good, 4000 million is not impossible.

"I can agree to all these requirements, but Penguin needs to promote these two games according to the publicity plan I made. Don't hide them for a month after they go online, then I will lose a lot," Jiang Hui said.

"Don't worry about that, Penguin won't do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit itself," Manager Xu said.



(End of this chapter)

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