Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 111 Surpassing Penguin Expectations

Chapter 111 Surpassing Penguin Expectations
Jiang Hui is busy with various things, and the penguin's friends don't need to be idle.

A few days ago, Penguin's official website began to appear "Happy Farm" soft articles, introducing the popular scenes of this game on Xiaonei, and at the same time introducing the development background of this game.The Penguin game platform also put the interface of "Happy Farm" in advance, but before it goes online, the words "Coming soon, please wait" will pop up when you click on the link.

At present, several major websites are very concerned about each other's movements. When Penguin began to report to Xiaonei and "Happy Farm", they also followed up and analyzed Xiaonei and "Happy Farm" from different angles. People in the news are itching to try this game right away.

Although Jiang Hui signed the contract with Penguin, he paid different fees and sharing ratios according to the number of users in a month. Although Penguin also attaches great importance to this game, it does not think that the number of users can reach the level Jiang Hui imagined. exaggerate.

After full publicity and preparation, on January 1, Penguin finally launched "Happy Farm" officially.All users who are using the Penguin communication software have received official recommendation messages from Penguin.Penguin's official website also pinned this news to the top.

Choose the online time. This time is not the most online number, but there are also many, and slowly at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, there will be a peak period for the number of Penguin online people.

People on the Penguin Game platform are all paying attention to the launch of "Happy Farm". Boss Ma also came to the office of the Penguin Game Business Department to watch the launch of the game in person, and then listened to a report from the Penguin Game in the conference room. I want to see how Penguin develops "Happy Landlords" as soon as possible in the next time.

Boss Ma also read the game setting of "Happy Fighting the Landlord" that Jiang Hui gave to Penguin, and felt that Jiang Hui made the ordinary chess and card game extraordinary, which should be very popular among consumers.Penguin has been preparing for listing in Hong Kong for a while. If "Happy Farm" and "Happy Landlord" can become popular, it will be of great benefit to Penguin's registration numbers and profitability. , can effectively push up the undertaking institution's valuation of Penguin.

When Penguin was listed in Hong Kong in the previous life, the issue price was only 3.7 Hong Kong dollars, and the market value was only several billion Hong Kong dollars.And in 2017, the market value reached two trillion Hong Kong dollars. You read that right, it was two trillion Hong Kong dollars.It can be said that everyone’s valuation of Penguin was low when it was listed. On the one hand, it was affected by the burst of the Internet bubble in the past few years. Not that high.

When Jiang Hui signed the contract, he explained his promotion opinions to Manager Gao, and he also wrote the profit plan very clearly. If Jiang Hui's plan is followed, the two games will not only attract users, but also It will also attract a large number of users to take out the RMB in their pockets.

After "Happy Farm" was launched, the number of users began to increase rapidly.

1 million people!

Twenty thousand people!
3 million people!
5 million people!
10 million people!
In less than two hours since its launch, [-] Penguin users have already started playing "Happy Farm".

When the number of registrations reached [-], Penguin's official website once again reported to Toutiao, and at the same time sent recommendations to users of Penguin's communication software.

When it comes to the rapid popularity of "Happy Farm" in Penguin, besides Jiang Hui, the happiest person is the senior manager of Penguin Games.Not to mention that he personally participated in the negotiations to introduce it from Glorious Games, that is to say, as the manager of Penguin Games, during the period when Penguin Games was launched, the platform has been lacking in games of the mainstay level, which is very fast. become his heart disease.Now it seems that "Happy Farm" will definitely be a popular game across the country, and the employees of the Penguin game platform can use this shareholder style to stand up in the Penguin Group.

No matter which company it is, among the various internal departments, there are main departments and secondary departments.Maybe there is no official difference in the level of the leadership of each department, but in the hearts of employees, it is another steelyard. Everyone knows which department is important, which department is soy sauce, and which department has the most future.Looking at the various government departments, we can also see that the situation is similar. Departments such as the Ministry of Organization, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Finance must have higher positions and weights than departments such as the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry of Culture.

As a new department established only about half a year ago, the Penguin Game Platform has a low status within Penguin, but the company has given a lot of strength and resources to support the development of the game platform.Every company has certain resources. If there are more resources for this department, other departments will have less resources.Penguin's high-level support for Penguin Games has caused leaders and employees of individual departments to complain in private.Manager Gao naturally knew about this situation, so he hoped to make achievements so that those brother departments would know that he had not wasted the company's expectations and resources.

Evening is the peak period for netizens to use Penguin. After the number of users of "Happy Farm" exceeded 20, it broke through 30, 40, and 50 in succession that night, and finally broke through 100 at [-] o'clock in the evening. million mark.Boss Ma, who was off work, also personally called Manager Gao, highly praised Manager Gao and his team, and said that if the number of registrations for this game exceeded [-] million, he would give double salaries to the Penguin staff.

"Happy Farm" was able to exceed 50 users in less than a day. In addition to the charm of the game itself, the power of the Penguin platform is also indispensable.You must know that Penguin now has more than [-] million registered users, and basically every netizen will register one for making friends and chatting.

When Jiang Hui formulated the promotion plan, he specifically asked Penguin to promote it on the entire network. At the same time, he deliberately took out the grand occasion that some media had previously reported to "Happy Farm" on the school intranet and made a new round of hype.No matter how bad the game is after such a promotion, the number of users in the early stage will not be ugly, the difference is only in the back.If the game is not good, the subsequent growth rate will drop rapidly, otherwise it will increase more rapidly. "Happy Farm" naturally belongs to the latter.

The total number of game users on the Penguin game platform is about the same as the number of new users of "Happy Farm" in a day, which is beyond everyone's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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