Chapter 112

Jiang Hui naturally saw the popular scene of "Happy Farm" on the Penguin game platform, and also called Manager Gao to congratulate each other.For Jiang Hui and Manager Gao, this game is really a win-win cooperation result.

Although the popularity of the Penguin game platform has had some impact on the use of "Happy Farm" on, the number of new users of "Happy Farm" on that day was less than that of the previous few days, and the number of online users at the same time showed a downward trend. , but Jiang Hui is not too worried. Compared with the target customers of and the target customers of Penguin Game Platform, the difference is too big, and the intersection is not too much.

Just as Jiang Hui continued to hide in the rental house, He Ling called.He Ling is now also a key member of Xiaonei, so she naturally knows that Jiang Hui hasn't returned home yet.Since Lu Yang and Lin Zhen are not engaged in technical work, there is no need to stay in the rental house after the holiday, as long as they are at home to pay attention to and deal with corresponding matters at any time.As for Chen Hu's words, Jiang Hui considered that he would stay alone during the Spring Festival, so he didn't let him come over when he was still in school these days, and let him come over to watch after he returned home.

"Where is it?" He Ling's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I live in a rental house," Jiang Hui said.

"Aren't you living in a rented house these days?" He Ling said.

"Hey, I'm here for work. What instructions does Yardhua-sama have?" Jiang Hui joked.

"Where did I instruct you, old man, are you free now?" He Ling said.

"It depends on what you say next. If you invite me to dinner or something, you must be free. If you ask me to help write a paper or something, you will be too busy," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"You are a dog. I haven't said it yet, but you know I want to treat you to dinner," He Ling said.

"Are you really treating me to dinner? It can't be a Hongmen banquet," Jiang Hui said.

"Can't you say a few nice things with your mouth? My cousin and I invited you to dinner together. Do you want to go?" He Ling said.

"Go, I have to go. How can I be so ignorant when two beauties treat me to dinner. But it's only two o'clock in the afternoon, so don't start now," Jiang Hui said.

"Aren't you happy to start now? You won't go shopping with me for a while," He Ling said.

"Of course I'm happy. Where are you? Are you at home? I'll come pick you up," Jiang Hui said.

"I'm at home, I'll go downstairs immediately, you wait for me downstairs," He Ling said.

Jiang Hui simply tidied himself up. He stayed at home for the past few days and didn't even go to the cafeteria for every meal. Instead, he consumed a lot of instant noodles and sausages.After shaving and shaving, he went in and took a quick shower before Jiang Hui got dressed and went out.

The school is still empty as usual, and occasionally a wild cat can be seen wandering there under the bare poplar tree, probably hungry enough to come out to look for food.

Jiang Hui came downstairs to He Ling's house, and it didn't take long for He Ling to come down with a smile.

Although it's a cold day, He Ling's clothes are quite tight today, not at all like some girls who wear extremely bloated clothes in winter.The long windbreaker is very suitable for a tall girl like He Ling. With a pair of small leather shoes, the whole person looks very elegant, but it has a bit of a high-end office worker.

"Pretty clothes make people more beautiful," Jiang Hui praised He Ling first. ,
"Thank you, I bought this when I was shopping with my cousin yesterday, and my cousin helped me choose it," said He Ling.

"Well, very good. It seems that your cousin's vision has become better and better after she became famous. But the most important thing is that you have a good figure and a beautiful person. Otherwise, no matter how good the clothes are, it will be useless," Jiang Hui said.

"Jiang Hui, I found that your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. Is it because you have been living in a rented house for the past few days and no one is talking with you, and you are going to be overwhelmed," He Ling said.

"It's about to suffocate, but it's not because no one talks," Jiang Hui slandered in his heart.

"When seeing beautiful things, everyone will praise them from the bottom of their hearts. This is a conditioned reflex, and it has nothing to do with whether the mouth is sweet or not," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, I will accept your compliment. Let's go," He Ling said.

"Where are you going now?" Jiang Hui asked.

"Go to Wangfujing first, and then have dinner nearby at night. My cousin has already booked the restaurant," said He Ling.

"OK, today I will give you more than 100 catties of meat, and you can go wherever you want," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, Xiao Jiangzi, let's go," He Ling said with a smile.

"Is it okay to change the name, this is too shabby, I feel panicked when I hear it, and I will have nightmares at night," Jiang Hui said with a wry smile.

"Didn't you say that you will leave it to me today? It's just the beginning, so I'm not happy," He Ling said.

"Okay, what's Madam He's order?" Jiang Hui said.

The two left the school laughing and going straight to Wangfujing.

In the Liao and Jin Dynasties, Wangfujing was just an unknown village. After Kublai Khan established his capital in BJ, this small village became lively and became known as "Ting Street".During the reign of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, ten palaces were built in this area, and they were renamed Shiwangfu or Shiwangfu Street.After the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the palaces were also abandoned. Later, there were only eight palaces on the street, so people called it Wangfu Street.During the Guangxu and Xuantong years of the Qing Dynasty, this place began to prosper. Many vendors and shops appeared on both sides of the street, and there was also an "official hall", which became a famous urban area in the local area. In 1915, when the Ministry of Interior of the Beiyang Government drew the "BJ Detailed Map", it divided this street into three sections: the north street was called Wangfu Street, the middle section was called Bamiancao, and the south section was called Wangfujing Street because of a sweet water well.Later, the whole street was gradually called Wangfujing.

I don't know if it's because you don't have to worry about being discovered after leaving school or what. He Ling naturally held Jiang Hui's arm when shopping, and Jiang Hui didn't refuse. The two walked around the street like a couple in love.

No matter which shopping mall he went to, He Ling basically dragged Jiang Hui around, tried on clothes occasionally, and asked Jiang Hui to evaluate the quality, but he had no intention of buying.Jiang Hui can see that the focus of shopping today is shopping, and shopping is just a pretense.But if the beauty is willing, Jiang Hui can just silently follow her.

Throughout the afternoon, the two of them didn't buy anything, but seeing He Ling's happy face, they seemed to enjoy shopping with Jiang Hui.Probably since this semester, or even for so many years, Jiang Hui was the only boy who went shopping with her. Of course, it wasn't that no one accompanied her before, but that He Ling didn't want those people to accompany her.

(End of this chapter)

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