Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 132 Parents Are Difficult

Chapter 132 Parents Are Difficult
I went shopping with He Ling all afternoon, and watched a movie in the evening. It was already ten o'clock when I returned to the rental house.

"If you haven't come home so late, your parents won't rush you," Jiang Hui said.

"Do you think I'm telling them my whereabouts by sending text messages from time to time?" He Ling said.


At the same time, He Ling's home.

"Today, Lingling said that she was going to do the company's patent registration. In the evening, she said that Xiaojiang invited people from their company to dinner. How much truth do you think our girl said?" said He Ling's mother.

"Half-truth, half-false, I guess it's because of the patent issue, and I also went out to eat. But it's hard to say whether they are all busy with business," Dean He said.

"Xiao Jiang, I think it's not bad. Although they are still in their freshman year, it's a little early to fall in love now. But it's not unacceptable," said He Ling's mother.

"When I was chasing you back then, you couldn't even get there," Dean He said.

"Can it be the same? What era is it now?" said He Ling's mother.

"Dating is earlier in the current era. As for Lao Li in our courtyard, her daughter just entered the first year of high school, and she brought her boyfriend home, making Lao Li worry..." Dean He said.

"It's already 10:30, and I haven't come back yet. Should I call and ask?" He Ling's mother said.

"You don't need to ask, didn't you just reply to your text message saying that you will be back later?" Dean He said.

"I'm not worried that Lingling will suffer if she doesn't come back so late," said He Ling's mother.

"The loss depends on who is taken advantage of, just Xiao Jiang, if he wants to take advantage of Lingling, our girl probably will take the initiative to let him take advantage of it," Dean He said.

"What are you talking about? Does anyone say that about your own daughter?" He Ling's mother was a little upset when she heard Dean He say that.

"Xiaojiang is indeed not bad."

"I didn't say he was bad."

In the eyes of He Ling's mother, her daughter can go to the hall and go to the kitchen. She must have a degree, a good appearance, and a good family background. Only boys have always chased her, so how can she post it herself?

In fact, all parents are like this, thinking that their children are the best.


When He Ling opened the door, Fa found that her parents were still wearing pajamas and watching TV on the sofa.

He Ling said with a guilty conscience: "Dad, Mom, you guys are still awake at this late hour."

He Ling's mother gave He Ling a blank look and said, "You still know how to come back. A while ago, you stayed at home all day, why do you only come back in the middle of the night these days?"

"Mom, see what you said. I stay at home, and you keep urging me to go out to play. Let me go out to play, and you dislike me for coming back late. Do you want me to be a house girl, or a cute girl? Where's the elf?" He Ling said.

"The cute little elf is not cute at all, which caused me and your dad to worry all night," He Ling's mother said.

"Okay, okay, isn't this back safely? Besides, Lingling also told us that she would come back later." Dean He began to talk to each other.

"I'm so tired after walking all day, I'm going to bed," He Ling said, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

As soon as he entered the bathroom door, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Jiang Hui.

Couples in love often find it unbearable to be apart from each other for a second, which is actually normal.

Hustle and greet is indispensable between lovers. It is these simple details that can make the lovers love deeper or quarrel with each other.For example, when the woman is always on a business trip, working overtime, on the way home, etc., she will think about her lover in her heart. No matter what she is doing at this moment, she will put down her work and give The man makes a phone call and sends a text message, and the words may not express how much he loves him, but it will definitely make you feel that you will not feel tired no matter whether you are staying up late or suffering.

On the contrary, a man's mind is not so careful, he will neglect some things that a woman cares about a lot, she doesn't need how much money you make, but she definitely hopes that the man she loves will miss the same at any time she.

Then this is simple. For women, your man may be very tired and neglect some details. What you have to do is to tolerate.For men, no matter what you are busy with, you must remember that there is someone who has been waiting for you to love her.


(End of this chapter)

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