Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 133 The Angry Birds Are Coming

Chapter 133 The Angry Birds Are Coming
The next morning, Jiang Hui slept late until he was woken up by He Ling's knock on the door and the ringtone of his cell phone.

Jiang Hui got up while answering the phone.

"Lazy pig, get up and open the door," He Ling's voice came from the phone.

"It's such a cold day, why did you wake up so early?" Jiang Hui opened the door and said to He Ling outside.

"It's still early, it's already 09:30. Here, Xiaolongbao, fried dough sticks, soy milk, eat quickly." He Ling reached out and handed a pile of food to Jiang Hui.

"Miss Tianluo is here to bring me breakfast, please warm me up by the way," Jiang Hui said with a smirk.

"If you want to taste the feeling of being drunk, come here." He Ling was used to Jiang Hui's teasing, and began to fight back.

"Little girl, it seems that you will be overwhelmed if you don't let you taste the power. Don't rush to eat breakfast, let's talk about it after eating you." After Jiang Hui finished speaking, he put the breakfast on the table, picked up He Ling and started to go to the room go.


"When I got home last night, my parents were waiting for me in the living room, so I dare not go back so late today," He Ling said.

"Well, try to go back before ten o'clock in the future," Jiang Hui said.

"What time do you plan to launch the game today? Do you want to get up and get ready?" He Ling said.

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon. The last time "Happy Farm" was also launched at two o'clock in the afternoon. From now on, the games developed by Guanghui Games will be launched at two o'clock in the afternoon on the campus network," Jiang Hui said.

"Then get up and have breakfast first, don't ruin your stomach," He Ling said.

"Well, I'm really hungry. It seems that exercising on the bed is also exercising, hehe," Jiang Hui said.

"You talk too much, go now," He Ling said.

Jiang Hui got up and took a quick shower, then ate breakfast. After exercising in the morning, he felt refreshed and his appetite improved a lot.

"Do you want to eat more?" Jiang Hui said to He Ling.

"I've eaten it, and if you eat it again, you won't be able to see my flat belly," said He Ling hiding under the covers.

"You should eat what you should eat normally, don't just think about losing weight, and lose what you shouldn't," Jiang Hui said.

"Can I understand that you dislike my small breasts?" He Ling said.

"Not now, it's just right! I guess it will get bigger after my nourishment," Jiang Hui said.

"You still think it's small. Jiang Hui, you really can't dislike it. I observed it when I was taking a bath in the bathhouse. With my height, there are not many breasts bigger than me. Many long, thin and tall girls There are only a little breasts, and some people only have two small peas. I still have a C, which is considered big," He Ling said with a mutter.

"I don't dislike it, it's too late for me to like it, how can I be willing to dislike it," Jiang Hui said.

"You are sensible, if you dare to dislike them, you will not be allowed to touch them in the future," He Ling said.

"I'll go to the backstage to check the situation on the Xiaonei network, you can take a moment," Jiang Hui said.

"Well, I didn't go to bed until after twelve o'clock last night, and I was really sleepy after being tormented by you just now, so I will sleep for a while," He Ling said.


The two had a simple lunch in the school cafeteria, and then returned to the rental house to prepare for the launch of "Angry Birds".

Jiang Hui had already informed Chen Hu about the launch of their game in advance, so that everyone could pay attention to the response to this game from all sides and find problems in time.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, "Angry Birds" was launched on the school intranet on time.At the same time, Xiaonei sent an internal letter to all users, briefly introducing the situation of the game.

Soon, the background showed that users started to use the game. "Angry Birds" is more of a puzzle game for self-entertainment. It may not be able to cause as much topicality as "Happy Farm", but its lasting influence should be stronger than that of farm games. For a long time, especially after the popularity of smartphones, it is expected that there will be a wave of usage climax, and this game should also be very suitable for overseas promotion in the future.

The user response of "Angry Birds" after its launch is relatively similar to that of "Happy Farm". However, considering the increase in the number of users on, it can be understood that the performance on the first day of launch is not as good as "Happy Farm".But one very important reason is that the users of are all college students. It is still winter vacation. Many students buy desktop computers and cannot access the Internet at home, and everyone is at home. The speed of word-of-mouth communication for "Angry Birds" It will also have a certain impact. Basically, this game will be a relatively slow product.

Although it is slow, it does not mean that the game is not hot.


A few days later, at a classmate reunion.

Xiao Wang: "Xiaonei recently launched a very interesting game, have you played it?".

Xiao Cai: "Isn't Xiaonei only the game of stealing vegetables now? Are there other games?".

Xiao Zhang: "Xiao Cai, you are out of date, now everyone is going to play "Angry Birds" after stealing food."

Xiao Cai: "Is Angry Birds fun?".

Xiao Wang: "I haven't seen a game produced by Brilliant Games that is not fun. Have you ever played the popular "Happy Landlord" on the Penguin game platform recently? It is said that this game is also jointly developed by Brilliant Games and Penguin ".

Xiaozhang: "Not to mention, Brilliant Games is really awesome, "Happy Farm", "Happy Landlords", "Angry Birds", classic games come out one after another, I heard that this company It was only established last year, and the founder was still a freshman."

Xiao Cai: "Listen to what you said, I really want to play when I get back, and see if it's that good."



In the past few days, Jiang Hui has not been idle, quickly set up the official website of Guanghui Games, and opened the download of "Happy Farm" and "Angry Birds" at the same time.

The previous payment excuse of Xiaonei has basically made it independent, and an intermediary company has been entrusted to help register another Guanghui Payment Co., Ltd.Considering that this company is independent from Xiaonei, the company's share structure is directly consistent with Xiaonei.However, due to the word "school" in school payment, Jiang Hui was worried that it would affect its promotion in the future, so he did not continue to use it, but changed it to Guanghui payment.

After a few days of being so busy, fortunately He Ling was with her all day long, and the two of them played sex games from time to time, but they didn't feel bored.

(End of this chapter)

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