Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 134 The Lantern Festival Chapter

Chapter 134 The Lantern Festival

Love the scenery of Lantern Festival three to five years, the moonlight is beautiful, and the lights are brilliant.

The moon is full of ice wheels, the lights burn the land and the sea, and people walk in the spring sun.

Three beautiful parties are worthy of reward, and four are ruthless to hate and hard to grow.

What I am afraid of is the dim light of the lights, the quiet and desolate people, the South Building of Jiaopin, the West Chamber under the Moon.

—— "Zhegui Order. Lantern Festival"

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Hui has been back to school for a week, and today is the Lantern Festival.He Ling told Jiang Hui in advance that her father invited him to her house for dinner at night.

Lantern Festival is the first full moon night of the year.The Lantern Festival originated in the Han Dynasty, and it is said that it was set up by Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty to commemorate "Ping Lu".After the death of Liu Ying, Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty, Empress Lu usurped power, and the Lu clan controlled the government.After the death of Empress Lu, Zhou Bo and Chen Pingping eliminated the influence of Empress Lu and supported Liu Heng as Emperor Wen of Han.Because the day to appease Zhu Lu is the [-]th day of the first lunar month, every year since then, Emperor Wen of Han will go out of the palace in micro-clothes to have fun with the people as a commemoration.And set the fifteenth day of the first lunar month as the Lantern Festival.During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the sacrificial activity of "Taiyi God" was on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.Sima Qian listed the Lantern Festival as a major festival in the "Taichu Calendar".

On this day, temple fairs, lantern festivals and other activities will be held in many places in the imperial capital, which is very lively.

Early in the morning, He Ling came over and dragged Jiang Hui out to the temple fair. School would start in a few days, and it was estimated that there would not be so much time to stay with Jiang Hui.After all, Jiang Hui's real girlfriend, Bai Xue, is about to return to school.

Bai Xue called last night and told Jiang Hui that she had booked a ticket for the [-]th day of the first lunar month, and that Jiang Hui would go to the airport to pick her up then.The school started on the nineteenth day of the first lunar month, and Bai Xue had returned to school early.Jiang Hui is now worried about how to tell He Ling, and his head hurts after thinking about it for a while, anyway, let's read it after today.

The temple fairs with the most cultural characteristics in the imperial capital are Ditan Temple Fair, Longtan Temple Fair, Baiyun Temple Temple Fair and Daguanyuan Temple Fair.Jiang Hui has always liked the novel "A Dream of Red Mansions". He was very interested in the Grand View Garden that imitated the scenes in the novel, so he and He Ling went to the Grand View Garden Temple Fair.

The Imperial Capital Grand View Garden is a very characteristic classical garden.Covering an area of ​​13 hectares, there are more than 40 pavilions, pavilions, temples and courtyards with mountain-shaped water systems, famous flowers and trees, cranes singing and deer singing, just like a fairyland on earth.It integrates the three techniques of traditional gardening art, creates a new model combining film and television setting and garden construction, adds new content of "famous garden" to the garden world, and creates potential cultural heritage. It is the Red Mansion Cultural Museum. , It is also a real cultural relic a hundred years later.It is very attractive to fans of Red Mansions like Jiang Hui.

"Did you know? I have read the book "Dream of Red Mansions" four or five times, and the more I read it, the more I think it is a classic book," Jiang Hui said to He Ling standing at the gate of the Grand View Garden.

"That's right, I've only seen it once. Then you will be my tour guide today, explaining which places in "Dream of Red Mansions" the scenery of each place comes from," He Ling said.

"Okay, every classic is introduced by the archway, and you can think of the plot in the book at a glance. This feels quite interesting," Jiang Hui said.

The overall plan of the Grand View Garden was determined by the wisdom of experts in red studies, ancient architecture, gardens, cultural museums, etc., and was faithful to the original work of "Dream of Red Mansions" and the fashion of the times. For example, the Yihong Courtyard where Jia Baoyu lived was magnificent and rich; The Xiaoxiang Pavilion where I live has thousands of green bamboo poles, and the quiet windows point out the coolness; the Gu Ensiyi Hall where the concubine of the Yuan Dynasty stays is royal, graceful and luxurious.

Jiang Hui and He Ling spent a day leisurely playing along the itinerary recommended on the tickets, and they ate all kinds of snacks at the temple fair in the garden for lunch.There are many styles of snacks to choose from, such as tea soup, tofu brain, jelly, sugar melon, sugar cake, hanging stove sesame cake, pea cake, pancake, roasted sweet potato and soybean juice, etc.

Among them, the bean juice that He Ling likes very much, Jiang Hui really can't get used to it.Although soybean juice is a well-known traditional snack in the imperial capital.It has the characteristics of gray-green color, rich soybean juice, sour and slightly sweet taste, but the unique taste is still unaccustomed to ordinary people.

In the evening, after the two returned to school from the Grand View Garden, they bought a bottle of Martell at a famous liquor store near the school, and then went directly to He Ling's house.Aunt Lan has been back from her hometown for several days, and when Jiang Hui and He Ling got home, she had almost cooked the main course for dinner.

"I'm exhausted, you can rest on the sofa for a while, I'll take a shower, and we'll have dinner when my parents come back," He Ling said.

"Go ahead, don't worry about me." After Jiang Hui put down his drink, he sat on the sofa and turned on the TV to watch.

Not long after, Dean He came back first, saw Jiang Hui sitting on the sofa and said, "Xiao Jiang is here, girl He Ling, why did you just sit on the sofa and watch TV by yourself."

Jiang Hui got up and said, "Dean, you are back. He Ling went to take a shower. Today, after walking all day, take a shower to relieve fatigue."

"Sit down, I heard that a new game has recently been launched on your school network, and it has become popular again?" Dean He asked.

Dean He put away his bag, took off his coat and hung it up, then walked to the sofa and sat down next to Jiang Hui.

"Fortunately, let's play normally. It's winter vacation and school hasn't started yet. The number of people online on the school intranet is not particularly high. It should be better when the schools start," Jiang Hui said.

"Your intranet has developed so well, it has increased our school's exposure a lot. How many registered people are there now?" Dean He asked.

"It's already more than 300 million, and strive to break through 400 million this month," Jiang Hui said.

"That's pretty good. There are only over 400 million students in colleges and universities. After excluding half of the students who don't usually have access to computers, the remaining half are basically using your website," Dean He said.

"Yes, but we hope that eventually all college students will have a Xiaonei account and log in habitually every day," Jiang Hui said.

"It's good to have this ambition. The school supports you to make the website bigger and stronger and win glory for your alma mater," Dean He said.

"This year is a critical year for the development of our school's intranet. We plan to take advantage of competitors who have not reacted and quickly occupy the market. At present, a similar website has appeared in the United States. It was created by a Harvard student, and its development momentum It's also fierce," Jiang Hui said.

"Then you have to pay attention. The rise and fall of Internet companies are very fast. If you can't be the first in the market, it is often difficult to survive," Dean He said.

"Yes, the Matthew effect in the Internet industry is very obvious. It is often a winner-take-all situation. After a long time, users develop habits, and few people will pay attention to No.2 companies," Jiang Hui said.


Jiang Hui chatted with Dean He, and He Ling finally came out of the shower.

(End of this chapter)

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