Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 135 Facebook

Chapter 135 Facebook
Perhaps part of the water splashed up and wet He Ling's long hair, hanging between her ears, revealing her charming attitude, without gold hairpins, jade bracelets, rouge and powder. At this time, He Ling, with clear water coming out of hibiscus, was naturally going to carve.Like a enchanting flower in the mist, it captured Jiang Hui's soul.

"Dad, you're back." He Ling came over in her pajamas and squeezed between Jiang Hui and Dean He.

"Well, make a call and ask where your mother is?" Dean He said.

"Mom is a busy person, so it's useless to hit her. Wait a minute. I told her in the morning to go home early today," He Ling said.

"Where did you go to play today?" Dean He said.


The three of them didn't sit on the sofa for a long time before He Ling's mother came back.After Jiang Hui got up again to say hello, Dean He asked Aunt Lan to bring out all the dishes for dinner.

Tonight is the Lantern Festival, and the appetizer before the meal is the Lantern Festival.Lantern Festival is called Tangyuan, Yuanzi, Fuyuanzi and Shuiyuan in the south, and it is made of glutinous rice, either solid or with stuffing.The fillings include bean paste, sugar, hawthorn, etc., which can be boiled, fried, steamed or fried.At first, people called this kind of food "fuyuanzi", and later they called it "tangyuan" or "tangyuan". In this way, I miss the departed relatives and express my good expectations for the future life.

He Ling filled half a bowl of Lantern Festival for everyone, and then took the initiative to pour the wine.

Jiang Hui took a sip of the Lantern Festival. At first he thought it was the same as the glutinous rice balls, but he realized that there was a difference after he actually ate it.Yuanxiao is eaten in the north and glutinous rice balls in the south during the Lantern Festival. It can only be said that these two things have the same meaning. However, due to regional differences, Yuanxiao and glutinous rice balls have become foods with different methods and tastes.Yuanxiao generally only uses vegetarian solid sweet fillings, which are cut into small pieces, dipped in water, and rolled repeatedly in glutinous rice flour to a suitable size, and its surface is dry.Glutinous rice balls are filled with both meat and vegetables. Glutinous rice flour is first kneaded into a dough, and the stuffing is wrapped like dumplings before kneading.The taste of glutinous rice balls is more delicate and smoother than that of Yuanxiao.

Jiang Hui took the initiative to toast Dean He and He Ling's mother a few glasses of wine, and also had a drink with He Ling. The harmonious atmosphere was a bit like a family.

"Xiaojiang, I heard from Lingling that you have registered a patent for the appearance of the cartoon characters in the game developed by the company? How is it? Has it been approved?" He Ling's mother asked.

"Not yet, I don't know when we will be able to come down. In the past two days, the students have returned to school one after another. At that time, I plan to arrange personnel to contact a toy company and authorize them to produce these dolls," Jiang Hui said.

"Give me a copy of the receipt of acceptance of the patent later, and I will arrange someone to ask you about it," said He Ling's mother.

"Thank you, auntie, I will deliver it tomorrow," Jiang Hui said.

Although he didn't ask specifically what department He Ling's mother worked in, she probably knew someone who worked in the patent office, after all, they belonged to that circle.

After dinner, Jiang Hui sat at He Ling's house for a while, then said that he would go back to deal with the Xiaonei business, and left first.

He Ling originally wanted to send Jiang Hui downstairs, but Jiang Hui saw that she was only wearing pajamas, so he refused to let her see her.


"Lingling, come over to your mother and tell her the truth, are you and Jiang Hui dating?" He Ling's mother said.

"Mom, didn't I tell you that I am the head of the finance department of now, and I have [-]% of the shares in it. Jiang Hui is the founder of and my classmate. We are just good friends That's all," He Ling said.

"How do you look like ordinary good friends now? When I was in love with your father, I didn't dare to take him home," He Ling's mother said.

"Mom, Dad invited Jiang Hui to our house for dinner, and I didn't bring him back by myself. Besides, what era is it now, how can it compare with yours at that time," He Ling said.

"Let me clarify this for Lingling. It was indeed I who asked her to invite Xiao Jiang to our house for dinner," Dean He said.

"He Guoqiang, do you always confront me? Lingling and I are talking about our mother and daughter's heart-to-heart, what are you talking about?" He Ling's mother said.

"Okay, okay, you mother and daughter talk slowly, I'll go to the study for a while," Dean He got up and went to the study after finishing speaking.

"Mom, I've been walking all day today, and I'm a little tired, so I went back to my room to rest." After He Ling finished speaking, she was about to get up and go back to her room.

"Sit down, Lingling, it's not that mom wants to rule over you, she just cares about your situation. If you are really in a relationship with Xiao Jiang, I didn't object," He Ling's mother said.

"Oh, Mom, why are you so gossip, I don't want to talk to you anymore, I'm going to bed", He Ling really went back to the room after speaking.

Leaving He Ling's mother sitting alone on the sofa, she sighed and had no choice but to get up to take a shower.


When Jiang Hui returned to the rental house, he thought of the Facebook situation he had just talked about with Dean He.

The founder of Facebook was Mark Zuckerberg, who was a student at Harvard University at the time. He founded "The Facebook" in February 2004. At the end of the month, more than half of Harvard undergraduates had become registered users.Initially, registration on the site was limited to students at Harvard College, and within two months, registration was extended to other colleges and universities in the Boston area, including Boston College, Boston University, MIT, Tufts University, and the University of Rochester, Stanford, NYU, Northwestern and all the Ivys.In September of the same year, Facebook received an angel investment of about $2 from PayPal founder Peter Thiel.By December, Facebook had more than 9 million users. In May 50, Facebook received another $12 in venture capital from another institution.Both the valuation and the development speed of the website are very fast.

As the main opponent of the globalization of Xiaonei in the future, Facebook is currently in its infancy, but Jiang Hui dare not underestimate it at all. After all, this is a super giant with the number one hit rate in the future.

The current Xiaonei website has basically opened up the registration of domestic colleges and universities. Considering the technical difficulty, it is possible to open the registration rights of some colleges and universities that use Chinese in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia, and then start the interface development of other versions such as Japanese and English versions at the same time. , This sentence requires more foreign language talents to provide support.Of course, it would be best to have local employees participate in the development, but now Jiang Hui does not dare to take the risk of open source code to let programmers from other countries develop the English version of Xiaonei.

There are a lot of things that need to be done. It seems necessary to convene a meeting as soon as possible to divide the work and get everyone moving.

(End of this chapter)

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