Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 148 Media Report

Chapter 148 Media Report
After Jiang Hui and Li Xingping reached a verbal agreement, they quickly implemented the relevant content on paper.After a lot of tossing, 123 was finally successfully included under the banner of Guanghui Technology Co., Ltd., coexisting with Xiaonei and Guanghui Games.

The reason why it is placed under Guanghui Technology instead of or Guanghui Games is mainly because this website will be sold to Du Niang sooner or later, and it will be easier to operate under the wholly-owned Guanghui Technology.

With 123 done, Jiang Hui's trip to the south finally came to a successful conclusion.

It was already the end of February when Jiang Hui returned to school again, and the traditional Chinese version of had already begun to be launched in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other places, and it was also open to colleges and universities all over the world.

Just when Jiang Hui returned to school and continued to prepare to expand the territory, the outside media also turned upside down.


"Wuyang Evening News" reported: After the news of 123 being acquired by Guanghui Technology came out, it caused a commotion and turmoil in the Internet world. Many people were puzzled by this. Why is such a website with simple technology that only collects various URLs together Being able to win the favor of Guanghui Technology, it sold a sky-high price of 2200 million plus 123% of Xiaonei's equity.While envious, many people are still aching in their hearts, regretting why they didn't think of building such a website, because technically speaking, [-] has almost no threshold, and there are more than tens of millions of people in the industry who can make it... reported: The success of 123 shows that "most people in the IT industry have unconsciously overestimated the level of users and applications of the Chinese Internet." This "overestimation" just reflects that most people in the IT industry have ignored the The social environment faced by the industry creates a barrier to the needs of ordinary people.That's why "most" people in the IT industry brushed past the myths created by 123.And Guanghui Technology... report: The reporter learned yesterday that the rumors in the industry that Guanghui Technology acquired 123, the largest Internet website in China, have come to light.Sources confirmed that the merger and acquisition has basically ended, and the information on the 123 domain name has also been changed to Guanghui Technology.It is understood that Guanghui Technology's acquisition is completely conducted in secret...

Computer Man: A few days ago, the little-known Guanghui Technology paid a huge sum of money to acquire the Internet website website 123, which caused a heated discussion.Guanghui Technology is an unfamiliar name to everyone, but when it comes to Xiaonei, "Happy Farm", "Happy Landlords", "Angry Birds", these familiar websites and games all have the shadow of Guanghui Technology behind them .According to informed sources, Guanghui Technology holds 90.00% of the shares of, and the remaining ten points are held by employees; at the same time, Guanghui Technology also holds 100% of Guanghui Games Co., Ltd., and games such as "Happy Farm" are Guanghui games Exclusive or participating in the development; Shining Games also holds 5.00% of Penguin's shares.And the founder of Guanghui Technology is a student at Imperial University of Technology...


When the media was enthusiastically reporting the news related to Guanghui Technology, Imperial University of Technology was not idle.

Dean He and Professor Chen, the head of the department, respectively invited Jiang Hui to their offices for a cordial conversation. The implication was that Jiang Hui should ask Jiang Hui to ask any questions in time, and the school would help solve them.

Jiang Hui actually made a request.Imperial University of Technology has a science and technology building that is leased to the outside world. Jiang Hui wants to talk to the school's logistics office, whether it is possible to rent at least one floor to Guanghui Technology at a preferential price.The Science and Technology Building was just completed last year, with more than [-] floors, and the current vacancy rate is relatively high.If the affiliated companies of Guanghui Technology choose to work there, it will be convenient for everyone to balance their studies and company business. At the same time, the Science and Technology Building is located on Zhongguancun South Street, and its geographical location is also very advantageous, which is conducive to attracting talents to join.

Dean He said that Jiang Hui's wish would be discussed in the school committee as soon as possible. There is definitely no problem with leasing, but the extent of the discount needs to be discussed.

Just when Jiang Hui had just visited Dean He, Dean Hu of the School of Software also found him through his counselor Xu Yun.When meeting with Jiang Hui, Dean Hu beat around the bush and proposed that Xiaonei and Guanghui Games could strengthen their connection with the School of Software.Whether it is arranging students for internship or cooperative development, it can be considered.

This is really falling asleep and meeting the pillow. Jiang Hui was about to recruit troops, and Dean Hu asked for cooperation.Although the software college of Imperial University of Technology is not particularly strong in the whole country, it is not bad either.For Jiang Hui, what is most needed now is not a talented person, but a programmer who can write code in a down-to-earth manner.After all, I have planned so many projects for Xiaonei, etc., and I need a lot of people to develop the functions step by step.

Jiang Hui quickly reached some verbal consensus with the School of Software, and it is best to wait until the office building is leased for specific implementation.After Dean Hu learned about Guanghui Technology, I said that I would communicate with Dean He and the logistics office to let the school sign the lease plan as soon as possible.

Just after Jiang Hui reached a verbal cooperation agreement with the Software Academy, he received a call from Chen Yanping, a reporter from Tianchao Youth Daily. She asked to interview Jiang Hui again.Considering that the Tianchao Youth Daily was the first large-scale media to formally interview and report on, and had rejected him once before in Shenzhen City, this time it was too embarrassing to refuse him again, so we agreed to interview the next morning.

In the evening, Jiang Hui once again convened the shareholders of Xiaonei. On the one hand, Jiang Hui wanted to explain to everyone that there are all kinds of reports in the outside media; work and next steps.

When Jiang Hui mentioned that Guanghui Technology acquired Hao123, the valuation of was calculated at [-] million, and everyone was shocked again and again.First of all, I was surprised by the valuation of Xiaonei. Although it is hard to say whether this valuation is recognized by other institutions, at least this transaction was negotiated according to this valuation; the other surprise is surprise. Everyone has a point or zero Five points of shares, if calculated according to the valuation of [-] million, all of them are people with a net worth of several million.

When Xiaonei was established, Jiang Hui's rhetoric was still in my ears. To be honest, everyone didn't take it seriously at the time, but after only a few months, the prospect Jiang Hui described began to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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