Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 159 A New Starting Point for Xiaonei Network

Chapter 159 A New Starting Point for Xiaonei Network

"To be honest, I think there are quite a few deficiencies. Mr. Jiang, since you asked, I'll just say it straight," Tang Wenwen said.

"Of course, I'm all ears," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"The first problem is that the current management is not very formal, and it is in the state of a grassroots team at the stage of entrepreneurship. In the early stage of enterprise development, this situation can drive everyone to move forward with one mind, but now the Xiaonei network has formed a large-scale influence. It is necessary to formalize the management as soon as possible," Tang Wenwen said.

"The second problem is that at present, there is a lack of strong development funds. The early development of Internet companies is generally in a state of loss, and they need to constantly burn money to expand the customer base. Generally, they will conduct multiple rounds of financing and then go public." Tang The article said.


Tang Wenwen spoke in an orderly manner for more than ten minutes. It can be seen that he has done a lot of homework for today's interview. In terms of this attitude, he is much better than Lin Tianshen just now.

"What are Mr. Tang's requirements for remuneration?" Jiang Hui asked.

"I have been outside for so many years, but I am not short of money. What I want more is to have a platform to realize my ability," Tang Wenwen said.

"The Mr. Fang Dawen next to me is also new to Xiaonei today. I offer him a share, but he needs to pass the assessment of the shareholders after three months," Jiang Hui said.

"Is it convenient for Mr. Jiang to tell me about the current shareholder composition of Xiaonei?" Tang Wenwen said.

"Before today, I accounted for 88.2% of the shares, Li Xingping, the founder of Hao123, accounted for 2%, Tang Minghua, Dai Fuqian, Li Shigui, Lu Yang, Xiang Weiwei and other ten people who co-founded the company in the early stage each accounted for 0.98% or 0.49%", Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, I don't have any other special questions. I can apply for employment at any time," Tang Wenwen said.

"Welcome Mr. Tang to join Xiaonei, and hope that we will work together to witness the rise of Xiaonei," Jiang Hui said.


After the two vice presidents are settled, the next interview with the HR manager will be much easier.


Quickly passed two unsatisfied interviewers, and soon came an eye-catching beauty.

I saw that she was wearing an elegant and decent professional dress, and a gray long and wide windbreaker. Although it was winter, she had slender thighs.With light makeup on his face, his curved eyebrows and slender eyelashes looked extraordinarily charming against the backdrop of his delicate facial features. Although he was wearing black-rimmed glasses, they couldn't hide the aura revealed in his eyes.

"Hello, my name is Liu Chujing, and I'm here to apply for the position of HR Manager of Xiaonei." Under the leadership of Li Shigui, Liu Chujing gracefully came to Jiang Hui and others.

"Miss Liu, please sit down. How about a cup of coffee?" Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Cappuccino, thank you," Liu Chujing said, with two sweet dimples in the smile on her face, which was very cute.

Liu Chujing is 26 years old this year. He is from Jiangsu Province. He graduated from Southern Metropolis University. Before that, he worked as a human resources manager in General Motors in Shanghai, and then he came to an Internet company in Imperial Capital as an assistant to the human resources manager.

"Miss Liu is a native of Jiangsu, and she also went to university in this province. Why would she consider coming to work in the Imperial Capital?" Jiang Hui said.

In fact, during the interview, it is generally necessary to understand the reasons for the interviewees to come to the interview, and to understand whether they have long-term considerations in this city.Sometimes the interviewer will even ask you if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and also care about why you left the previous company.In short, in addition to knowing whether the person is qualified for the job, it is also necessary to grasp whether the interviewer will stay in the city for a long time, which is related to the subsequent stability of personnel.

"Actually, this is mainly related to my personal dream. I don't know why. I have an imperial plot. During the college entrance examination, under the pressure of my husband and wife, I applied for Nandu University in this province. But now I want to live according to my own ideas. I like it. The city of the Imperial Capital gathers talents from all corners of the country, there are all kinds of scenic spots and delicacies, and the public facilities are also very well built..." Liu Chujing said the reason why she came to the Imperial Capital.

" is an entrepreneurial company. In the beginning, the company would not give everyone a high salary. Ms. Liu, what do you think about this?" Jiang Hui said.

"Because the Xiaonei network has just been established, it is developing very rapidly now. When the official personnel manager can show his talents, I hope to witness the rise of the Xiaonei network and achieve a win-win situation for the company and the individual," Liu Chujing said.


After some conversations, Jiang Hui finally referred to the methods of the two deputy general managers and promised to give 0.5% of the shares of, and the rest would only be paid the minimum wage standard every month.

The deputy general manager and the personnel manager are considered to be relatively important positions in the company, and Jiang Hui, the other general staff, has not considered giving stock incentives for the time being.

It was already six o'clock in the evening when the interview was over, so Jiang Hui invited Fang Dawen, Tang Wenwen, Liu Chujing, and Li Shigui to have dinner together. After all, everyone will be working together in the same company, so it's good to get familiar with them in advance.

Fang Dawen, Tang Wenwen, and Liu Chujing are all working seniors who have worked for many years. Du has his own way of getting along with others. The atmosphere of the dinner is very good. On the contrary, Jiang Hui and Li Shigui seem not so good at communicating with others. look like.

During the meal, Jiang Hui also introduced to everyone the next step of's work focus, the relationship between and Guanghui Games, Guanghui Payment, Hao123 and Guanghui Technology. As for the office space, everyone can only be wronged in the rental house first. It's been a while since the transition.

There is no room for expansion in the living room of the rental house. In order to allow the new bigwigs who joined Xiaonei to have an office space, Jiang Hui specially arranged for Li Shigui to tidy up several rooms and use them as temporary offices. Jiang Hui has already bought the house, so it doesn't matter how much he struggles.

After a meal, the few people had gotten to know each other very well. Jiang Hui no longer called them Mr. Fang, Mr. Tang, and Ms. Liu, but called them Lao Fang, Lao Tang, and Sister Jing.But Jiang Hui was the boss after all, and they insisted not to call Jiang Hui by his name directly, but Mr. Jiang called him, so Jiang Hui had no choice but to follow everyone.

After the two deputy general managers and personnel managers were in place, Jiang Hui was assigned a lot of daily work.For ordinary personnel interviews and the like, Jiang Hui only meets at the last meeting to see if it is suitable.

The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying.

Wigahaine returned to his hometown.

Ander warrior Xi guards the Quartet!

(End of this chapter)

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