Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 175 Ya Hu Comes to Join in the Fun

Chapter 175 Ya Hu Comes to Join in the Fun
Just after Jiang Hui signaled Tang Wenwen to disclose the news that Du Niang and Google were considering buying Hao123 to Yahu, the people of Yahu Celestial Dynasty immediately took action.

Yahu Tianchao, the president's office.

"When does our contract with 123 expire?".

"It's due next week".

"Why did you only sign for one month? Is there a rule that we have the priority to renew the contract when it expires?".

"We made this request at the time, but the other party only agreed to sign a contract for one month. After one month, the two parties will discuss the follow-up cooperation depending on the effect of the publicity."

"I didn't expect such a simple navigation website to have such a great influence on search engines, so big that it can affect the market share distribution."

"Yes, I heard that after 123 changed the default search engine to us, Du Niang's traffic dropped sharply, and our company's market share quickly reached 20.00%, and the headquarters is also very satisfied with our performance."

"It seems that 123's actions have touched Du Niang's core interests, so Du Niang came up with the idea of ​​acquiring 123. If Du Niang really buys them, they will secure their No. [-] position in the Chinese market."

"Do we also apply to the headquarters for funds to acquire 123?".

"Don't wait, let's talk first, at least we can't let Google and Du Niang buy 123 before we get the approval from the headquarters."

"Okay, I'll make an appointment with Mr. Jiang from Guanghui Technology."


The next morning, Jiang Hui received a contact from Yahu, hoping to make an appointment with Jiang Hui that afternoon to discuss matters after the expiration of the cooperation agreement between Yahu and 123.

For sellers, the more buyers the better, so that the one with the highest price wins, and Jiang Hui is ready to sell.According to this situation, Du Niang would have to pay at least two or three times the price in her previous life to win 123.

Jiang Hui met Yahu directly at the coffee shop next to the school. This time, Jiang Hui didn't call Shang Dawen and the others, so he went alone.For Jiang Hui, Yahu is destined to be a soy-sauce star. It will neither give up its shares like Du Niang, nor will it charge a big price like Google. This is a meeting that is destined to end before it starts. .

Three people came from Yahu, a foreigner James, a secretary and translator, and the person in charge of the Celestial Dynasty.For some reason, when Jiang Hui saw that the translators of Google and Yahoo were all beautiful women, he always wondered if these foreigners had ulterior motives.

For foreigners, it is actually a very cool thing to be sent by the company to work in China.Not to mention the high subsidies for expatriates, the difference in prices between China, the island countries, and the United States alone can make them feel that their income level has doubled.

And the people of the Celestial Dynasty, especially many girls, generally have a feeling that foreigners are superior to me.Take pride in falling in love with foreigners.

In the tragic modern history of the Chinese dynasty, the strong ships and guns of the West not only shattered the fantasy of the Chinese dynasty, but also smashed the traditional cultural concepts and even national self-confidence of the Chinese people, followed by infinite self-denial, and The absolute worship of the West has evolved into a kind of skin color worship.Asia may have slightly caught up with the West in terms of material civilization, but it is still on its knees in terms of cultural self-confidence.

Now many people still regard all-round admiration of foreigners as a kind of admiration, even as a means of showing off, marrying foreign girls, marrying foreigners, using foreign goods, taking foreign names, immigrating to foreign countries... What many people care about may not be what they really get , but to fill vanity.

Some women are tired of showing their status with brand-name bags, and now they are more inclined to take a foreigner to the streets and participate in various parties. This is more likely to arouse the jealousy and envy of other women. For those who love vanity, this is double. Something to save face.

Jiang Hui has seen a news: a Norwegian Alex, in front of a Hong Kong man, hooked up with his girlfriend and kissed passionately on the street.In the end, the woman completely ignored the existence of her boyfriend, and went to have a room with a foreigner... It is completely impossible to assess the psychological shadow of this guy, but what did he do wrong?

Jiang Hui hates this situation very much, and hopes to improve this situation as much as possible through his own efforts. At least he does not want his employees and their families to be in this situation in the future.Jiang Hui hoped that in the future, all his employees would be proud of being part of the Celestial Dynasty of Guanghui Group!

Jiang Hui didn't have much interest in chatting with James and the others, so he was going to talk about work straight to the point.

"Mr. James, what do you want to discuss when you invite me out today?" Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, congratulations on the increasing number of overseas registrations on Xiaonei. It seems that our cooperation in the past month has achieved very good results," James said.

"Mr. James, I guess Yahoo's headquarters has praised you recently, right? Yahoo search was launched not long ago, and its market share in China is almost equal to that of Google," Jiang Hui said.

"This shows that the cooperation between our two companies is very successful and has achieved a win-win situation for both parties," James said.

"Hehe, maybe," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, since our cooperation is so smooth, let's continue," James said.

"I'm sorry, we are now considering the sale of 123, and we are not considering the renewal of the contract for the time being," Jiang Hui said.

"At what price does Mr. Jiang plan to sell 123? We at Yahoo are also interested in acquiring it," James said.

"It depends on how much people are willing to pay for it, and whoever bids the most will sell it to whoever," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, wherever we go to buy things, there is a price tag. Everyone bargains on this basis. I can't be the first to ask the price," James said.

"Mr. James doesn't have to ask for a price, it's your freedom," Jiang Hui said.

James smiled awkwardly, probably the first time he met such an ignorant person as Jiang Hui in Tianchao.

"Mr. Jiang, we are willing to add 100 million to Google's bid to acquire Hao123," James said.

(End of this chapter)

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