Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 180 Du Niang Wants a Farm

Chapter 180 Du Niang Wants a Farm
Boss Li and Jiang Hui chatted excitedly until dark, and then insisted on inviting Jiang Hui to dinner, but Jiang Hui refused, so he had to agree.

During the meal, whether it was intentional or unintentional, everyone talked about the popular "Happy Farm".Let’s say that Stealing Vegetables was just a game played by more than 2000 million people last month. Now it has become a game played by almost all netizens. Many people are very fascinated by it. There are even some real-life happy farms in the Imperial Capital and Shanghai Stock Market for urban white-collar workers to experience the joy of growing vegetables for themselves.

Stealing vegetables has become a hot word in society.

As a man of the Internet, Boss Li must have noticed this phenomenon.In fact, during this period of time, other websites have been thinking of cooperating with Guanghui Games to launch their own farm games, but Jiang Hui does not want this world’s food stealing game to die out so quickly, and intentionally controls the speed of game promotion. There are only three places where you can play this game: Xiaonei, Penguin Game Platform, and the official website of Brilliant Games.Although there are some similar other food stealing games, the performance cannot be compared with "Happy Farm".

In the previous life, Du Niang also launched "Happy Farm" in her Du Niang space, but now Du Niang space has not been launched at all, and it would be strange to insert a web game alone.

"Mr. Jiang, have you ever thought about making the brilliant game better? I think "Happy Farm", "Angry Birds", or "Parking Space" are all classic games, and many Internet companies have There is a demand for introduction, if Mr. Jiang is willing to open up this piece of content, it should be able to bring great benefits to Brilliant Games," said Boss Li.

"Although the revenue of Brilliant Games may increase a little bit, if the same game can be played on multiple platforms, and the charging standards for items on each platform are different, it will cause great damage to the profitability of operating the game. For example, "Happy Farm" is currently running on, Penguin Game Platform and the official website of Guanghui Games, and the charging standards are similar. If a new company introduces "Happy Farm" and then interns If all the props are free, then for this company, it can attract a group of users. Free of charge may be a good choice, but for the game "Happy Farm", it will do a lot of damage, and it may not take long. Will be slowly abandoned by users", Jiang Hui expressed his concerns.

In fact, there is another very important influence that Jiang Hui did not say, that is, if a game can only be played in his own companies, it will definitely be very beneficial to the development and growth of these companies, which is far more important than selling games. It’s a good deal to earn the store’s hard-earned money. At that time, I only cooperated with Penguin because I needed start-up funds.

"It does have this impact, but because the positioning of each platform is different. For example, the game is released on Xiaonei and Du Niang at the same time, and the impact on Xiaonei is very limited. Du Niang also intends to introduce For "Happy Farm", we can agree to charge according to the unified item charging standard of Guanghui Games, and we can consider sharing the income from the props of "Happy Farm" of Guanghui Games," said Boss Li.

"If Du Niang agrees to carry out strategic cooperation with Guanghui Payment, and all products under Du Niang will use Guanghui Payment for payment in the future as long as the payment business is involved, then I agree with Mr. Li's suggestion to introduce "Happy Farm" and give an idea as a gift ", Jiang Hui said.

"I will go in with the board of directors to confirm Mr. Jiang's proposal. I personally agree. I am more interested in the idea you mentioned," said Boss Li.

"After "Happy Farm" entered Du Niang, there is actually a lack of a more suitable placement. I think Du Niang can refer to Penguin Space and build her own Du Niang Space. Penguin Space has a very wide audience, but there are also users with varying levels of education. The problem of unevenness, and the users of Du Niang are relatively high-end. Du Niang Space is expected to establish a personal space that is positioned at a higher end than Penguin Space. Various games introduced by Du Niang can also be used in Du Niang Space. The two products promote each other, and the launch of Du Niang Space at the same time will play a complementary role in the operation of Du Niang Tieba, Du Niang Zhizhi, and Du Niang Encyclopedia," Jiang Hui said.

"I seem to see the leader of the Internet industry in China ten years from now. Mr. Jiang, I think Guanghui Group will become the largest Internet company in China in less than ten years. For many people, they can't think of a very useful one in their lifetime." Creativity, but on Mr. Jiang’s side, they come one after another as if they don’t need money, and none of them are bad. I have a feeling of seeing each other later,” said Boss Li.

"Mr. Li is overrated. I just deal with search engine companies more recently, so I think a little more. If you came to me ten and a half months earlier, I would have thought of these ideas." Jiang Hui said modestly.

"Mr. Jiang, although you have your own Guanghui Group, I hope that after our agreement is signed, you, as the director of Du Niang, can give Du Niang more guidance on the direction of development. I am also willing to listen to your thoughts. .You are different from other directors, we are the same kind of people," said Boss Li.

"I hope that one day, we can enter overseas markets side by side and conquer territories together," Jiang Hui said with a smile.


One dinner didn't end until after ten o'clock, but everyone felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Especially for Jiang Hui, being able to let Brilliant Pay get a ride on Du Niang's ride can be regarded as giving Brilliant Pay a wing for its take-off.The idea of ​​promoting Guanghui payment by myself is finally a solid step forward.

A few days later, Du Niang's board of directors readily approved Boss Li's proposal. After all, anyone who sees that 123's influence on their company's traffic has reached 40.00% will want to take it into their pockets.

After the board of directors passed the proposal, Boss Li, on behalf of Du Niang, signed the acquisition of 123 and the transfer of shares with Guanghui Technology. At the same time, he signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Guanghui Payment for long-term cooperation.

After a series of documents were signed, Du Niang news appeared in the Du Niang news that Du Niang paid a lot of money to acquire the navigation website 123, and 123 also quickly set Du Niang as its default search engine.Although Du Niang and Guanghui Technology have not announced the details of the acquisition, they have contacted Yahoo and Google in the early stage, and industry insiders can generally guess that the amount of this transaction is more than [-] million.

Such a simple 123 sold more than [-] million. This news is like a depth bomb in the Internet world.

(End of this chapter)

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