Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 201 The anchor is here

Chapter 201 The anchor is here
In order to allow Xiaonei to take the initiative in financing negotiations and at the same time further attract the attention of other investment institutions, Jiang Hui plans to launch "The anchor is coming" on Xiaonei ahead of schedule.

This module is actually a live broadcast channel. The current live broadcast is not as crazy as the later generations. There will be heroines broadcasting big moves at every turn, and they dare to do anything for rewards.

"Anchor is coming" will build a platform where users can also earn money for Xiaonei. Every registered user of Xiaonei can go through the authentication process and live broadcast their daily life online, whether it is singing or dancing, and watch the live broadcast. You can just watch, or interact with the anchor, and reward various flowers, cars, mobile phones and other props. For these rewarded content, Xiaonei will take [-]% of the commission and convert it into RMB to send to the anchor.

However, there is also a limitation. After all, Xiaonei is only a website for college students. A platform like live broadcast still needs to be open to the whole society to have a development prospect. Therefore, "Anchor is Coming" is destined to be a transitional product on Xiaonei. , After running for a while, it will register a separate company to operate.

The online live broadcast is launched now, which is actually a bit ahead of schedule. Its large-scale growth is estimated to wait until the popularity of smartphones. However, as an early investment, it is very cost-effective to use a small amount of money to support it. Compared with seven or eight years, the platform will After becoming bigger and stronger, it is not difficult at all for the anchor to come to such a live broadcasting website and have a market value of tens of billions.

Some people in later generations have analyzed why the live broadcasting industry can develop rapidly, mainly because "the middle class is more and more willing to pay for the good, and more and more needs to be spiritual to fight mediocrity."In fact, Jiang Hui feels that those who are willing to pay for happiness are not limited to the middle class, but the post-90s generation is the bigger group.And the reason for paying for the beautiful is not all "need to be energetic to fight mediocrity", and for the post-90s group, paying for the beautiful is because they like it, nothing more.

The live streaming industry is a typical example of this change.Fundamentally speaking, the essence of the online live broadcast business model is that viewers are willing to pay for their favorite content and anchors.Most of the users of the live broadcast platform are young users born in the 90s. From the perspective of the post-90s who have never felt lacking, it is normal for me to send a gift to someone I like to express my support and satisfaction.

On the contrary, real dicks will only be satisfied with free content, and will never give expensive gifts to live broadcasts that can be watched for free.However, on the live broadcast platform, users giving gifts are no longer a whim, but have become a habitual consumption habit.

There is a large amount of original content in live video broadcasting. Behind it is the fan economy. Fans are willing to pay for their favorite content, whether it is rewarding or participating in activities initiated by the anchors, which makes live broadcasting very profitable.According to Jiang Hui's analysis, the revenue growth and user growth of the online video live broadcast business will show a process of increasing slowly in the early stage and rising rapidly in the later stage.


"Has everything been adjusted?" Jiang Hui asked.

"Boss Jiang, it's all right, we can be online at two o'clock," said Chen Hushuo.

"Those part-time live broadcast anchors recruited by art schools have trained them in corresponding skills?" Jiang Hui asked.Considering that when this module was first launched, no one would start to open the live broadcast business immediately, so Jiang Hui found a group of part-time live broadcasts similar to "Trust".

"Yes, we have trained them twice according to your outline," Chen Hu said.

"Online live video broadcasting is a relatively new thing, and it will take time for users to accept it. We will let these part-time live broadcast anchors demonstrate to other users when the 'Anchor is Coming' is just launched, what is live broadcasting like? Yes, live streaming can make money," Jiang Hui said.

Jiang Hui’s approach can be regarded as an official performance check. Those props are actually free for Xiaonei itself, but if other users reward the corresponding props, they have to be exchanged with Xiaonei Beans. It is equivalent to spending money.

"The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the prosperity of the world is for profit." As long as these part-time anchors serve as a demonstration role and let the majority of users know that being an anchor can also make money, there must still be many people willing to try it. .

"Mr. Jiang, have you considered launching all the modules of our Xiaonei network abroad at the same time? Such as group buying business, flea market, and now the anchor is here," Yang Yan said.

Jiang Hui had already told everyone about the launch of new products on today, so basically everyone who could come came to the company to witness the company's development.

"For group buying and flea markets, it is better to have a branch abroad to promote it, otherwise it will be difficult to do it. As for live broadcast, I think it can be launched in South Korea, island countries and Taiwan," Jiang Hui said.

"Isn't it necessary to prepare an independent platform to operate in the future? I think if this is the case, it can also be promoted in countries such as Europe and the United States. These places have developed economies and high Internet penetration rates, so live broadcasting should have a bright future," Yang Yan said.

"You are half right. In areas like South Korea, island countries, and Baodao, the rapid economic growth has created a lot of wealth, and many wealth owners are relatively young. The affluent life they live now is completely beyond the reach of their previous self. Imagined, so they are eager to show to the outside world: I have succeeded. Therefore, the online live broadcast platform will have a market, and there will be more wealthy users. However, because European and American countries have entered the state of affluent society very early, people show off their wealth more often. It is estimated that the live broadcast business will not have great development prospects,” Jiang Hui said.


After some preparations, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the "Anchor is Coming" on Xiaonei went online smoothly.

It is also promoted through internal letters on the school website, and then the recruited part-time anchors start to open "anchor is coming".A total of 8 part-time anchors have been recruited this time, including live broadcast content in various fields such as singing, dancing, and games.

Not long after it went online, many users soon began to enter the anchor room to watch the novelty.

Although there are still relatively few users who directly activate the anchor permission to be the anchor themselves, there are quite a few users who use this function to enjoy the performances of other anchors as much as possible. However, the willingness to pay of each user is not very high at present, and everyone needs a process to adapt These fresh patterns.

On the day of its launch, there were less than [-] users who were anchors themselves, which was pitifully small.

However, there are more than 50 users who use the function of "the anchor is coming" to enjoy the performance of the anchor. Their fame has completely exploded, and there are voices discussing them everywhere on the school intranet.

(End of this chapter)

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