Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 214 It's That Simple

Chapter 214 It's That Simple

As the night slowly fell, the number of tourists on the beach gradually increased.Jiang Hui and Bai Xue went back to the room to wash, changed their clothes, and went downstairs to find a place to eat.

Summer is the best season for Qindao. Just thinking about the gentle and cool sea breeze, fresh and delicious beer, and countless mouth-watering seafood snacks makes people drool.

Under the recommendation of the beautiful girl at the front desk, Jiang Hui and Bai Xue came to the nearby food street.There are bags of beer for sale on the road. It is said that this is the biggest feature of Qindao. It is different from the canned beer you drink on weekdays. What you need for bagged beer is fresh and original.Jiang Hui and Bai Xue each brought a bag of beer and drank it while walking, as if this is what summer should look like.

The two found a popular seafood stall, and ordered a few special dishes of Qindao under the recommendation of the waiter, spicy fried clams, mackerel dumplings, deep-fried conch, grilled squid, grilled eel, sea cucumber with green onions, and salt-baked Mantis prawns and pork ribs over rice, followed by a barrel of Kilt Island beer.

Soon the waiter began to serve the dishes. The clams of Qindao are fat, tender and delicious. It is not spicy when made into spicy fried clams, but with the sauce, it is full of flavor and endless aftertaste. With a glass of fresh beer, it is impossible to stop come down!

Mackerel dumplings are also very special. This is Jiang Hui's first time eating them. It is said that they are made with fresh mackerel meat and wrapped in a firm dough.The Spanish mackerel dumpling juice in this store is so big, the fresh ocean flavor collides with the most original wheat fragrance, and you will cry with satisfaction after one bite!

"The food in this restaurant is delicious, no wonder it is so popular," Bai Xue said.

"Yeah, it seems that you really have to choose a popular restaurant to eat, and the eyes of the people are still sharp," Jiang Hui said, picking up a mackerel dumpling and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Sir, Miss, here comes your deep-fried conch. The conch in this dish is a large black-skinned conch from our local Hongdao shallow sea. The meat is tender, delicate and delicious. The fried conch made with this is fresh and delicious Not greasy, tender and soft, please taste it slowly," the girl who served the food gave a rare and considerate introduction.

It is said that the service of restaurants in the south is good, while the service in the north is poor. From Jiang Hui's point of view, not every restaurant is like this, and it depends on the style of the owner.

"Honey, where shall we go after dinner?" Bai Xue said.

"What do you think?" Jiang Hui said.

"I don't care, as long as I'm with you," Bai Xue said with a smirk at Jiang Hui.

"Then tonight we will eat, drink and hang out in this food street. Du didn't eat well today, so he made up for it in the evening," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Okay, but after this holiday, will I be fat and shameless?" Bai Xue said worriedly.

It seems that for girls, no matter how much they weigh, they feel that they need to lose weight.It's understandable that a fat girl who weighs more than one hundred pounds needs to lose weight, but a rib girl who weighs eighty or ninety pounds is also thinking about losing weight every day, which is too speechless.

"Your figure is very good now, and it will feel better if you gain a few pounds, but don't lose weight like others. It will be bad if you lose the parts that shouldn't be lost," Jiang Hui said.

"Really? But I already weigh 96 catties, and I'm about to become the heaviest in our dormitory," Bai Xue said coquettishly.

"Don't be afraid, as long as I like it, right?" Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, as long as you like it, but you can't lie to me," Bai Xue said.

"I'm not going to lie to you, let's eat freely. I haven't seen a few people who can gain weight when they come out to play. It's good to toss around every day without losing a few catties," Jiang Hui said.

The two drank beer, blew the sea breeze, ate food stalls, and enjoyed life, but that's all!
After dinner, the two strolled casually in the food street.

The food in Qindao is inseparable from the sea. It seems that everything in the sea that can be digested by humans can be served on the dining table of Qindao people and turned into delicacies. You have to marvel at their wisdom and cooking skills.

The two walked on the food street, buying some special snacks from time to time.

Today is the first day of the May Day holiday. There are so many people on the food street. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a crowd of people.

Bai Xue held Jiang Hui's arm tightly, and her plump breasts squeezed into Jiang Hui's hand, making Jiang Hui forget the boredom of shopping.

Today was climbing and swimming again, and when it was nine o'clock, Bai Xue offered to go back to the hotel when she was tired, and Jiang Hui naturally had no objection.

"I won't take a bath today, how about just taking a shower and going to bed?" Bai Xue said.

"Okay, after playing in the sea for so long in the evening, my hands and feet will turn white and peel off after soaking in it," Jiang Hui said.

"Let's just come once tonight." Bai Xue whispered into Jiang Hui's ear, as if she was afraid that others would hear it.

"Hey, it's fine," Jiang Hui said with a smirk.

The latter two naturally took a fragrant bath, then exchanged in simple terms and then hugged each other and fell asleep.

In the next few days, the two first went to Badaguan.The so-called Badaguan is because there are eight roads here, which are named after the famous passes in ancient China.Before liberation, it was a villa area for bureaucrat capitalists.Today, it is a famous scenic spot in Qindao.

Various architectural styles of more than 20 countries including Russia, Britain, France, Germany, the United States, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Switzerland, and RB are concentrated here.

The Badaguan integrates the park and the courtyard together. There are lush trees everywhere, flowers blooming in all seasons, and the street trees on each road are of different varieties.

After that, the two went to Zhanqiao, Tianmu City and other places to play, and enjoyed a happy holiday.

The flight back was booked for the afternoon of the [-]th, and the last two days were basically spent in the hotel, doing bed exercises, swimming in the sea, eating seafood at the nearby food court, and taking a walk on the beach. Take it easy.

"Time flies so fast, I feel like it's been a week since the holiday started," Bai Xue said to Jiang Hui on the way to the airport.

"Haha, it's easy to have fun," Jiang Hui said.

"I told you to wear sunscreen, but if you didn't, you looked at your face and arms, and it looked like you came back from Africa," Bai Xue said.

"Hey, this makes your fairness even better. You always need someone to be a green leaf," Jiang Hui said.

"Hmph, you have too many excuses," Bai Xue pinched Jiang Hui's arm and said.

"Let's go to the airport to buy some special products later, and you can bring them to the people in your dormitory to taste," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, I guess everyone will have to ask me where I went to play after I go back. Even if this girl's reputation is completely in your hands, you will be responsible to the end," Bai Xue said.

"It is necessary. Later, I will treat the people in your dormitory to a meal, bribe them, and help you improve the relationship with the masses," Jiang Hui said with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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