Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 215 Car Home is Online

Chapter 215 Car Home is Online

On the second day after returning to the imperial capital, Jiang Hui went to the company.

Since the establishment of Autohome, after a period of recruitment, there are already more than a dozen regular employees and more than 30 interns.Almost all the senior students and graduate students who were free in the vehicle engineering major of Imperial University of Technology were swept away.

Jiang Hui also read all the evaluation articles one by one. After simple corrections, Jiang Hui planned to arrange for the website to be officially launched tomorrow.

The launch of several independent websites in a row has been supported by Hao123. Jiang Hui felt that the gentleman's appointment with Boss Li was really easy to use, and the effect was also very good.

In the early days of Autohome, Jiang Hui tried his best to design the website in a simple and easy-to-use way from the perspective of user experience.There are no advertisements or anything, and this alone is better than many current car websites.Due to fierce competition, many other automobile-related websites dare to accept almost any advertisement in order to survive, making the entire interface full of small advertisements.This kind of short-sighted and thirst-quenching company is destined to not survive for long.

The launch of Autohome did not cause much sensation. Except for the companies on similar websites who paid attention to it and saw that Autohome had a link in an important position on Hao123, they felt that another rich company had come to the industry.

Relatively professional websites such as Autohome do not have as large an audience as portal websites, but as vertical websites, they focus on certain specific fields or certain needs, and provide all the in-depth information about this field or needs Information and related services will gradually become new highlights of the Internet.

According to Jiang Hui's speculation, vertical websites will attract more and more people's attention.As more and more networks attract the attention of ordinary people, netizens will gradually step out of the primary stage of fashion and curiosity, and continue to search for practical, practical and affordable things online.This time is the time for vertical websites like Autohome to show their talents.

It can be seen from the data detection in the background that after the launch of Autohome, the traffic of the website is in a stage of steady increase.Although it is not as popular as games such as "Happy Farm", nor is it attracting widespread attention like group buying websites.However, when users who need to know about cars have been to Autohome, they will often bookmark this website, because users who have read the content of the website have a reputation in their hearts and know which things are written with meaning.

"Mr. Jiang, do we really not consider advertising on other websites?" Shi Yi said.

"No need, Autohome takes the road of wine fragrance not afraid of deep alleys. We rely on content to win. Everyone makes evaluations and other articles objective and fair, and gradually it will naturally attract users to promote and use them spontaneously," Jiang said. Hui said.

"Okay, we will focus on the content," said Shi Yi.

"If there is an automobile manufacturer contacting for advertising, you can contact them first, but don't agree. Before Autohome ranks among the top five similar websites, I don't plan to place advertisements," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, but I have a worry. According to the results of the evaluation, the articles we are evaluating will certainly praise some models and point out the shortcomings of some models. After our influence increases, those criticized Manufacturers of car models may put pressure on our website through various channels, how should we respond?" said Shi Yi.

Shi Yi's worries are not unfounded. The public relations capabilities of the automobile companies in later generations are all very strong.As soon as you see news that is not good for you on the Internet, you will immediately take action, or place advertisements on the corresponding website to spend money to eliminate the disaster.It even developed later that when 315 came, some big platforms selectively exposed some bad news based on whether the car factory advertised on its own platform or not.

"How was it generally handled in the industry in the past?" Jiang Hui asked.

"It also depends on the situation. First of all, it depends on whether your own report can withstand scrutiny, and it also depends on whether the other party's beginning is serious. If the exposed issue has attracted a lot of attention, then the platform will generally not let go easily, even if it backs down. It’s just deleting news. If it’s a trivial matter, it’s usually dealt with depending on the situation,” Shi Yi said.

"Well, our reports should be as objective and fair as possible. We should stand upright and not be afraid of the shadows. As long as we have no problems, we should try not to back down. We must be the first in the industry, we must have credibility, and we will worship if we can't give money," Jiang Hui said. .

"Okay, I understand," Shi Yi said.


A few days after Autohome went online, the original evaluation article was quickly reposted by other auto media after a small-scale spread.Some OEMs also played a role in fueling the flames.For example, if an article says which model is so good, the company will also help to make this article more visible to more people.Conversely, if a certain article says which model is so bad, then the competitors of this model will try their best to spread this article to attack their opponents.

Anyway, no matter whether an article praises or belittles a certain model, there will be some beneficiaries to help spread it, the premise is that your article is good enough.

There is something to be said for boasting, and there is reason for scolding.This is an important requirement of Jiang Hui for the contents of Autohome.

Seeing that Autohome was slowly getting into the official business according to his own wishes, Jiang Hui didn't pay much attention.Anyway, it is difficult to see the power of Autohome for a while. After a few years of steady work and becoming the number one in the industry, OEMs will see the power of Autohome.

The automobile industry is no longer a sunrise industry in Europe and the United States, but it has just entered the period of take-off in China. It will develop rapidly in the next ten years, and the sales volume will rapidly grow from the current 500 million per year to 3000 to [-] million.

Automobile advertisements can be seen everywhere in various TV stations, newspapers, magazines, variety shows, etc., and the local tyrants of automobile manufacturers will firmly leave other industries behind.Having mastered such an Internet car marketing platform that can have a major impact on OEMs, naturally there is no need to worry about profitability, and the listed market value is also extraordinary.

Considering that I will enter the automobile manufacturing industry in the future, it is even more important to have such a platform in hand.

In his previous life, Jaguar Land Rover was acquired by India's Tata, and then quickly realized profits by relying on the outstanding performance of the Chinese market. Jiang Hui thought that he would buy Cheetah Land Rover before Tata, so as to enter the automobile industry, and then Then make a layout on the electric vehicle to truly realize overtaking on curves.

(End of this chapter)

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