Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 232 The Matthew Effect

Chapter 232 The Matthew Effect
There is a fable in the Bible "New Testament Matthew": "Whoever has, will be given double to make him redundant; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away."

Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher, also put forward a similar idea: "The way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking after damage. The way of man is not the same, and what is not enough to be damaged is enough to make up for what is not enough."

Just when Jiang Hui's various companies were on the right track and developing rapidly, good news came from Penguin.Boss Ma called Jiang Hui personally, told Jiang Hui that Penguin Company had confirmed to go public in Hong Kong on June 6, and invited Jiang Hui to ring the bell together.

Jiang Hui is not very interested in ringing the bell under the flash light, but he is still very interested in going to the scene as a guest to witness the listing of Penguin.

With the support of games such as "Fishing Game", "Happy Landlords" and "Happy Farm", the current Penguin Company's profitability far exceeds that of its previous life, and the valuation given by the listing agency is also constantly rising.According to normal history, Penguin's first-day issue price was 3.7 Hong Kong dollars, and its market value at the close was only 60 billion Hong Kong dollars.Now the monthly profit is close to 50 million, equivalent to an annual profit of close to 100 billion, so now according to the valuation of the institution, it has reached more than 200 billion, and it is expected to exceed [-] billion after listing.

Penguin Company and Guanghui Group have entered into the state described in the Matthew Effect.

The Matthew effect reveals a principle of increasing demand for personal and corporate resources, and is an important law that affects corporate development and personal success.

As far as business development is concerned, the Matthew Effect tells us that if we want to maintain an advantage in a certain field, we must quickly expand in this field.When you become a leader in a certain field, even if the return on investment is the same, you can more easily obtain greater returns than weaker peers.And if you don't have the strength to quickly expand in a certain field, you have to keep looking for new development fields in order to ensure better returns
Whether it is the Penguin Company or the Jianghui Group, they all maintain their advantages in their own fields. As long as they continue to develop normally, they will inevitably develop faster and faster in the future and obtain greater benefits and returns.


On Children's Day, when Jiang Hui was browsing Du Niang news, he came across a piece of news: ranked 100th in the world by ALEXA, becoming the first domestic original literature portal to rank among the top [-] in the world.

Alexa is a website dedicated to publishing the world ranking of websites.Alexa, which started as a search engine, was founded in April 1996, with the purpose of allowing Internet users to participate more in the organization of Internet resources while sharing virtual world resources.

Alexa collects a large amount of information on the Internet every day, not only gives billions of URL links, but also ranks each of them.It can be said that Alexa is currently the website with the largest number of URLs and the most detailed ranking information.

It is quite impressive that has entered the world's top [-] click-through rates. Jiang Hui thought of the development history of If there is no accident, it will be acquired by Shengda Network in the second half of this year.Brilliance Games has done a very good job in web games now, but it is still relatively weak in online games. Although Jiang Hui opened the Golden Finger to let the developers of Brilliance Games start developing King of Glory, but refer to other online game giants in the future. For the layout, it is still necessary to have more IP resources in hand, and before Shengda Network acquires Diandian, it is a very good plan for Guanghui Games to acquire it first.

Founded in May 2002, Diandian, formerly known as Diandian Original Literature Association (, has long been committed to the excavation and cultivation of original literary authors, and aims to promote the original cause of Chinese literature. In October 5, it took this as an opportunity It has created a new mode of online fee-based reading, that is, electronic publishing.

Reading is at the starting point and creation has no limits - this slogan has always been the creative goal of many fantasy, magic, martial arts, urban, and military novel authors on, with a rigorous writing attitude, persistent pursuit of innovation and change, and direct communication with book friends Exchange and revision, so that has many first-class original works in China, so that book lovers can read the author's serialized excellent books in the first time.

Regardless of whether it is Shengda Networks that acquires, or Penguin eventually acquires from Shengda Networks, the most important thing is the vast IP resources that has and will have in the future.

Novels can be adapted into movies, movies can be derived from games, and games can provide more plots for novels...In the context of the pan-entertainment era, previously independent subdivisions of cultural creativity have begun to become integrated.The point of interaction is concentrated on IP (Intellectual Property Intellectual Property), and holding these IPs in advance can ensure that the future brilliant games and glorious film and television that have not yet been established will win the first opportunity.

After all, an influential IP is like a good wine, it takes a certain amount of time to accumulate and settle before it can shine.And the demand for high-quality IP in the domestic market will become more and more vigorous, which will lead to an increase in the cost of obtaining IP.More than ten years later, most countries in the world, including the United States and island countries, have the largest licensing costs for the Chinese market in terms of IP cooperation.

With the in-depth development of Internet new media film and television, relying on its own growth ability is far from being able to meet the explosive leap of the industry as a whole.As the saying goes, "One fence has three stakes, and one hero has three gangs." Cross-industry and cross-field integration, exchange of needs, mutual benefit and win-win, have become the development consensus in many fields including literature, film and television, and games.As a result, the big IP operation model emerged as the times require, becoming a bridge link for the connection and interaction of multiple fields.

After many years, when you look back, you will find that the various companies in Guanghui Group's East One Hammer and West One Hammer will gradually be connected with each other, playing the role of one plus one greater than two. The affiliated companies of the entire group Moving forward together like an aircraft carrier fleet.

This is actually a phenomenon of the Matthew Effect. Every company under the Brilliance Group has developed well, and the combination has played the role of combining the strong and the strong, achieving the effect that the strong will become stronger and the weak will become weaker.In the end, not including,, or, YY Live has become the leader in the subdivision field, leaving latecomers far behind.

In fact, the Matthew effect is also very common in life. For example, people often pay attention to the first, but ignore the second. In the Olympic Games, everyone remembers the champion, but forgets the runner-up and third place; when we mention the world's first peak, we immediately think Mount Everest, but how many people know the second highest mountain in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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