Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 233 Acquisition of Diandian Chinese Website

Chapter 233 Acquisition of Diandian Chinese Website

Action is not as good as action. After considering the role of Diandian Chinese Network, Jiang Hui quickly contacted Diandian Chinese Network and expressed the intention of Guanghui Games to acquire Diandian Chinese Network.

Director Lin of is the first generation of native fantasy literature creators in China, and his work "Legend of Magic Knight Heroes" is also the earliest published full-length fantasy work.Last year, he participated in the launch of the first VIP reading system for online literature, and the "micropayment" model of online literature was formally established and quickly became the core business model of the Internet.

The evaluation of him by the Internet literature circle in later generations is: as the main operator of the content operation of the first platform of Internet literature, he established and perfected the system of Internet literature content discovery and operation, which has become the industry standard.Most of the current Internet literature popularity categories, themes, etc. are mostly promoted by the stationmaster Lin.It can be said that the Internet literature we see has his shadow at its core.

Although the current Diandian Chinese website is developing well, it is not without rivals, and even Diandian Chinese website cannot be regarded as the leader in the Internet literary world.If it continues to develop normally, this year Shengda Network will spend 200 million US dollars to acquire, which shows that the current management team of has the idea of ​​selling the website. Only after the introduction of the VIP charging system at the end of last year did it get better, but the money that each creator can get every month is not much more than that of office workers.So when Jiang Hui expressed his intention to acquire, he immediately agreed to meet and talk.

After agreeing to meet in the office of Diandian the next morning, Jiang Hui immediately booked a flight from Imperial Capital to Shanghai that afternoon, and brought Zeng Qingying, director of the legal department of Brilliant Games, to Shanghai.

As the most economically developed city in the Celestial Dynasty, it was the first time for Jiang Hui to visit the Shanghai Stock Exchange in this life. Although he had been there several times on business trips in his previous life, he really didn't have time to have a good time.

Considering that he will discuss the acquisition with tomorrow, after staying in the hotel, Jiang Hui has no mood and time to go out and play immediately.So she asked Zeng Qingying to come to the coffee shop in the hotel lobby to drink coffee while discussing tomorrow's negotiations.

Speaking of which, Jiang Hui is no stranger to negotiations. Whether it was the previous negotiations with Penguin, the acquisition of Hao123, or the negotiations with Du Niang, Jiang Hui basically rushed forward alone. Bringing Zeng Qingying along, the main reason is to directly handle the acquisition of in one go, so it will be safe.

"Mr. Jiang, there are several well-established online literature websites, and the competition is fierce. Why do you suddenly consider acquiring" Zeng Qingying said, taking a sip of coffee.

Jiang Hui didn't like coffee very much at first, but after drinking it, he gradually got used to it.

"The founder team of makes me feel very energetic and innovative. I think they will soon become the leader in the online literature circle. Besides, the largest reading group of online literature is college students. We have is such a good platform, and the combination of strong companies can definitely make bigger and stronger,” Jiang Hui said.

"Then how much do you plan to spend on the acquisition?" Zeng Qingying asked.

"How much do you think is worth?" Jiang Hui did not directly answer Zeng Qingying's question.

"As far as the current Diandian Chinese website is concerned, the website itself does not have much technical content, and a similar website can be built for a few hundred thousand. Its value is mainly because it has more various literary works and some copyrights. Just Judging from the current situation, I think more than 1000 million is considered expensive," Zeng Qingying said.

Zeng Qingying's valuation is actually quite accurate. The former Shengda Network spent 200 million US dollars to acquire it a few months later, which is about 500 million yuan when converted into RMB.Now Brilliant Games has approached Diandian Chinese Network a few months in advance, and the valuation of 1000 million is basically normal.Compared with, it entered a new peak of development after the launch of the VIP system at the end of last year. During this time, it is estimated that if a company wants it, it is possible to take down for two to three million yuan.

"Your analysis is closer to the actual situation, and I basically think so, but if Diandian's attitude is tougher, it doesn't matter if you spend a few million more," Jiang Hui said.

For Brilliant Games, which earns tens of millions a day, it doesn’t really make any difference whether it costs 1000 million to acquire or 500 million.But in business, the less you can spend, the better.


The next morning, Jiang Hui and Zeng Qingying stepped on to, and the station manager Lin was already waiting for Jiang Hui at the door of the office.After all, judging from Jiang Hui's current status in the Internet industry, being able to come to the Chinese website to negotiate the acquisition in person is a great way to save face. How can Jiang Hui be worth billions now?

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I have heard your name for a long time. It is a great honor for you to come to our company to discuss business today." Stationmaster Lin recognized Jiang Hui when he saw Jiang Hui and Zeng Qingying walking to the office door, and said A quick handshake and hello.

Jiang Hui's reputation is still unknown to ordinary people, but few people in the Internet world don't know it.Although Jiang Hui has always been relatively low-key, and there are relatively few photos that can be found in the media, but if you look for it carefully, you can still find a few. It is not surprising that the station manager Lin can recognize it.In fact, this further shows that they now have the intention to sell

"Stationmaster Lin, I am a loyal reader of, and meeting the founder of the website this year is a fulfillment of my dream," Jiang Hui said casually.

Although in his previous life, after he was a sophomore, Jiang Hui often spent time on the Qidian Chinese website, and basically read all kinds of popular online novels.But I have never watched it in my life. The first time I heard about Diandian was when I watched Du Niang news on Children’s Day.

After a few people exchanged a few words at the door of the office, they came to the office of

After the introduction, Jiang Hui found that the founder team of and the management personnel of the current website are basically in the meeting room to participate in today's acquisition negotiations. This level of emphasis gave Jiang Hui more confidence to quickly take down .

In acquisition negotiations, the longer the talks, the more variables there will be.Especially in the Shanghai stock market, there is still Shengda Network watching covetously. If the news of Guanghui Games’ acquisition of Diandian reaches the ears of Shengda Network in advance, it will inevitably cause them to spoil the situation, although Jiang Hui does not mind. Dou Yidou, after all, sooner or later, Brilliant Games will compete with Shengda's games, but it is of course good to be able to complete the acquisition smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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