Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 234 Considerations of the Cultural Industry

Chapter 234 Considerations of the Cultural Industry
The term cultural industry originated in the early twentieth century.It first appeared in the book "Dialectics of Enlightenment" co-authored by Horkheimer and Adorno.Its English name is Culture Industry, which can be translated as cultural industry or cultural industry.

As a special cultural form and special economic form, the cultural industry has affected the people's grasp of the essence of the cultural industry. Different countries have different understandings of the cultural industry from different perspectives.

UNESCO's definition of cultural industries is as follows: Cultural industries are a series of activities that produce, reproduce, store and distribute cultural products and services in accordance with industrial standards.It is defined from the perspective of industrial standardized production, circulation, distribution and consumption of cultural products.

The cultural industry takes the production and provision of spiritual products as its main activity to meet people's cultural needs. It refers to the creation and sale of cultural meaning itself. In a narrow sense, it includes literary and artistic creation, music creation, photography, dance, industrial design and architecture. design.

For Guanghui Group, the Internet industry, cultural industry, smartphone industry, automobile industry, and drones are the main directions of business.However, for Guanghui Group, which is not yet fully funded, it is still relatively difficult to develop the real industry, so Jiang Hui first promotes the development of the Internet industry and the cultural industry.

Games, film and television, online literature, animation, and variety shows are the overall considerations of Guanghui Group's layout of the cultural industry. At present, the best thing to do is games.In later generations, whether it is games, film and television, or animation, many of them actually revolve around a big IP.

The so-called IP is actually "Intellectual Property" (Intellectual Property), which is the essence of the output after the accumulation of culture to a certain level. It has a complete world view and values, and has its own vitality.Therefore, not all so-called IPs can be called IPs.

IP, placed in the cultural industry, refers more to film and television literature, game animation, etc. that are suitable for secondary or multiple adaptation and development.The literary circle, game circle, and film and television circle all covet the "big IP", lest if you are a step too late, what you will lose is not only the theme of IP, but also the tens of thousands of fanatical fans behind the IP and their consumption that cannot be underestimated. ability.

The bigger the IP, the more concentrated the investment.This is the oligopoly of the future cultural market.In the era of Weibo, "I mobilize fans to kill you" will be cleverly rewritten in the future as "mobilize fans to make money".Among these IPs, one of the biggest sources is novels, especially online novels.This market will become bigger and bigger, and more and more excellent works will emerge.Every excellent work can consider various directions such as film adaptation, TV series adaptation, game adaptation, animation adaptation, etc., to achieve the effect of 1+1>2.

Just like what Jiang Hui said in another chat with Bai Xue.

"What kind of novel are you going to toss about?".

"I think that in the future, online novels will be more and more favored by the industry, which is due to the ever-growing market demand. The raw materials for production are extremely scarce, and intensive cultivation takes time. The easiest way to expand production is to start from other fields. Look for a lot of raw materials. This may be a helpless move, but it is also an inevitable choice. You just think, if you are the owner of a game company or film and television company and want to make a new game or movie, do you want to build a new story or Choose one of the existing popular works?".

"The adaptation of best-selling novels has always been an important source of film and television drama creation, but now many people think that online novels have no cultural value."

"The literary value of online novels is far lower than the commercial value. This may be a fact. Let's not dwell on it. But the commercial value of online novels is obvious to all. When online novels are adapted into movies and TV series, film and television producers often pay a sum of money. Buy out the right to adapt novels. At the same time, brokerage companies and authors can get a share of every copyright authorization of cultural peripheral products. In addition, although the adaptation of online novels into online games, radio dramas, and comics has just started, they It will more effectively play the long-tail effect and realize the value-added of the commercial value of the work. The investment opportunities and value of this part are higher. Bosses are determined by their buttocks, and online novels can bring them commercial value, and they will receive strong support ".

"Then you use your butt to decide your head," Bai Xue said with a smile.

Where a person sits often determines the angle and scope of his thinking.The boss of a company thinks about how the company develops and how to increase profits; while the salesman thinks about how to create more performance and increase his income.So, in fact, the ass determines the head. This common saying can be regarded as a sharp explanation of many problems.

In daily life, you often see disadvantaged groups like to get together to satirize and complain about those colleagues who are appreciated by leaders. They will take it for granted that other people’s success is only from their calculations, intentions and flattering leaders. Often we will hear Vulnerable groups often flaunt their innocence and innocence and are easily bullied.The truth is, there are no stupid people in this world, not the weak, not even your leaders, they like to use simplicity as an excuse for their work slack and failure, and use narrow minds to contemplate successful people who are diligent and diligent in thinking.

"There's nothing wrong with the ass deciding the head. In fact, the current movies and TV series, or best-selling books you watch are all catered to the tastes of consumers. Even our brilliant game is also catering to consumers to a certain extent. Station From the investor’s point of view, a good product is one that can make money, so it’s not like the ass decides the head.”

"Well, I can't say no to you."


It should be said that China's cultural industry started relatively slowly, because people's understanding of the cultural industry probably did not begin until after the 21st century. Old countries like the United States have developed their cultural industries for many years. From the last century It began to develop in the 50s.The Chinese government is indeed vigorously developing into the 21st century.

Since 2005, the added value of China's cultural industry has been increasing year by year, and the proportion of the cultural industry's GDP has also increased year by year.People in the industry generally believe that the symbol of a pillar industry in the national economy is that the added value created by the industry accounts for more than 5% of GDP.According to the current speed of development, within a few years, a number of urban cultural industries will emerge in China and become pillar industries.

After all, China is a country with rich cultural resources and has abundant cultural resources. If this resource is fully used, it can bring more commercial value than oil resources. So in fact, there are still many areas that have not been explored in this regard. It was cultivated, so there is a lot of room for development here, which is also an important reason why Jiang Hui entered this field.

(End of this chapter)

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