Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 235 Creation Guarantee Plan

Chapter 235 Creation Guarantee Plan
After Jiang Hui negotiated the conditions with the people on, the station manager Lin quickly drew up the relevant agreement on the equity transfer.

Jiang Hui asked Zeng Qingying to confirm and found no problems, so he signed and stamped the agreement.

The next step is to go through some transfer procedures, but Jiang Hui doesn't need to worry about this.

"Mr. Jiang, you just said that you will inject 1000 million yuan to promote the creation guarantee plan. I would like to ask again what is the specific content and how to promote it?" said the stationmaster Lin.

"The initial stage of this plan is mainly concentrated in two places. One is that after the novel is signed and put on the shelves, if certain conditions are met, a creation guarantee fund can be given for four consecutive months, 1000 yuan per month. This will allow some full-time Writers have a living guarantee. The other is the attendance award. After the work is on the shelves, keep updating the work every day, and if it reaches [-] words, then a full attendance award of [-] yuan will be given. This should attract a lot of part-time writers Come to our website. Especially for college students, they can get [-] yuan a month for a few hours of writing every day, which is enough for their living expenses. There are more than [-] million college students in China, and as long as one percent of them Attracted by the excitement, will definitely become the number one in the industry quickly,” Jiang Hui said.

Jiang Hui, as a former student and a member of the current college students, is very aware of the power of the perfect attendance award for students. As long as the publicity is in place and the majority of students know that there is such a way to make money, many people will try it. Give it a try.

Universities in the Chinese Dynasty implemented a mechanism of strict entry and wide exit. Most students finally went to college after 12 years of hard study, and then they relaxed all of a sudden, not knowing what to do every day.Coupled with the lack of income, many people's college life is not as interesting as imagined.If there is one more channel that can not only make money, but also become famous and earn a lot of money, there will inevitably be a lot of people pouring into

"Mr. Jiang, the monthly attendance bonus is only 7000 yuan. If I told you that if [-]% of the students flocked to be writers, wouldn't the monthly attendance bonus cost [-] to [-] million yuan? ", Lin station master said.

"Haha, don't worry, there can't be so many. If 10 people come to write, 3 people can persist until the contract is signed. After signing, 1 people can persist until the novel hits the shelves, which is considered ideal. Besides, our perfect attendance award is required to continuously update more than 1 words every day. Among the 2000 people, at most 2000 people can meet this requirement. If there are 120 people, it will only cost [-] million, which is still affordable by Guanghui Games.” , Jiang Hui said.

Everyone at Diandian was both happy and depressed when they heard Jiang Hui’s words. The happy thing is that according to this plan, it is inevitable that Diandian will become the number one in the industry. In the way of tie, the value is really not high.Just like what Jiang Hui said during the negotiation, Brilliant Games has funds and Xiaonei, a website for college students. Whether it acquires or other online novel websites, it can quickly become the number one in the industry.

While everyone was happy and depressed, they were also a little lucky. Fortunately, Brilliant Games acquired, otherwise, everyone really didn’t know how to deal with the new competitors supported by Brilliant Games. In the end, it’s probably not worth mentioning 1000 500, [-] million, no company is willing to buy it.


In the next two days, everyone quickly completed the acquisition procedures.Brilliant Games also transferred the acquisition funds and the 1000 million capital injection.

That night, Jiang Hui disclosed the news of Brilliant Games' acquisition of to Du Niang News and Penguin.

Du Niang News, June 6, reporter Li Ya reported: On June 4, Guanghui Games, currently the largest web game operator in China, announced the acquisition of a well-known domestic original literature portal,, in is an original literary website that mainly publishes entertainment literature. It provides literary works including martial arts, urban, fantasy and other novels. At the same time, the website also has a large number of excellent writers and works in the fields of games, leisure and other literature.Authors and readers can interact, communicate and pay for reading through the platform of Diandian Literature.According to the information provided by the management of, Diandian has published 6 various literary works (novels) with more than 2 billion words. Diandian also owns exclusive electronic copyrights and games for more than 12 of the most popular works. Adaptation rights; at present, there are 000 authors authorized by Diandian to publish literature, and most of the original writers who are very active in the market are contracted writers of Diandian; meanwhile, the influence of Diandian website is also expanding and continuing to grow. With nearly 10 million page views per day, and ranked 300rd in Alexa's ranking based on the number of Chinese website visits...


Penguin Report: On June 6, Brilliant Games announced the acquisition of Hui, general manager of Brilliant Games, said: "The acquisition of Diandian is another powerful move for Brilliant Games to continue to consolidate its leading position in China's web game market. We have seen many successful stories of interaction between novels and movies that are popular among readers. , including Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, etc. The entertainment literature content owned by Diandian is not only loved by the users of Brilliant Games, but also provides rich content support for Brilliant Games when it independently develops web games and online games. Through this literature The new model combined with the game will promote the common development of both parties, thereby further expanding our user base."

This is the first time that Brilliant Games has stated that it will enter the online game industry.Brilliant Games currently focuses on web games, and well-known games such as "Happy Farm" and "Plants vs. Zombies" are all products exclusively developed by Brilliant Games.According to statistics from organizations, Nine CDs of the domestic web game output value are created by affiliated products of Brilliant Games. This time Brilliant Games announced that it will enter the online game industry. We look forward to them continuing to bring you interesting products.


Shengda Network.

"As soon as we made a plan to acquire an online novel website, Guanghui Games started to act. Did someone leak the news?".

"Probably not, it's more of a coincidence. We can see the influence of online novels on games, and it's not surprising that Shining Games can see it."

"In any case, we need to speed up the acquisition of other novel websites, and we can't let Brilliant Games preempt them all."

"Okay, I will arrange the investment department to start action immediately."


(End of this chapter)

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