Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 236 Different Entrepreneurial Support

Chapter 236 Different Entrepreneurial Support
Not to mention the sudden acquisition of by Brilliant Games, which disrupted the acquisition pace of Shengda Network.

After Jiang Hui returned to the imperial capital, he quickly arranged for the technical personnel of Guanghui Payment to contact the personnel of Diandian Chinese Network, and connected the Guanghui Payment platform to Diandian Chinese Network, so that users who are accustomed to Guanghui Payment, such as and Guanghui Games, can go to When writing and reading novels online in DiandianChinese, it is natural to use the payment platform to pay.

At the same time, Jiang Hui also started promoting Diandian Chinese website on Xiaonei website and Guanghui game official website, and asked Hao123 to set Diandian Chinese website as the first place in the category of novels.

If he was not careful, Jiang Hui was about to use up the ten free priority slots on Hao123 that he had agreed with Boss Li. Neither are fuel-efficient lamps.

Considering that when Mayor Wang visited last time, he was very concerned about the entrepreneurship of college students.Jiang Hui asked to promote the creative guarantee plan of the Chinese website in the name of "Supporting Projects for College Students' Entrepreneurship".

However, such a publicity is not a false advertisement. For college students, earning money by writing can be regarded as entrepreneurship to a certain extent, but this entrepreneurial project does not require recruiting personnel, as long as you work hard.

"Mr. Jiang, actually, I think our college student entrepreneurship support project can be carried out in cooperation with the Municipal Youth League Committee. At the same time, we will invite God Capital University of Technology to let them vacate a floor of the Polytechnic Building as a college student business incubator to support college students to go to school. To create a company, our group can provide some training and guidance, and Guanghui Investment can consider venture capital for some good projects. In this way, it will not make this plan only have a project on the Chinese website, and it will not appear too commercial.” Tang The article said.

"Your proposal is very good. It serves multiple purposes. I will proceed as you said," Jiang Hui said, "In addition, we can also publicize the Xiaonei plug-in market to everyone. It is estimated that entrepreneurs will develop some interesting plug-ins. , so that the success rate of entrepreneurship will be higher. When the time comes to summarize, the data will not be so ugly.”

"Okay, I'll go back and discuss with everyone, make a relatively complete project plan, and report to you when the time comes," Tang Wenwen said.

"Well, the contact with the Imperial City University of Technology and the Imperial City Youth League Committee should also be paid close attention to. Du will listen to their opinions," Jiang Hui said.


After hearing about the "Entrepreneurship Support Program for College Students" on, Imperial University of Technology was also very interested. As for providing an office building with a one-story science and technology building as an incubator, it is no problem. It is a thousand times and ten thousand times more important than earning some rent.

"Old Zhao, I think our school will be led by you for this project. The school network has also contacted the Municipal Youth League Committee. At that time, the three parties will work together. The school network will provide funds and manpower, the city Youth League Committee will help promote it, and we will provide an incubator. place," President Hu said to Vice President Zhao.

"No problem, I also think this project is very good. A school intranet has greatly improved the reputation of our school. If we can use this incubator project to create several well-known companies, it will be very helpful for our school's ranking. benefits," said Vice President Zhao.

"I saw that the popular posts on the school's forums were basically related to Jiang Hui and his Guanghui Group. We need to communicate with the Guanghui Group and make the Guanghui Group a business card of Imperial University of Technology. ", Principal Hu said.

"Okay, Guanghui Group has a large number of students and graduates of our school, and they are more cooperative with our work now," said Vice President Zhao.


The Municipal Youth League Committee was also very interested in this project after receiving the contact from all, Mayor Wang has clearly expressed his concern about college students' entrepreneurship and employment when he went to the Xiaonei website for inspection.All departments must attach great importance to the matters that the leaders are concerned about. In addition, this project itself is in line with the work orientation of the Youth League Committee, so it is also very active to contact the Xiaonei website again.


With the cooperation of the Municipal Youth League Committee, Imperial University of Technology, and, the Tianchao Youth Daily, the school newspapers of various universities in the Imperial City, and other media are reporting the "Supporting Program for College Students Entrepreneurship" on a large scale. important position to promote the program.

All of a sudden, the number of newly registered writers on increased sharply, and the number of readers also increased rapidly.


A university dormitory.

"Have you seen the College Student Entrepreneurship Support Plan on".

"Look, I think writing novels is more suitable for me. No investment is required. As long as you spend some time writing it every day, you will get at least [-] attendance bonuses every month. If you have a high subscription, thousands of yuan a month is also very simple. matter".

"When I was in high school, I liked reading martial arts novels very much. How about I also write a martial arts fan novel? Just set myself up as Murong Fu in Tianlong Babu, recruit beautiful women, practice magic skills, and realize Yuanfu National Dream".

"It's absolutely fine. I'm going to write a novel about alternate history. I used to like "Looking for the Qin Dynasty" very much. I plan to refer to this book and let myself travel back to ancient times, and then make steel, make soap and perfume, collect girls, and destroy enemy countries." .

"Haha, this is good. Action is worse than action. I will go to Diandian Chinese website to register as a writer."


A group of writers for an online novel website.

"I heard that, Diandian has launched a creative guarantee plan."

"I see, it is said that many people go there to buy new books."

"When will our website follow up? Halfway through my writing, if there is no income, I plan to become an eunuch, and then go to to open a new book."

"I'm already dual-opening, and I just uploaded Chapter 1 on Diandian Chinese website yesterday."

"It's awesome upstairs, it's very tiring to double-play, and you have to switch back and forth between the two storylines at the same time. After a long time, people are dizzy."

"Everything is based on money, and for the sake of RMB, we have to fight hard."


An online novel site.

"Editor-in-Chief, as soon as's perfect attendance award was launched, many writers from our website asked us whether to follow up, what should we do?".

"Damn it, this is a bad rule on There used to be no perfect attendance award for online novels. They burned us so much and killed us."

"Yeah, our website is barely making ends meet now, and if there is another full attendance award, it will definitely lose money."

"It doesn't work if you don't do it. At that time, all the writers will run away, and the website will be finished. Go back and discuss how to follow up."


(End of this chapter)

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