Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 237 Secretary Candidates

Chapter 237 Secretary Candidates

Just when the "Entrepreneurship Support Program for College Students" on was in full swing, He Ling came to Jiang Hui's office and said that her cousin Zhang Mengze wanted to invite Jiang Hui to dinner.

Only then did Jiang Hui remember that when He Qingquan took him to buy a car last time, he had mentioned that he should go back and discuss with the band members about investing in a company under the Guanghui Group.I was busy and didn't have time to contact them again. It is estimated that they have made a decision after discussing for a while.

"No problem, when will they be free? Speaking of which, I have to thank Brother Quan for helping me get a good license plate," Jiang Hui said to He Ling.

He Qingquan is holding a special license for Jiang Hui. Generally, he should not go to special core sensitive departments. If he goes to this license, no one will stop him.

We all know what is the most in the imperial capital?Of course, there are the most officials, and every dynasty, every generation, and every country are the same.Then there are more officials, and of course there will be more official cars.But official cars are also divided into grades, grades, grades, and grades. How to tell the grade of an official car depends on the license plate.

For example, both are A88888, both are A9999, and both are AG6XXX, which one has the bigger official?

Don't even think about it, the AG6 is the biggest official, the first two look awesome, and the car is probably awesome, but in fact, it is most likely the car of a nouveau riche.And the Audi A6 is a high-end official car, so all AG6s are mainly Audi A6s. What's interesting is that they are all old A6s, and they basically don't post compulsory insurance certificates and environmental protection annual inspection certificates. certificate.

"If you are free today, it will be tonight? My sister asked me twice if you are free. Once you were busy receiving leaders, and once you were on a business trip, so I will help you Refused," He Ling said.

"Okay, let's do it tonight. It's about time and you come and call me. I'm worried that I'll forget when I get busy. Let's drive there by ourselves," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, but let me tell you, do you also want to consider having a secretary? There are so many companies that want to report to you, but they don't know how to find you. If this continues, it will affect the work," He Ling said.

Jiang Hui really didn't think about this question. In his previous life, he was used to doing everything by himself, so he never had the concept of being a secretary in his mind.However, with the development of Guanghui Group to the present, it is indeed necessary to have a secretary for itself. Even Tang Wenwen and Fang Dawen also need to have a secretary to better arrange their schedules and handle some trivial matters.

"Well, it makes sense. Let me mention it to Liu Chujing and ask her to assign a secretary to our vice presidents and above," Jiang Hui said.

"I don't need it. I have less work now. I think you, Tang Wenwen, and Fang Dawen are the three general managers who will be appointed first. Later, when the company has more people and management is more complicated, then the deputy general manager will be assigned a secretary. Especially You, I think it may not be enough to have one secretary, and you are currently holding positions in more than ten companies, so you should have at least two secretaries," He Ling said.

"Lingling, why don't you come and be my secretary," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"You think beautifully, the girl who is the deputy general manager is going to be your secretary," He Ling said.

"The rights of the secretary may not be worse than that of your deputy general manager," Jiang Hui said.

"I know, if you ask me to be your secretary, aren't you afraid that Bai Xue will be jealous? Bai Xue was a little suspicious of us at first, but if you do this, there will definitely be a lot of gossip," He Ling said.

"I can find another person to be the secretary together. If two people work together, there shouldn't be so many gossips," Jiang Hui said.

"You are stupid. IQ suddenly dropped so fast. In short, I can't be your secretary. I think we are in a good state now. We live in Jinbi Garden for two or three days a week. I don't want to make trouble anymore. Come out," He Ling said.

"Okay, then do you think who is more suitable to be a secretary?" Jiang Hui said.

"It's best for your secretary to be selected within the group company, so that you can start working quickly. In terms of candidates, I actually think Liu Chujing and Zeng Qingying are more suitable, but their current jobs are also very important. It's a bit overqualified to be your secretary. The other Lin Zhen and Yang Yan are also good, but they are shareholders and Lin Zhen is also Lu Yang’s girlfriend, so it seems a little unsuitable to be your secretary; or the Liao Yun and Wang Mengyu you recruited are good, although that Wang Mengyu is still a junior, but she has integrated into the company very quickly," He Ling said.

"Well, Liu Chujing is a capable person who was hired with a lot of money. It's a waste to be a secretary. I'll ask Liu Chujing to talk to them and see what they want," Jiang Hui said.

"Just tell me who you prefer to be your secretary. I'm sure all three of them are willing. If you let Liu Chujing talk about it like this, then there will be another one who doesn't want it. They will have ideas in their hearts." He Ling Said.

Jiang Hui didn't think too much about this point. What He Ling said made sense. It seems that women know women best.

"Then Zeng Qingying and Liao Yun, Wang Mengyu is still an intern after all, we will think about it later," Jiang Hui said.

"I think it's fine, but let me tell you in advance, don't be a secretary if you have nothing to do." He Ling said with a smirk.

"Lingling, who did you learn this from? It's gone bad. Be careful of the family law at night." Jiang Hui stretched out his hand and pinched He Ling's little face and said.

"Who else can I learn from? I was taught badly by you," He Lingjiao said angrily.

"We bought the car and haven't gone out to play yet. Why don't you pick a time and I'll go with you?" Jiang Hui said.

"Really? Yes, yes! We can drive to Bashang Grassland to ride horses, stay for one night and come back the next day," He Ling said.

"Okay, find some time, preferably not on weekends," Jiang Hui said.

"Snow White, who knows that you will be with you on weekends, will not embarrass you," He Ling said with her lips pouted.

Jiang Hui was a little embarrassed, and didn't know how to answer the conversation. Now Jiang Hui basically stayed with Bai Xue in the Bauhinia Garden on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights; on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, he usually stayed with He Ling. In Jinbi Garden, one of the days may be to go back to the dormitory for a while.

"Aren't you going to Hong Kong to participate in the Penguin listing on the [-]th of this month, or we can go out tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? Come back tomorrow morning to deal with work and leave in the afternoon, what do you think?" He Ling said .

"Okay, tomorrow is tomorrow, the more you delay, the busier you get. Hurry up and play while you can get away now," Jiang Hui said.

"That's all right, we'll leave tomorrow morning after get off work, and we'll probably arrive at two o'clock in the afternoon," He Ling said.


(End of this chapter)

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