Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 238 Investment of Dream Band

Chapter 238 Investment of Dream Band

The imperial capital is known as a "blocked city". Although it was not as serious as later generations in 2004, walking on the third ring road during the rush hour is still like a snail.

In addition to the objective reason that the number of cars is increasing, the most important thing is that the road network structure is inherently insufficient.There is a lack of north-south arterial roads in the city center of the imperial city, the traffic pressure on the second and third ring roads is extremely high, there is no fast connection line between the ring roads, there is a lack of main roads in the urban-rural fringe, there are many broken roads in the urban area, and the ring road nodes and overpasses cannot meet the demand for large traffic.In addition, there are problems with the bus routes and station settings, the main road lacks a bus harbor, and the main road of the ring road often has the phenomenon of "crushing" buses. It is strange that there is no traffic jam.Fortunately, the imperial capital vigorously developed the underground transportation system later, and finally found a choice for office workers to go to work on time.However, what it feels like to squeeze the subway during rush hour, you can only have the right to speak if you experience it yourself, and it is no longer possible to describe it with ordinary words.

Following the traffic flow, Jiang Hui drove for about an hour before arriving at the place to eat.

After Jiang Hui and He Ling got off the car, they went directly to the box. Zhang Mengze and the others had already arrived ahead of schedule.

"Sister Zhang, Brother Quan, Brother Chen, Brother Li, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long," Jiang Hui said as he opened the box door and saw Zhang Mengze and the others sitting in their seats.

"It's okay, we just arrived not long ago, I heard from He Ling that there is a big traffic jam in the imperial capital today, and there have been more and more traffic jams in the past few years," Zhang Mengze said.

"Yeah, it crawled all the way like a snail, and the traffic jam was too severe," Jiang Hui said.

"I've already ordered some dishes. Let's see what I can add." After Jiang Hui and He Ling sat down, Zhang Mengze gave Jiang Hui the menu and said.

"No, I've always believed in Sister Zhang's vision, as long as I'm responsible for the food," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"I'm talking about Jiang Hui, your group grabs the headlines every now and then. Every time you go online, you can see some news about your company," He Qingquan said with a smile.

"Haha, there is no way, the stalls are getting bigger and bigger, and you have to toss if you don't have to," Jiang Hui said.

"I see that Uncle Wang personally visited you some time ago. It seems that your company has spread its influence to ministerial-level cadres," Zhang Mengze said.

When Jiang Hui heard Zhang Mengze call Mayor Wang Uncle Wang, he knew that these second generations were indeed not simple.That day, Mayor Wang said that he heard about Xiaonei when he was having dinner with his niece, and he didn't know the relationship between Zhang Mengze and Mayor Wang's niece.

"With more users on Xiaonei, the reputation will naturally spread. In the future, everyone will get used to it after listening to it a lot," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

Several people have been chatting, but none of them mentioned the matter of investing in shares.

Things in the Celestial Dynasty are often like this, they like to talk about things at the wine table.Usually, after drinking for three rounds, I will talk about what I want to say, and when the meal is over, the talk is over.

Of course, if it is purely a meal with an abstract purpose such as building relationships, then no one will mention the purpose of the meal from the beginning to the end. What.The next day, the approved project was approved naturally, and those who should help were naturally said, and those who needed to be improved were naturally included in the scope, and everything was said without saying anything.

The food in this restaurant today is exquisite, Zhang Mengze and the others also brought their own collection of red wine, everyone chatted while eating and drinking, the atmosphere is very harmonious.Jiang Hui and the members of Dream Band also met at the beginning of their infancy, and their relationship with each other is relatively simple and sincere.

"Jiang Hui, I heard from He Ling that you took a 65-acre piece of land in the sea area. What kind of data center is it called?" Zhang Mengze said.

"Yes, this land is estimated to be about [-] acres to build a data center, and the rest will be used to build the company's headquarters in the future," Jiang Hui said.

"I found out that this data center is composed of a bunch of servers, and it costs money. Can you handle it? Do you need a bank loan?" Zhang Mengze said.

Among the members of the Dream Band, some of them probably have family backgrounds in the banking system, otherwise Zhang Mengze would not have asked Jiang Hui such a question.

"There is no shortage of funds for the time being. The data center plans to invest one billion yuan. The first phase of [-] million yuan has already been in place, and the subsequent [-] million yuan has also been determined. In fact, Xiaonei, Guanghui Games, and Guanghui Technology are not short for the time being. It’s just that companies such as Meituan, Tudou, and YY Live need funds, but since each company’s share structure is different, if I inject capital directly, it is easy for other shareholders to feel that I am diluting their shares. We are in a critical stage of development, and I don't want any internal conflicts to affect the company's development, so I want to attract external funds to speed up the development of those companies," Jiang Hui said.

Hearing Jiang Hui's calm look when he was talking about a one-billion-dollar project, everyone in the Dream Band was a little frustrated. They thought they needed relationships and resources, but the results they made Compared with Jiang Hui, he is nothing.Even the current achievement was achieved with Jiang Hui's help, which also made the band members more determined to invest. It is much better to follow Jiang Hui's free ride than to toss around by yourself.Everyone in the band watched Jiang Hui develop step by step. It has only been more than half a year, and he is already worth billions. It is not yet known how far he will achieve in the future.

"It's not easy for you to think about it this way. Many entrepreneurs value their own shares very much, and they are reluctant to raise money. They just sit there slowly, and they are overtaken by their opponents. The shares in his hands are worthless," Zhang Mengze said.

"If you want your company to grow bigger and stronger, you can't do it alone. I prefer to win-win, and I like to do things that kill two birds with one stone or kill two birds with one stone. Hello, everyone, hello, that's really good," Jiang Hui said .

"Jiang Hui, let me tell you the truth. In the past six months since we became famous, we have earned a few million. With the help from our family, everyone can make up 2000 million. You What you said to Qingquan last time, can you give us a specific guide on which company to invest in. You are the founder of these companies, you must know their situation best, we all trust you, you said to invest We will reveal which one, and the conditions will be according to what you said," Zhang Mengze said.

The choice of Dream Band was not beyond Jiang Hui's expectations. Although Jiang Hui guessed that they also had some ideas in their hearts, they didn't know if they were right, so they chose to listen to the opinion of the founder Jiang Hui.

This is also a more reliable and tricky way, of course, the premise is that Jiang Hui doesn't cheat them.

(End of this chapter)

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