Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 239 New Shareholders

Chapter 239 New Shareholders

Will Jiang Hui cheat them?
Certainly not!
Not to mention that everyone has known each other for so long and has a relatively deep understanding of each other's conduct. With the family backgrounds of the members of the Dream Band, they are not afraid that Jiang Hui will dare to deceive them on purpose.

"How about this, let me analyze my views on these companies for you, and then you can choose which company to invest in, how about it?" Jiang Hui said to everyone.

This financing treatment, that is, Dream Band can enjoy, other investment institutions don't even think about it.

"Okay, we are all ears," Zhang Mengze sat up straight and looked at Jiang Hui and said.

"The content of the analysis in a while, I hope everyone will forget it after hearing it, and don't spread it to the outside world. This is also related to the vital interests of everyone after the stake," Jiang Hui said.

"Jiang Hui, just say it, we promise not to spread it to the outside world, and we can't deceive ourselves," He Qingquan said with a smile.

"Well, first of all, let me talk about Meituan Internet cafes. The business of group buying is estimated to be very hot in the second half of the year. Some companies have already appeared to follow suit, and they are also companies under the Guanghui Group that are most in need of financing. Currently, the US Tuanwang, I value it at [-] to [-] million. After all, it already has a relatively large reputation and market in the imperial capital area, and it is still developing rapidly. But because the group buying business is not like other websites, it It requires a lot of manpower and material resources to promote negotiations, and it rises and falls quickly. It is currently a relatively high-risk enterprise in the group, but it is also the enterprise that has not been able to develop rapidly in a short period of time," Jiang Hui said.

The members of Dream Band are listening to Jiang Hui's analysis seriously. This is related to the investment decision for a while, so it's up to everyone not to be serious.

"Then let's talk about Tudou Internet Cafe. This website is full of imagination. I am very optimistic about its future market. If it is done well, it can also have a certain influence on the entertainment industry. But it has a shortcoming. It is difficult to make profits in a short period of time, and it needs continuous financing to support its development. At present, I value at [-] million yuan, and this is a project suitable for long-term investment,” Jiang Hui said.

"Let's talk about YY live broadcast. In fact, this company is somewhat similar to Tudou. It has a bright future, but the immediate development space is not so wide. It is estimated that it will usher in its development peak in five or six years. It has another advantage, that is, It is more suitable to go to island countries and other Asian markets for promotion. It will be an international company in the future, and the current valuation I give is [-] million," Jiang Hui said.

"As for, I don't really recommend that you invest in it. It's not that this website is not worth investing in. It's that Douban's positioning is doomed that its future valuation will not be particularly high. As a capital investment seeking returns, it is not a Very good choice. At present, I value Douban at 5000 million," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, Jiang Hui, you just throw me on Douban, which you are least optimistic about, and become some kind of deputy general manager. Isn't this bullying?" After hearing Jiang Hui's evaluation of Douban, He Ling was a little bit reluctant and acted like a baby. said.

"Low valuation doesn't mean it's unimportant. Douban will have more and more influence on the entertainment industry, especially various movies," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Lingling, you are still a freshman, and Jiang Hui will let you be the second in command of a company with a valuation of 5000 million, which is enough to pamper you." Zhang Mengze couldn't stand Jiang Hui and He Ling's disguised show Love it.

"Let's go on to talk about other companies. The website of Autohome was invested by me and a buddy in my dormitory. As you can see, the sales of cars have been increasing year by year in the past few years. Now there is no one that is widely recognized by everyone. Autohome is aimed at this goal, and its valuation should be relatively high in the future. At present, I value it at [-] million," Jiang Hui said.

Everyone in the Dream Band silently counted the valuations of these companies while listening. The value of Xiaonei and the few companies just now has exceeded 30 billion.This is not counting the big money-absorbing Brilliance Games, and Brilliance Payment and Brilliance Technology, which have no financing plans for the time being.

"Jiang Hui, what about Xiaonei? What do you think of Xiaonei?" Zhang Mengze said.

" currently has a relatively large market. The valuation of the last financing was 22 billion. After financing 3.3 million, it is equivalent to a valuation of 25 billion. It has developed to the present, and it is difficult to enter without a valuation of [-] billion. Although I am very optimistic about investing in, but in terms of the proportion of investment income, Tudou and other websites may be higher, depending on how you think about it,” Jiang Hui said.

"Jiang Hui, just give us an accurate suggestion on which company to invest in. Although you have analyzed so much, I still don't know which company to invest in." Hui said that the other members of the dream band who watched were stunned, and they were probably thinking: When will Sister Zhang act like a baby?

"It's not that I don't give specific suggestions, but I don't know where these companies will go in a few years. There is a saying in the stock market: the stock market has risks, and investment needs to be cautious. The same is true for this investment company. I don’t know which company will be the most successful in the future, and I can’t guarantee whether these companies will survive in a few years,” Jiang Hui said.

These companies will have different performances in different periods, and it is inevitable that everyone will complain again: Why didn’t I choose to invest in that company?So Jiang Hui sincerely hopes that everyone can make their own choices.

"It doesn't matter, you can choose from your own perspective, no matter which one I choose, I will never blame you in the future," Zhang Mengze said.

Now that Zhang Mengze said so, Jiang Hui couldn't shirk anymore, so he said: "If I have to choose, I suggest you invest in Tudou and YY Live. These websites have some overlap with the entertainment industry you are in now. In the long run It looks more promising," Jiang Hui said.

"Well, I'll listen to you. I'll invest 1000 million each in and YY Live. According to the valuation you just said, can each get five points of shares?" Zhang Mengze said.

"Yes, 5.00% each. Brother Quan, Brother Chen, Brother Li, what do you plan to do?" Jiang Hui asked.

"I'll go with Sister Zhang and each invest 1000 million," He Qingquan said.

"I am more optimistic about and invest 2000 million in Tudou Internet cafes," Chen Yu said.

"I think Autohome is also good. I plan to give the first 1000 million to Autohome and 1000 million to YY Live," Li Minghua said.

"It's all right, just follow everyone's wishes. Tomorrow, I will ask the company's legal affairs to sign an agreement with reference to the financing method last time on the Xiaonei website," Jiang Hui said.

"Come, come, let's celebrate everyone becoming partners," Zhang Mengze said.


(End of this chapter)

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