Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 240 Bashang Grassland

Chapter 240 Bashang Grassland
After drinking and eating with everyone in the Dream Band, Jiang Hui and He Ling returned to the Bauhinia Garden.He Ling's driver's license was taken in the summer after she graduated from high school. She recently practiced with the Escalade, and she is already quite proficient.That's why Jiang Hui dared to let go of drinking with everyone in the dream band.

It was a tender night again.

After returning to the company the next day, Jiang Hui arranged the financing and asked the legal department to draft and prepare the relevant investment agreement.

At noon, Jiang Hui and He Ling slipped away to play on the Bashang Grassland.

Bashang Grassland refers to the northern part of the imperial capital and the southernmost area of ​​the Inner Mongolia Plateau.

Bashang is a geographical term, specifically referring to the area formed by the steep rise of the grassland, and the meadow-like grassland formed by the climate and vegetation.

It belonged to Shanggu County in the Qin Dynasty, the northern border of Shanggu in the Western Han Dynasty, the land of Xianbei people in the Eastern Han and Wei Jin Dynasties, and an important town for imperial barbarians in the Northern Wei Dynasty, as well as a summer resort for emperors of Liao, Jin, Yuan and Qing dynasties.The dressing building of Empress Dowager Xiao in the Liao Dynasty has gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes, and it still stands by the Lightning River. And a large number of historical and cultural relics with a long history, such as the Hongcheng site of the Yuan Dynasty and the Jiulian City site, still exist today.

After entering the scenic spot, Jiang Huijiang parked his car in the parking lot of the hotel, checked in, and took He Ling to rent a horse to enjoy the scenery.

"You should also put on some sunscreen, don't make it look like you came back from Africa again." He Ling applied a thick layer of sunscreen to her exposed skin, and then asked Jiang Hui to apply it too.

On May [-]st, Jiang Hui and Bai Xue played in Qindao for a week, and Du was tanned when they came back. He Ling laughed at Jiang Hui for a long time.

"Okay, I'll wipe it on too," Jiang Hui said, taking the sunscreen from He Ling.Jiang Hui didn't want to go back to the company the day after tomorrow and let people see that he was tanned.

Today's bashang grassland is high and airy, with fragrant grass, flocks of sheep like clouds, galloping horses, clusters of peaks on the edge of the dam, and gurgling clear water; A pleasant feeling to cool off the heat.

Jiang Hui and Bai Xue rode rented horses side by side, and the cool wind blew across their faces, and it got into the skirt of their clothes in an instant.Looking around, the dense green meadow is dotted with star-like wildflowers.There are large expanses of birch forests, densely covered with jade skin, and among the layers of branches and leaves, there are speckled shadows of the sun.Surrounded by a jade belt, the beautiful Lightning River flows quietly.

Cows, horses, and sheep roost for food, and the rough singing and clear whip of the shepherds, combined with the melodious and melodious birdsong, add infinite vitality to the plain grassland.

The only thing that spoiled the scenery was that Jiang Hui and Bai Xue were followed by an uncle who rented a horse for them, watching Jiang Hui and He Ling at any time, not to ride too fast.

"Every time I come to Bashang Grassland, I can see different scenery," said He Ling.

"The scenic area is too big. Every time I go to a different place, and the time of coming is also different, the scenery is naturally different," Jiang Hui said.

"Indeed, in summer, the grass grows and warblers fly, and flowers bloom everywhere; in autumn, the vegetation shakes down; in winter, it is covered with snow. The charm of the dam is that it is full of beautiful scenery all year round," said He Ling.

"Well, the scenery is indeed very good. Standing here gives me a refreshing feeling, especially the lake in the distance, which is so beautiful," Jiang Hui said.

"That is Ruyi Lake. It is said that the entire lake covers an area of ​​300 mu. The water surface is as calm as a mirror and clear to the bottom. Under the bright sun, the lake and mountains are beautiful and picturesque. Especially when the sun is setting, you can climb up the mountain on the east side for a bird's-eye view. Taifeng Lake is like a jade ruyi inlaid between the mountains and rivers of Saihanba. Looking west of the lake, the bottom of the lake is dyed by colorful clouds all over the sky. Each has half a round of red sun, and gradually approaching the horizon, the sky and underwater are full of red light, which is spectacular. But climbing the mountain is very tiring, so we will not go to the top of the mountain to see the lake at sunset today,” said He Ling.

"Okay, I'll listen to you," Jiang Hui said.

"There is also a legend about this lake. It is said that Emperor Qianlong came here for hunting. At that time, he stood on the mountain in the east and looked here. Ruyi Lake. To the north of here are the twelve joint camps where Emperor Kangxi quelled Galdan’s rebellion. Therefore, Emperor Qianlong had set up camps by this Ruyi Lake many times when he went hunting in Mulan Paddock. "New Moon Princess" and "Returning Pearl "Gege" was filmed here," He Ling said.

"It seems that if I want to go to the imperial capital and surrounding classics in the future, I don't even need a tour guide with you," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"That is, who am I?" He Ling said with a smile and raised her head.

In the afternoon, the two of them rode horses around the neighborhood, and when the sun set and the sky began to darken, they returned to the hotel.

In the evening, the two had a simple meal at the hotel, and then went to join in the fun and participate in the bonfire party.

Since it was not a weekend, the performance of the bonfire party was relatively simple. After watching it for a while, the two of them were ready to go back to their room to rest. Riding a horse in the afternoon was also exhausting.

"I feel hot on the inner thigh, look, it's all red," He Ling said to Jiang Hui while taking a bath, pointing to the skin on the inner thigh.

He Ling half-bent, pointing her fingers at her thighs, the beautiful scenery on her chest was revealed in front of Jiang Hui's eyes, coupled with those slender and straight jade legs like chopsticks, Jiang Hui's mouth felt parched.

"Well, it should be because I have been riding for too long in the afternoon, and the pants are relatively thin in summer, so don't grab them, it will be fine in two days," Jiang Hui said.

Riding a horse for a long time is actually not an easy task, so in fact, the ancient cavalry was really a difficult unit.Not to mention doing various actions on the horse, just riding a horse for a long time is not something ordinary people can bear.

"Why don't you seem to be very popular?" He Ling stretched out her hand to press Jiang Hui's thigh while looking at it.

"Don't move around, take a shower first, and if you move any further, I'll take you to Fa-rectification on the spot," Jiang Hui said.

"No, come back after taking a shower," He Ling said.


"Do you feel like you finally got your wish tonight?" He Ling said while lying in Jiang Hui's arms.

"Hey, we have to be brave to try and challenge, and keep learning and developing new moves," Jiang Hui said with a smirk.

"No seriousness, why didn't I find you so lustful before, I jumped into the trap myself," He Ling said with a white look at Jiang Hui.

"Hey, don't even think about getting out after jumping in," Jiang Hui said, kissing He Ling.


(End of this chapter)

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