Chapter 241

The next morning, Jiang Hui and He Ling woke up earlier, and He Ling was frightened by Jiang Hui's big hands.

"I still have to go out to play today, don't play tricks anymore, I won't have the strength later", He Ling said shyly, she got up from the bed and realized that she was naked now, so she hurried to put on her clothes first.

Jiang Hui watched the scene of the beauties getting dressed before getting up from the bed.

After washing up, the two of them packed up their things and went directly to have breakfast with Xinglv, so as not to have to make another trip after breakfast to check out.

The hotel has a buffet breakfast, which is quite rich, and most of them are local specialties.

Bashang is dominated by Han people, followed by Mongolians and Manchus.Eating habits are basically oat noodles and potatoes; Mengman is mainly milk food and meat.

Naked oats are dry land crops with low yields, rich in carbohydrates and various amino acids, and have therapeutic effects on high blood pressure and diabetes.It and potatoes are the most basic food of the Bashang people. They can be used as a variety of pasta and served with mutton and mushrooms. It is a unique local food.

There are three categories of Mongolian food: meat, milk and grain.There are few vegetables on the prairie. They drink milk tea, milk food, and hand-held meat in the morning and eat hand-held meat and noodles at night.

Jiang Hui and He Ling tried naked oatmeal noodles and milk tea, and ate a few mouthfuls of hand-meat meat. They didn't like or dislike them, and they just filled their stomachs.

After eating, the two decided to go to Saihan Temple separately, which is also a famous scenic spot in Baxia Grassland.

In the Qing Dynasty, hunting in autumn became a royal event.Once, Kangxi led members of the royal family and tens of thousands of soldiers to the paddock again.But this time the weather was not beautiful, the hunting team was moving slowly due to the continuous autumn rain. Some people suggested that the emperor wait for the rain to stop before leaving.Kangxi looked at the sky and said, "Even if it rains red, you have to go!" In an instant, it really rained red.Kangxi couldn't help wondering: "Is there something you want to ask for seal?" Before the words finished, Kangxi's eyes lit up: a small pond appeared a few steps ahead, and a three-legged golden toad lay on the stone in the pond.Kangxi was startled, and said to Jinchan, "If you can stop the rain, I will make you a Buddha in Saibei."Kangxi ordered the construction of a small temple here, and named it "Saibei Spiritual Buddha", also known as Saihan Buddha.It is said that this Buddha is really spiritual. If a pedestrian loses his way in the forest, he can find his way home by worshiping the golden toad.

It is probably true that Kangxi came to the vicinity of Saihan Temple, but the story of Jin Chan is probably made up by later generations.

Jiang Hui and He Ling stopped and stopped all the way, and came down from time to time to take a photo. It was already eleven o'clock when they arrived at Saihan Temple.

But fortunately, Jiang Hui and He Ling didn't go to the scenic spots, the important thing was the feeling of traveling.

Fortunately, it was not a weekend or a holiday, so not many people came to visit, so the two wandered around casually inside and outside Saihan Temple.

For lunch, I ate a bowl of oatmeal and mutton noodles at a nearby store.Jiang Hui and He Ling are not picky eaters, and it doesn't matter if they eat noodles.

In the afternoon, the two of them continued to stroll around the nearby scenic spots. They were a little tired after shopping, so they drove back to the imperial capital.

Although the two days of play can't be said to be a lot of fun, it's a good feeling to be able to come out to get some fresh air in the midst of busy schedules.

"I feel like I haven't eaten well in the past two days, why don't we have a big meal tonight?" Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, let's go to the Quanjude restaurant in Qianmen, okay? We ate there once before, do you remember?" He Ling said.

"Of course I remember, someone was drunk," Jiang Hui said.

"Hmph, who takes advantage of others' danger to kiss and touch them?" He Lingjiao said angrily.

"Hey, you're pretending to be drunk," Jiang Hui said.

"I didn't pretend to be drunk, but I knew you were taking advantage of me. I had to squeeze it when I got up in the morning, so I almost couldn't hold back my voice," He Ling said.

Jiang Hui remembered that when he woke up that morning, he did not know when he had already dug his hands into He Ling's clothes. When he just woke up, he was still pinching the soft lump.Now that He Ling brought up the old matter again, even Jiang Hui has a thick skin and is a little embarrassed.

"Hee hee, you are throwing yourself into a trap. I wondered all night whether it is better to be a beast or not as good as a beast," Jiang Hui said.

"You are a big beast, blame me for my bad luck, and met you who are so heartless," He Ling said with her lips pouted.

"So you just resign yourself to your fate, and follow my uncle to eat and drink spicy food," Jiang Hui said.


The two chatted along the way, but they didn't feel that the journey was boring.

In the evening, the two finally arrived at the front door and found a place to park with difficulty.Now at this point, many people are starting to come out to eat.

The problem of difficult parking has only gradually emerged in the past few years, but it will only become more and more serious in the future. Especially in some popular business districts and communities, it is simply hard to find a car, and there is no place to park if you have money.

The two entered Quanjude and quickly ordered food.He Ling grew up in the imperial capital, and she has recently figured out Jiang Hui's taste, so she took the menu directly and ordered all the dishes.

"You said this life is really amazing. The last time we ate here, it was also at this location. The scene at that time is still vivid in my memory. I didn't expect that we would come back here today with a different identity," He Ling said.

"Well, this is the most exciting part of life. No one knows where the next intersection is. The most important thing is to walk all the way and enjoy the scenery along the way slowly," Jiang Hui said.

"Some people are just passers-by in our lives, coming and going without a trace; Take root, and even hold memories for a lifetime," He Ling said.

"No matter what way we live, we only have one purpose, don't go against our will, don't regret it, and the words of those who go to him are terrible," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Well, but we don't have to care about it ourselves. It's hard for our family not to care about it. Now I'm really worried that my parents will know the state between us. If they find out that I have become your lover, they will probably be pissed off." He Ling Tangled said.

Jiang Hui really didn't know how to deal with this problem for the time being.

"When the time comes, you can put the blame on me, and I will explain to them that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, so you don't have to worry too much," Jiang Hui said.

"That's right, I don't think so much anymore, let's start eating, do you want some more liquor?" He Ling said.

"We'll have to drive later, let's take a few sips after we get home," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, let's make up for what I haven't eaten in the past two days, let's eat," He Ling said with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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