Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 242 Meituan Financing

Chapter 242 Meituan Financing

After Jiang Hui returned to the company, the investment agreement of the members of the Dream Band will be signed soon, but there are still some procedures that need to be filed with the government department., YY Live, and Autohome quickly accelerated their pace of expansion after receiving new capital injections.

Considering the shortage of experienced management personnel in several companies, and everyone in the Dream Band has a rich background, there must be many suitable candidates recommended, which can be regarded as a bumper for their investment, after all, they have no one Looking at it from the company, after everyone threw down 2000 million, they didn't feel popular.

Zhang Mengze and others saw that Jiang Hui was really sincere in asking them to recommend managers, but they didn't shirk it.Zhang Mengze recommended a financial officer and a legal officer to Tudou and YY Live; He Qingquan recommended a personnel and public relations to each of the two websites; Chen Yu recommended a deputy general manager and technical personnel to Tudou; Li Minghua recommended to Tudou. Autohome recommended a deputy general manager and financial manager, and recommended a content reviewer and marketing staff to YY Live.

The people recommended by the Dream Band have at least five years of work experience, and most of them are more than 30 years old with rich experience and energy. Although their level needs to be observed, judging from their resumes, they are all Talent, if no one recommends them, they may not be able to take a fancy to websites such as, which was founded not long ago.

Just as entered a new development channel, Meituan's financing finally came to fruition.

After IDG Capital failed to invest in last time, it quickly learned its experience and gave Meituan a higher valuation than Softbank and Sequoia Capital, and was willing to raise 20.00% at a valuation of [-] million.

Jiang Hui plans to meet with IDG Capital personnel during the final round of negotiations, specifically to determine the conditions of the negotiations.


IDG Capital Tianchao Branch.

"Is Meituan not satisfied with our valuation?".

"That's not true. Now the last round of negotiations is basically going over the terms, everyone's rights and obligations, and their President Jiang will also attend."

"He is finally willing to show his face. He is so difficult at such a young age. In a few years, the Chinese Internet industry will be his world."

"No way, the largest Internet companies are several major portal websites. It should not be so easy for the companies under the Guanghui Group to surpass these old-timers."

"It's hard to say, Jiang Hui has too many ideas in his mind, and he popped an atom out of nowhere, making it hard for the industry to guard against."

"That's true. At present, most of the enterprises under Guanghui Group are original, rather than created by imitating others. This makes it difficult for the outside world to understand their routines."

"Yes, but this kind of talent is what attracts our venture capital the most. Just investing in an idea can subvert an industry or create a new investment direction, which makes people love and hate."


With the development of, it has come to the time when it has to establish offices in major cities across the country.At least in addition to the imperial capital, places such as the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Yangcheng, and Jiangcheng in Central China need someone to work there for a long time to speed up negotiations with businesses in various regions.

According to the current valuation of 20.00 million, the financing is 6000%, which is 6000 million.It is estimated that the 20 million can barely support Meituan until the end of this year, and then it will be necessary to conduct a second round of financing.But at that time, it was definitely not a valuation of 30 million, and it was estimated to be at least a billion or more. If you can get rid of your competitors, then it is not impossible to have a valuation of [-] billion or [-] billion.

The last financing negotiation between Meituan and IDG Capital was arranged in the new office area of ​​Meituan on the [-]th floor of the Science and Technology Building.The rapid development of each company quickly occupied the three-story office area, and there was no place to recruit a few more people.Fortunately, the seventh and eighth floors upstairs are already under renovation, and it is estimated that they will be fully put into use in two months. By then, everyone will have a more relaxed environment for eating, exercising, and working.

He was about to become a partner soon, so Jiang Hui personally went downstairs to meet Mr. Song and his team from IDG Capital.

After arriving at the office, Tang Wenwen began to review and introduce the latest situation of and the content of the previous negotiations.

"Mr. Jiang, our IDG Capital is very sincere to develop together with Meituan. Meituan has only been established for a few months, and we have already given a valuation of [-] million yuan. This is also very rare for our company. Yes, of course, this is also because Mr. Jiang's creativity is so attractive," Mr. Song said.

In fact, if Jiang Hui hadn't spread his plate too much in the past few months and operated Meituan alone, it should be valued at more than [-] million yuan now, but there are gains and losses, and Meituan alone fights alone , It is definitely not as powerful as Tudou, Douban, etc. going up to fight together.

" is discovering a new gold mine. No one has ever paid attention to this area in the past. At present, we have developed the market in the imperial capital to be relatively mature, and some cities such as Shanghai Stock Exchange and Yangcheng are also developing some businesses. Next, the US Tuanwang will carry out related businesses in major cities across the country, and the valuation will definitely exceed one billion before the end of the year. Mr. Song, this is definitely a high-yield investment,” Jiang Hui said.

"Haha, I hope that can develop as quickly as Mr. Jiang said, and let us IDG Capital also try the feeling of pressing Zhongbao," Mr. Song said.

"Meituan will definitely not disappoint you, let's go through the relevant conditions again," Jiang Hui said.

Next, everyone went through the rights and obligations of both parties after the financing. Jiang Hui agreed that IDG Capital will send a deputy general manager and deputy finance minister to Meituan after the financing, and will also selectively consider them. Recommended other marketers, etc.

Since the two parties were quite clear about each other's conditions and requirements before, this negotiation has become a united conference and a successful conference. Even the investment agreement has been prepared in advance.At the end of the negotiation, the relevant agreement is countersigned, and the rest is to go to the government department to modify the relevant information.

At noon that day, Jiang Hui entertained Mr. Song and his party at a restaurant near the company.Jiang Hui called the current department heads of to get acquainted with the staff of IDG Capital. Jiang Hui estimated that the vice president they sent here should be one of the negotiators most likely.

Lang has a concubine who is interested, so the meal is naturally enjoyed by both the host and the guest.

In the afternoon of that day, the news of IDG Capital’s investment in spread.

 Unknowingly, there are already 50 words. Thank you for your support all the time. I hope you will continue to give monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and reward red envelopes in the future.Nanshan Church would like to thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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