Chapter 245
In a blink of an eye, it was almost time for Penguin to go public, and Jiang Hui's pass had already been issued, so he was ready to leave at any time.

Bai Xue is now the assistant to the general manager of Brilliant Games, and Jiang Hui’s Brilliant Games is the company that has the closest relationship with the company besides Brilliant Technology. In addition, she is from Haizhu City, so she already has a passport, and the visa is also for two years. The kind that worked many times, so Jiang Hui planned to let Bai Xue accompany him to Hong Kong to participate in the Penguin listing event.

Penguins will be listed on June [-], and Jiang Hui has booked a flight from Imperial Capital to Hong Kong on the morning of June [-].

"Boss Jiang, do you want to buy a suit? When you attend the Penguin launch event, you can't just wear a pair of sneakers, a T-shirt and cropped pants?" Bai Xue said.

"Well, it makes sense, the plane tomorrow morning, let's go shopping this afternoon, buy a suit, and buy you a formal suit," Jiang Hui said.

"Will I look like the lobby manager of a restaurant in a formal suit?" Bai Xue said.

"Where is such a beautiful lobby manager? You can choose a formal suit that is more casual, so that you will not be so uncomfortable wearing it," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you. Let's go to the Jinsha shopping mall in the afternoon. This shopping mall sells more formal clothes," Bai Xue said.


At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Hui and Bai Xue came to the mall and began to choose suits.

The reason why the suit lasts forever is that it has a profound cultural connotation. The mainstream suit culture is often labeled as "educated, educated, gentlemanly, and authoritative".

The modern suit was formed in the middle of the 19th century, but from its composition characteristics and wearing habits, it can be traced back to the Louis XIV era at least in the second half of the 17th century.In the Louis XIV era in the second half of the seventeenth century, the knee-length coat "Quest Cole" and the slightly shorter "Best" were used together with the tight and body half trousers "Kyorot". On the stage of history, it constitutes the composition form and many wearing habits of the modern three-piece suit.Just Cole generally does not button the front placket, but generally only buttons a few buttons on the upper and lower waistlines. This is the modern single-breasted suit. Generally, it is not impolite to not button the two buttons, and only the top button is buttoned. The origin of the habit.

Around the 19s, suits were introduced into China, and Chinese people who returned from studying abroad mostly wore suits. In 40, the government of the Republic of China listed suits as one of the dresses. After 1911, the suit, as a symbol of new culture, challenged the traditional robes and jackets, and the Chinese suit industry developed, and gradually formed a large number of "Fengbang" tailors, mainly from the Fenghua people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, who specialized in making suits.

However, after the establishment of the new government, the Chinese tunic suit has always been the dominant clothing.After the reform and opening up, with the emancipation of the mind and the rapid development of the economy, western clothing represented by suits flooded into the heaven again with an irresistible international trend. People no longer discuss whether it has been worn by any class, no longer Paying attention to its unclear symbols and meanings, the Chinese people who want to be in line with the international market seem to take the initiative to accept this familiar but fresh clothing culture with a challenging mentality.As a result, a "suit craze" swept across the land of China. People in the Celestial Dynasty showed higher enthusiasm for suits than Westerners, and wearing a suit and tie gradually became a fashion.

When he was a child, Jiang Hui still remembered that for a while, the most popular new year clothes for children were small suits, and Jiang Hui himself had one.

"How about this suit? I don't think it looks so old-fashioned, but more stylish." Bai Xue pointed to a suit and said.

"Hello, both of you, you can try on which suit you like, and you will know how it works after you try it on," the waiter said from the side.

Although Jiang Hui has heard a lot about the phenomenon of waiters looking down on people at every turn, he has never encountered a particularly excellent one, and at most he just ignores it.However, the waiters in this store don't know if they are really of higher quality, or because Jiang Hui and Bai Xue look like people who can afford a suit, and their service attitude is quite good.

Jinsha Mall sells suits of various brands. The lowest-end ones cost about [-] yuan, while the mainstream ones cost [-], [-], and [-] to [-] yuan. Of course, some international famous brand products such as Armani are much more expensive.

Ganggang itself is a shopping paradise. Jiang Hui thinks that he can just buy a decent set in the imperial capital, and then he can go shopping in Ganggang again.

"Then go and try it, I haven't seen you in a suit yet," Bai Xue said.

Jiang Hui is not very picky about the style of clothes, as long as Bai Xue likes it, he can buy any set.

After the waiter helped take off the clothes, he gave Jiang Hui a shirt to try on in the dressing room.

"Miss, this dress fits your boyfriend's figure very well," the waiter said to Bai Xue when Jiang Hui finished dressing and walked out of the fitting room.

"Well, it's okay, turn around and I'll take a look," Bai Xue said.

After ordinary people put on a suit, as long as the clothes fit well, they will look more energetic. The so-called people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, which is roughly what it means.

"What do you think?" Bai Xue asked.

"It's okay, you think it's almost enough," Jiang Hui said.

"Why don't we look at other ones, and if there is no more suitable one, we will come back and buy this set," Bai Xue said.

"There are other styles in our store, do you want to try other ones?" the waiter said after hearing the conversation between the two.

"Let's take a look and come back later," Bai Xue said.

Jiang Hui went to change back his clothes, held Bai Xue's hand and continued to browse other stores.

After trying a few more suits one after another, Bai Xue helped Jiang Hui choose a navy blue casual suit, and bought a shirt, tie and leather shoes along the way.

Afterwards, the two of them came to the women's clothing store again, and Jiang Hui watched Bai Xue dazzledly as she tried one set after another.In fact, Jiang Hui thinks that with Bai Xue's figure, that style of formal clothes is very beautiful, but the process of buying clothes for women must be relatively long.

In the end, amidst the compliments from Jiang Hui and the waiter, Bai Xue finally chose a suit she likes.With five or six centimeters high black high-heeled shoes, slender thighs, firm buttocks, and plump breasts, she is a proper urban beauty, and the other customers who are looking at the clothes are ashamed.I saw Jiang Hui's mouth was dry for a while, it seemed that this little girl looked more sexy in a formal suit, next time she might consider a uniform to seduce her.

After paying the bill, on the way back, Bai Xue said to Jiang Hui: "Why do I feel that your eyes were so hot when you looked at me just now?"

"Hey, go back tonight and try on the clothes to see if they look good, and you will know why I am so hot," Jiang Hui said with a smirk.

Bai Xue seemed to understand what Jiang Hui said, rolled her eyes and said, "Pervert".

(End of this chapter)

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