Chapter 246
It was the first time for Jiang Hui and Bai Xue to fly directly from the imperial capital to Hong Kong. Considering that they had to go through the exit procedures, Jiang Hui and Bai Xue set off early in the morning.I drove to the airport by myself, and the car was left in the airport parking lot for a few days, and I just drove back when I came back.

As for the hotel, Penguin had already arranged it in a unified way. It was a five-star hotel in Central. At that time, Manager Gao had specifically asked Jiang Hui how many rooms he needed.

After the reunification of Hong Kong and Hong Kong, the procedures in the past in the mainland became more and more simple.After Jiang Hui and Bai Xue arrived at the international departure hall of the Imperial Capital Airport, they followed the signs and went through the boarding pass and entry-exit procedures one by one, and boarded the plane without waiting too long.

It takes about three hours to fly from the imperial capital to Hong Kong, so Jiang Hui booked first class. Speaking of which, this is Jiang Hui's first time to fly first class.In addition to the more detailed service of the stewardess, the biggest difference between the first class and the economy class is that the seat spacing is much wider.There are three seats in the economy class and two in the first class. There are three rows of seats in the economy class and two rows in the first class, so the ride comfort will be much better.

"It seems that the stewardesses on international flights are more beautiful," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Is it as beautiful as me?" Bai Xue pouted.

"Hey, you have to make a living for the stewardesses. If their looks are on par with yours, they will all lose their jobs," Jiang Hui said.

"Hmph, I allow you to enjoy your eyesight, but you don't have to hand over notes," Bai Xue said.


The plane basically took off on time. After the flight stabilized in the air, the stewardesses began to come out to distribute drinks and breakfast to everyone.

"I heard from my father that when I was flying in the 80s, there was free Moutai to drink, but now only tea and drinks are left," Bai Xue said.

Jiang Hui actually heard about Bai Xue talking about drinking Moutai on a plane in his previous life. At first, he thought it was a joke, so he went online to check it out.

A civil aviation expert who worked in the 70s confirmed that: Many years ago, the first-class cabins of some flights were indeed equipped with Moutai!According to experts, as early as 1975, passengers who took international flights of Tianchao Civil Aviation were given a free bottle of Moutai.It was later changed to a free supply and was not removed until the late 1s.

But thinking about it, Jiang Hui didn't find it strange anymore.In the early 80s, a special bottle of Moutai cost about 10 yuan, which was nearly one-sixth of the monthly salary of ordinary cadres.However, because the price of flying was already "sky-high" at that time, it is not surprising that Moutai was served in the first class or even the ordinary cabin of the plane at that time.

"Well, it is strongly recommended that airlines resume this supply," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"It's a good idea. Now that the price of Moutai has gone up, and the price of air tickets has gone down, if the airline really goes to Moutai, it will probably suffer a lot," Bai Xue said.

"In the future, we will build a private jet by ourselves, and we can do whatever we want," Jiang Hui said.

"Just blow it up," Bai Xue said with a white look at Jiang Hui.

In 2004, even more than ten years later, private jets were still a relatively luxurious existence in China.In fact, small private jets are not expensive, and they are not much worse than a Ferrari. However, the air control of Tianchao is very strict. If you want to fly, you need to report in advance, which is very troublesome. More than ten years later, China's private jet market is not so vast.But those rich bigwigs are slowly matching themselves.

At noon, the plane landed slowly at the Hong Kong Airport and entered the Cantonese-speaking area. Jiang Hui felt that he should talk less, and the task of speaking was left to Bai Xue, who knew Cantonese.

Jiang Hui has been to Hong Kong and Hong Kong many times in his previous life, and the cities in the Pearl River Delta are relatively tolerant. Although he may speak Cantonese to you at the beginning, he will usually switch to Mandarin immediately after knowing that you cannot speak Cantonese.But Hong Kong is still different. Those people have an inexplicable sense of superiority, and they look down on people who can't speak Cantonese and are from the mainland.

Jiang Hui didn't ask Penguin to arrange personnel to pick him up. After completing the immigration procedures with Bai Xue and leaving the airport, the two of them took a taxi to the hotel.

Objectively speaking, in 2004, the urban construction of Hong Kong was much better than that of the mainland, and it was not until more than ten years later that it slowly fell behind.

The rise of Hong Kong is actually closely related to the mainland.

Before the British occupation of Hong Kong, Hong Kong was basically a deserted island. Some fishermen lived in Stanley, Tai Tam Tuk and Shek Pai Wan in the south of the island, and Agong Rock and Shui Jing Wan in the east.In other places such as Wong Nai Chung, Dengdi Chau, and Seven Sisters, there are some small villages. At that time, there were about 3000 residents on the island.In the early years, the British took a fancy to the potential of Victoria Harbor to become an excellent port in East Asia. Until the defeat of the Qing Dynasty in the late 19th century, the territory was ceded and leased to the United Kingdom in batches to make it a British colony.

Until World War II, Hong Kong's economy was not well-known in the world.After World War II, especially after the Korean War, capitalist countries all over the world were blocking China, and China needed a window to the outside world, and Hong Kong took on such a role.In the next 50 years, Hong Kong's economy developed rapidly, and it quickly became one of the four Asian tigers.

After the reform and opening up, especially after China's accession to the WTO, many trades no longer need to pass through ports. The long coastline of the mainland has a large number of excellent ports.The mainland's dependence on Hong Kong has dropped significantly, and apart from finance, real estate, tourism and trade, Hong Kong has no competitiveness in other industries, and it is inevitable that its economic development will be in trouble.

Although the roads in Hong Kong are not spacious, fortunately, they are well planned and everyone obeys the traffic rules.So there is no traffic jam at all on the way back to the hotel from the airport.

"Let's go out and eat delicious food after we settle in. I know there is a delicious restaurant in Central. I went to it last summer," Bai Xue said.

"Okay, when we get to Hong Kong, I'll leave my half-mute to you," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Actually, most people can understand you when you speak Chinese, it's just that some people of the older generation can't speak it," Bai Xue said.

This can be regarded as a fact. Most young people can understand Chinese and can speak some, but it is not standard. However, they are generally proud of speaking Cantonese and English. Jiang Hui is speechless in comparison.

The location of the hotel is very good, and the staff of Penguin Company in the lobby are helping to receive the VIPs participating in the listing activities.Jiang Hui went to sign in and said that he had arrived in Hong Kong, so he and Bai Xue went through the check-in procedures by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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