Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 249 Victoria Harbor

Chapter 249 Victoria Harbor

Penguin's listed market value has reached 270 billion, which is a very remarkable figure from the current point of view.But thinking that it will be a company with a market value of two trillion in more than ten years, then the more than 200 billion is really nothing.

As long as Jiang Hui holds the shares in his hands and does not sell them, even if the shares will be diluted in the future when additional shares are issued, there will still be tens of billions in more than ten years, and this is just a small project of Jiang Hui's huge industry. It's an appetizer, so it can't be said that Jiang Hui is talking nonsense.

It is reported in later generations that the founder of Hao123 used a large part of his money to buy Penguin shares after selling the website to Du Niang, and held them until more than ten years later. This investment alone brought him He has earned hundreds of millions of dollars in income, and I don't know if he will still have the money to buy Penguin shares after selling the website to Guanghui Technology in this life.

"Are we going to stay here forever?" Bai Xue asked.

"Now the opening time in the morning is over, we can go out to eat and play by ourselves, and just go to the hotel to attend the appreciation dinner at night," Jiang Hui said.

When Jiang Hui and Bai Xue left, they just ran into the senior manager of the Penguin game platform who was still in a state of high excitement.

"Boss Jiang, congratulations," Manager Gao said.

"Hehe, let's be happy together, how about you become a multi-millionaire?" Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Hey, it's a bit unbelievable. When investment institutions contacted Penguin last year, the valuation they gave was only about 270 million yuan. I didn't expect the market value to be [-] billion yuan now. I really want to thank Mr. Jiang for your few games." Manager Gao said.

"We are mutually beneficial and win-win. The cake is getting bigger. Although I cut a small piece away, I will give you more," Jiang Hui said.

"Indeed, where is Mr. Jiang planning to go? Tonight, the company holds a thank-you dinner in the banquet hall of the hotel. You must be there," Manager Gao said.

"Isn't it a rare time for me to come to Hong Kong, and I'm going to go out for a walk. This is my girlfriend Bai Xue, Bai Xue, this is the senior manager of Penguin's game platform, and Boss Ma's right-hand man." Jiang Hui smiled to Bai Xue and Manager Gao made an introduction.

"Mr. Jiang is very lucky to have such a gentle, educated, young and beautiful girlfriend," Manager Gao said.

Bai Xue was still a little embarrassed to be praised so much, and she held Jiang Hui's arm even tighter.

"Thank you, Manager Gao, for your compliment. I'll see you tonight," Jiang Hui said.


Both Jiang Hui and Bai Xue were still wearing formal clothes, so they went back to the hotel to change before going to dinner.

In the afternoon, the two of them wandered around Victoria Harbour.

The coastline of Victoria Harbor is very long, and there are countless scenic spots on the north and south coasts.On the shore of Hong Kong Island, there are modern high-rise buildings and the landmark Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition New Wing, as well as the nostalgic Star Ferry Pier; in Kowloon, there are art museums and space museums.

During the daytime, the Victoria Harbor has blue sky, white clouds and clear water. Small boats and [-]-ton giant ships enter and leave the harbor without interfering with each other. At night, the lights are even brighter, creating a magnificent night view of the "Pearl of the Orient".

Jiang Hui and Bai Xue also made a special trip to the Avenue of Stars, which was just completed and opened to the public in April this year, to see the handprints left by various stars.

The Avenue of Stars is a special scenic spot to praise outstanding people in the Hong Kong and Hong Kong film industry. It imitates the Hollywood Avenue of Stars. The names and palm prints of outstanding filmmakers are inlaid on special commemorative plaques, and they are arranged in order of age on the Avenue of Stars. Currently, the Avenue of Stars can be A commemorative plaque housing 100 filmmakers.In addition, there are many statues on the Avenue of Stars with the theme of movie shooting and famous Hong Kong artists for tourists to take pictures as souvenirs. Once they were launched, they became a popular tourist attraction.

"The scenery of Victoria Harbor during the day is quite different from that at night," Bai Xue said.

"Yes, the daytime is blue sky and white clouds, with the high-rise buildings on both sides of the strait, ships shuttling on the sea, and pedestrians on both sides of the bank, it has a special flavor," Jiang Hui said.

"The nearby area should be regarded as the most essential part of Hong Kong," Bai Xue said.

"Yes, such a piece of land is basically one of the essence of the entire Far East," Jiang Hui said.

The two wandered along the tourist channel on the shore of Victoria Harbour.

You can see big shopping malls next to it within a short distance, and the reputation of shopping paradise is not for nothing.

"Participating in the appreciation dinner at night is a buffet style. It may not be appropriate to wear the clothes in the morning, especially your clothes. Let's go and give you some evening dresses," Jiang Hui said.

"Does it mean to buy the kind of dress that the host hosts the party or the star attends the award ceremony?" Bai Xue said.

"Yes, but we can choose more elegant ones, don't be unconventional, and don't buy too revealing ones, I can't bear to let you wear them so revealingly," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Well, let's go and have a look. I also think wearing a small suit to a dinner party is a bit like a waiter," Bai Xue said.

Evening dress is a formal dress worn after 20:00 in the evening. It is the highest-grade, most distinctive and fully individual dress style among ladies' dresses.Also known as night dress, dinner dress, ball dress.It is often matched with clothes such as shawls, coats, and cloaks, and together with gorgeous decorative gloves, they form the overall attire effect.

The traditional style of evening dress emphasizes the slim waist of women, exaggerates the weight of the skirt below the hips, and fully exposes the shoulders, chest and arms, leaving room for gorgeous jewelry to express.Such as: low neckline design, with a strong sense of decoration to highlight the noble and elegant, emphatic use of inlays, embroidery, collar pleats, gorgeous lace, bows, roses, giving people the impression of classical and orthodox clothing.

Bai Xue has a slender figure and is a natural clothes hanger. You can try any style of dress, especially the fishtail-shaped wedding dress with a wrapped body and hem that can show off your figure better.

Jiang Hui accompanied Bai Xue to try on more than a dozen dresses, and finally chose three that he was satisfied with and bought them directly.Although one set is enough for today, there will definitely be other occasions in the future when you need to wear evening dresses, so just buy two extra sets as spares.

At the same time, Bai Xue also bought two suits and a bunch of shirts, ties and other accessories for Jiang Hui.

Shopping and buying, there was a pile of things again, so the two bought a big suitcase again to hold the spoils.

"Why do I feel that during this business trip, I didn't have much work, and I didn't have too many attractions. Instead, I kept shopping," Bai Xue said with a smile.

"Aside from shopping, there isn't much fun to do in Hong Kong. We can fully enjoy the beautiful Victoria Harbor from the balcony of the hotel, and we also visited it in the daytime today," Jiang Hui said.

The two talked and laughed and returned to the hotel with the spoils, ready to attend the dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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