Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 250 Appreciation Dinner

Chapter 250 Appreciation Dinner
On the afternoon of the first day of listing, Penguin’s stock trend was relatively stable, and its market value was stable at around 270 billion. It surpassed Shengda Network, which was also listed this year, and became the company with the highest market value in the Chinese Internet industry.

The thank-you dinner in the evening mainly invited representatives of Penguin employees, representatives of investment institutions, representatives of listing undertaking institutions, partners and other personnel.

When Bai Xue arrived at the banquet hall holding Jiang Hui's hand, it was already quite lively inside.

After signing in at the door and showing the invitation letter, the two entered the hall.

Bai Xue is wearing a purple evening dress tonight, revealing half of her fragrant shoulders, her delicate facial features stand out even more after her hair is coiled up.The eyebrows were simply trimmed, and a light layer of red lip gloss was applied to the mouth.With high heels on her feet, her whole body was filled with a moving aura, which attracted a lot of attention as soon as she entered the hall.

The dinner hadn't officially started yet, the two of them found a place to sit down after drinking a glass of red wine.

"Honey, I feel like I'm a little nervous," Bai Xue leaned on Jiang Hui and whispered.

"Just think about it, we are now worth billions, richer than most of the people here. Most of them will look up to us in the future, so there is no need to be nervous," Jiang Hui said.

"What you said makes sense, but it's my first time attending this kind of banquet, and I haven't worn this kind of dress and high heels before, so I'm not used to it," Bai Xue said.

"There is a first time for everything, it will be fine slowly, I will give you a few jokes to ease it," Jiang Hui said.

"Lao Li politely asked the lady sitting next to me in the carriage: Does my smoking hinder you?" The lady said: No, you are as good as you are at home. He can only put the cigarette case back into his pocket and sigh Said in a tone: I still can't smoke", Jiang Hui began to screen the jokes in his mind and tell Bai Xue to ease the tension.

"You can't smoke in the future either," Bai Xue said.


The mother and daughter visit the art exhibition of their daughter's boyfriend.

The mother found that one of the nude portraits resembled her own daughter, and asked eagerly, "You didn't paint him naked, did you?"

The daughter replied: "Ah, no!" After hearing this, the mother was finally relieved.

But the daughter continued: "He probably drew it from memory."


Mrs. Wang: Blow out the candles!
Xiao Wang: Can I make a wish and blow it again?
Mrs. Wang: What are you promising?
Xiao Wang: When I celebrate my birthday next year, I hope my wife will put a cake for me under the candles!

After a few episodes, Bai Xue was teased in all her splendor, and finally returned to her usual state.

"What's in your head? I remember when I first met you, you said a bunch of funny words in a mess." Bai Xue supported Jiang Hui with one hand, and said with a smile.

"You're still laughing. For you, my brains are wide open, and even the power of the wild is used, but you don't have to be moved, just make a promise with your body at night," Jiang Hui said.

"Damn you, you're still talking nonsense with so many people," Bai Xue said, looking around.

"Come on, let's touch each other first. Congratulations on successfully riding the Penguin listing. I hope that the next listing will be our own company." Jiang Hui picked up the red wine glass and drank a drink with Baixue. .


While Jiang Hui and Bai Xue were chatting aside, the dinner finally officially started.

Boss Ma made a passionate speech for [-] minutes on the stage, not only explaining the growth experience of Penguin to everyone, but also describing the blueprint for future development.All in all, the story was well told and the outcome was fantastic.

Afterwards, the representatives of major shareholders and the main undertaking bank also came to the stage and made a short speech. After that, several celebrities came to sing and perform to enhance the atmosphere, and the others began to move freely.

Jiang Hui and Bai Xue mainly came to witness the listing of Penguin. They didn't have too many other purposes, so they didn't actively get close to investment institutions, undertaking banks and other personnel.

"Mr. Jiang, I heard that you are here too, but I haven't seen it all this time. So you are hiding here." A familiar voice came to Jiang Hui's ears.

Jiang Hui turned his head and took a look. It turned out that it was Manager Xu from Penguin's legal affairs, and he was an old acquaintance.

"Manager Xu, long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, standing with the girl next to you, how dare I admit that I'm pretty." Manager Xu praised Bai Xue in different ways.

"This is my girlfriend Baixue, Xiaoxue. This is Manager Xu from Penguin Company. She is a legal expert and a strong woman," Jiang Hui said.

"Manager Xu, hello," Bai Xue said in greeting.

"Mr. Jiang, your life is too enviable. You are young and rich, you have a successful career, and you have a beautiful woman in your arms. What a fairy-like day," Manager Xu said.

"As Boss Ma's right-hand man, Manager Xu has a bright future. Today, the company is listed, and you will become a rich woman in one fell swoop," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"What kind of rich woman am I? Mr. Jiang, you are the big crocodile hiding under the water. Ah, it seems that Mr. Ma is here," Manager Xu said.

Jiang Hui looked at the direction indicated by Manager Xu, and sure enough, Boss Ma came towards Jiang Hui after chatting with the people around him.

Holding the wine glass, Jiang Hui walked a few steps forward to meet Boss Ma.

"President Ma, congratulations, Penguin is now the Internet company with the highest market value in China," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Same joy, same joy, Mr. Jiang, you are also a major shareholder of Penguin. In terms of eyesight, I am not as good as you. When "Happy Farm" was first launched, you expected its popularity, and even dug a deep hole for it We jumped in excitedly, and looking back, everyone has to thank you for your pitfalls. Among the younger generation of Tianchao, you are the most brilliant I have ever seen," said Boss Ma.

"Mr. Ma has won the award. I am also optimistic about the Penguin company under Mr. Ma's leadership, so I took the opportunity to get on the Penguin ship and borrow Mr. Ma's light," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

The act of Boss Ma taking the initiative to talk to Jiang Hui attracted the attention of many guests, who were all guessing who the young couple were, and they actually asked today's protagonist to entertain them in person.

"I think Mr. Jiang can come to Penguin to guide his work when he is free, and mention some of the company's employees. Your vision in the Internet industry is now well-known.,, YY live broadcast, etc. It is the first in the industry, and it has attracted a lot of attention," said Boss Ma.

"It is enough for Penguin to have Mr. Ma, but next time Mr. Ma is on a business trip to the Imperial Capital, I will definitely take the time to introduce your management experience to the young partners of our group, so that we can learn from the experience of our predecessors," Jiang Hui said.

"It's easy to say, there are many people here today, so I won't talk to you in detail. Xiao Xu, treat President Jiang well for me," Boss Ma said.


(End of this chapter)

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