Chapter 251
Penguin's thank-you dinner ended with laughter. Jiang Hui also took this opportunity to get acquainted with Penguin's executives, and also received a lot of business cards from various people.

It was after eleven o'clock in the evening that Jiang Hui and Bai Xue returned to the hotel room.

The listing of Penguin is a symbolic event in the Chinese Internet industry.On the one hand, the market capitalization of 270 billion has set a new high for China Internet Corporation; on the other hand, the successful listing of Shengda Network and Penguin has brought new vitality to the China Internet investment market that has been silent for several years.

After that, 51JOB, Ninth City and e-Long also quickly completed listing and financing overseas.The market has performed outstandingly, which has made many analysts shout: the "golden age" of Internet concept stocks being listed is back!

In the past 2004, 81 mainland Chinese companies landed in overseas capital markets, forming another round of upsurge of overseas listings of mainland Chinese companies.Among them, the successful listing of 7 Internet companies has become the biggest highlight throughout this year.In particular, companies such as Shanda and 51JOB performed outstandingly as soon as they were listed, which made many analysts shout: the "golden age" of Internet concept stock listings is back!

Internet IPOs in the market began to attract renewed attention, especially in August this year, as the Internet search giant Google successfully landed on NASDAQ, Internet companies regained the attention of investors, and IPOs of Internet concept stocks were awakened again.However, there is still a big difference between the new Internet stocks listed this time and the Internet companies listed in 8.The most important feature is that these Internet companies have stable profits, clear business models and good market prospects, and these company models mainly combine the Internet with a traditional field, so as to obtain the support of a more specific target customer group.

These changes are very beneficial to the follow-up financing of other companies in Guanghui Group.According to the current pace of development, companies such as Tudou and Meituan will start their B round of financing in the second half of this year, and Jiang Hui believes that the valuation at that time will be at least three times that of the first financing.

Penguin's success in listing on the Hong Kong stock market is actually beyond the expectations of many people.Because in terms of IPO pricing, the P/E (price-earnings ratio) value of Nasdaq is significantly higher than that of Hong Kong.This is because the Hong Kong and Hong Kong stock markets do not have a deep understanding of technology stocks, and their tolerance for technology stocks is relatively small. Therefore, Internet companies listed in Hong Kong and Hong Kong have low P/E values ​​and low stock prices.The Nasdaq market has significantly higher acceptance and recognition of listed companies in the Internet industry than other markets.However, Penguin was able to achieve a valuation of 270 billion under such circumstances, which shocked many people in the industry.

With the increase of Chinese netizens and broadband users, China's broadband market has rapidly entered a period of rapid growth.Affected by different needs, the network business market gradually tends to be diversified and applicable, and websites specializing in online games, e-commerce, search and other services have emerged.At the same time, the establishment of a paid charging model ensures the huge profits of professional websites.In the future, the market recognition of professional websites like Autohome and will become higher and higher.


After the news that Penguin Company became the largest listed company in China came back to the mainland, it quickly aroused heated discussions on the Internet.

"Penguin has been listed and created 11 billionaires, 25 multi-millionaires, and more than 500 millionaires. It's a big deal."

"Is this wholesale plutocracy?"

"At first I thought that the market value of Shengda Network was scary enough, but I didn't expect to be laid on the ground and become the second child after only a few months."

"I heard that Boss Ma wanted to sell Penguin for 60 yuan."

"In April 2000, IDG and Yingke Digital took away 4% of Penguin's shares for US$220 million. I don't know how Boss Ma feels today."

"It is said that Boss Ma once approached Zhang Chaoyang and wanted to sell the penguin for 50 yuan. But Boss Zhang not only rejected Brother Xiao Ma decisively, but also threw out the classic line: I can't find some college students for this thing. I have done better than you for more than 3 months, and it is not worth 50 at all. Well, he is worth 270 billion now, I wonder what Boss Zhang thinks?"


Du Niang headquarters.

"Have you seen the information that Penguin's market value exceeded 270 billion on the first day of listing?".

"I see, to be honest, it was a bit beyond my expectation. A friend was in contact with Penguin's listing preparations before, and the valuation given by early investment institutions was only 30 billion."

"Yeah, it's too far from the current 270 billion."

"Penguin's valuation mainly began to change in the first half of this year. After the cooperation between Penguin Game Platform and Brilliance Games, the launch of "Happy Farm", "Happy Landlords", and "Fishing Game" brought a lot to Penguin. It is said that Penguin’s current monthly profit level is close to last year’s full-year profit. The rapid and continuous increase in profits has allowed investment institutions to continuously increase Penguin’s valuation.”

"The launch of a series of games not only brought the benefits of the games themselves, but also greatly increased the number of registered and concurrent online users of Penguin Communication Software, and the stickiness of users has also been greatly improved."

"Yeah, to some extent, it can be said that Shining Games has made Penguin what it is today."

"To be precise, Jiang Hui made Penguin's market value today, but Jiang Hui did not suffer a loss. Not only did he get a very important sum of cash from Penguin in the early stage, he also obtained shares in Penguin. With these shares alone, Jiang Hui is expected to Enter this year's rich list. But this kid is smart enough to make the equity relationship very complicated and register a bunch of offshore companies, making it difficult for outsiders to figure out what shares he really holds."

"Mr. Jiang should be regarded as a rare genius in the Chinese Internet industry in recent years. With the help of his few ideas, our Du Niang's current market share has also increased rapidly."

"Indeed, now Google and Yahoo have no way to threaten our market position in China."


In fact, in Jiang Hui's view, Boss Ma built a huge penguin empire seemingly inadvertently while imitating, which changed the way people communicate in China. Mobile phones, telephones, emails, and penguins have become must-haves for most people in China. Even, there are many little brothers and sisters who can use mobile phones and emails, but they must never live without Penguin. There are many people on it who can talk to each other, and there are many interesting games.It is not an accidental phenomenon that Penguin can achieve today's market value, or even a higher market value in the future. Boss Ma and others have put in a lot of effort behind it.

Relatively speaking, Jiang Hui started from the establishment of, but went smoothly without any setbacks. Jiang Hui still admires Boss Ma and others.

(End of this chapter)

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