Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 252 Reflection

Chapter 252 Reflection

When the plane landed at the Imperial Capital Airport again, it was already the evening of June 6.Jiang Hui and Bai Xue dragged two large suitcases and a small suitcase, and followed the crowd out of the airport.

Fortunately, the space of the Escalade is large enough. After the third row of seats is folded down, three suitcases can be easily stuffed in.

During this trip to Hong Kong, Jiang Hui personally felt the stockholders' pursuit of a product with a high market share.The present Guanghui Group has a large presence, but apart from Xiaonei, other companies basically do not monopolize the market.Although the website is very innovative, but because it did not concentrate on promoting and occupying the market, it gave the following companies room to survive, and there was even a danger of being overtaken.

Originally, Jiang Hui arranged for the company to register Weibo in April this year, and completed all the registration procedures in May. According to the previous idea, we should prepare well in the past two months and launch Weibo in August. of.But if you think about it carefully, it is actually unwise to show all kinds of ideas to the competitors all at once.When Guanghui Group has reached a solid foundation, it will settle down for a period of time and operate the current companies to a new height, a height that is difficult for followers to reach. At that time, it will launch new companies with new ideas. Compared with development will be more ideal.

Therefore, Jiang Hui intends to postpone the launch of Weibo, and to run the existing company of Guanghui Group well this year.For example, make the product line of Brilliant Games more abundant, let Tudou website gain a firm foothold, make YY Live Broadcasting a familiar company, and make Brilliant Payment the choice of more companies.

In order to unify the understanding of the various companies in the group, Jiang Hui is going to convene a semi-annual summary meeting. It is time to summarize the achievements and lessons learned in the first half of the year, and at the same time plan the development of the second half of the year to prepare for the take-off of Guanghui Group.


When Jiang Hui returned to the company again, the newly appointed secretaries Zeng Qingying and Liao Yun brought the main documents accumulated in the past few days to Jiang Hui for countersigning.

At present, Jiang Hui's division of labor between Zeng Qingying and Liao Yun is that Zeng Qingying is responsible for coordinating Xiaonei, Guanghui Payment, Guanghui Games, and Meituan; Liao Yun is in charge of coordinating Guanghui Technology, Guanghui Investment, Tudou, and YY Live. , Douban, Autohome, and Wangjiang Auto.

Jiang Hui hopes that the group's semi-annual summary meeting will be scheduled in early July, so that each company will have time to carry out a round of summary and planning within the company.At the same time, it also took into account that many people, including the company's shareholders, are still students at school, and the end of June is the intensive examination period for each college.

After all, not everyone is like Jiang Hui who can take the first place in the exam without going to class. Jiang Hui doesn't want the media to use Guanghui Group's so-and-so who dropped out of college without graduating to start a business, and then achieved such and such results to encourage college students. It’s as if dropping out of college can lead to a successful startup.In essence, Jiang Hui is still a relatively conservative person. Although a college diploma doesn't mean much, Jiang Hui still hopes that the company's employees can successfully obtain a college diploma.

Jiang Hui hopes that in the story that Guanghui Group will leave to future generations, the protagonists will be an image who is constantly learning and can balance class and work.Instead of becoming a typical example of "reading is useless" as evidence.

In the 90s, in the face of such phenomena as "those who hold a scalpel are not as good as those who hold fruit knives" and "those who make missiles are not as good as those who sell tea eggs", there was a wave of thoughts that "reading is useless".However, in recent years, there have been more complex economic and social factors in some places, especially in rural and poor areas, where "going to college is useless".

Once upon a time, it was a common social belief that one could change the fate of oneself and even the whole family by being admitted to university.However, this belief is no longer so strong among many people.The continuous popularization of higher education, the expansion of the scale of colleges and universities, and the increasingly diversified sources of talents have made college students less eye-catching in the human resource market.The influence of utilitarian thinking and the magnification of material pursuits also make "going to college" directly equate with the return on investment of real money.

"Farmers in mountainous areas are very realistic, and it's useless to talk about them. If they feel that they won't be able to get their money back, they will never let their children go to school." - A teacher in a mountainous area.

The father of a classmate in Jiang Hui’s village thinks so: “If you study for 4 years, you can earn 8 yuan, and if you graduate from high school and go to work, you can earn 4 yuan in 8 years, 16 yuan back and forth, and you can make money if you buy a house or open a store. ".Originally, the classmate was planning to repeat his studies for a year because he didn't pass the undergraduate exam, but he had no choice but to embark on the road of part-time work under his father's opposition.The father of this classmate decides whether to go to school based on whether he can make money. This kind of profit-oriented concept is actually very representative in the eyes of some people.

Jiang Hui hopes that by attracting more college students to come to the company for internship and employment, on the one hand, it will reduce the financial burden on the families of college students, and on the other hand, it will provide more students with good employment options and treatment. And development, to tell everyone: University is useful.

With this series of reflections, Jiang Hui is also thinking about what to say at the group's half-year summary meeting, and what he hopes to convey.As the soul of the group, Jiang Hui's every move in the company has been watched and magnified by many people.What Jiang Hui hopes to convey to everyone is something positive and full of positive energy, which can lead employees at all levels to work hard independently.

Up to now, although each company is not so powerful, but for Jiang Hui personally, the current state of these companies is enough for Jiang Hui to achieve financial freedom and live comfortably for a lifetime.In fact, even when Jiang Hui got the shares of Penguin, he was already financially free.However, what a person pursues is not just money. There are many things worth pursuing besides money.

Jiang Hui is a person with dreams, and he also hopes to be a person who can continue to realize his dreams.

I dream that one day, I will be able to create several Fortune [-] companies.

I dream that one day, my own business can become the best employer for college students.

I dream that one day, my company will be far ahead in the domestic and international markets.

I dream that one day, my basic necessities of life are all products related to my company.

Dreaming that one day, my company will be in the real and virtual economic circles, and people from all over the world will cry wolf.

(End of this chapter)

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