Chapter 254
After Tudou became independent from the video upload module of Xiaonei, it ushered in a round of user growth.The video content it provides mainly includes video programs produced or shared by netizens themselves, video programs from content providers, and programs invested and produced by Tudou in the future. Its income mainly comes from advertising revenue.

At present, Jiang Hui has arranged for Fang Dawen to manage the daily work of Dawen has sufficient working experience and contacts in the media industry, which is conducive to the development and promotion of new Internet media such as

Jiang Hui believes in the imagination and creativity of young people in the new era of China, and believes in
The platform can help young people create more and better video works to express their views on themselves, life and this era.At the same time, advocates respecting the personality of "everyone", respecting everyone's independent choice of their own life, and becoming the director of their own growth.

These concepts have had a relatively obvious impact on the development of Tudou. Many users are willing to upload their own videos to Tudou, looking for a sense of presence through other people's clicks and comments. and these video applications spewed out, marking the arrival of the Internet video era in China, a new culture broke out, and a new group was born.Their name is Paike.

Paike, the sharer and disseminator of information, the witness of interesting events; they are positive, sunny, sharp-minded, and advocating thinking. They represent the cutting-edge user groups of the Internet today, and they will surely be the most dazzling video sharing field in 2004. star.

Jiang Hui's first plan to promote the rapid development of Tudou is to create a patting culture that promotes Tudou.

Photographer is not a name for people with high photography skills. Being a photographer is a kind of vision, a positive, mainstream, and social moral attitude. Such an attitude is more valuable than technology.A person who is full of love for life and others, records life with his mobile phone, digital camera or digital video camera, then this can be called a photographer.The photographers never forget to record their thoughts and thoughts with the lens while taking photos at work, in life, and during travel.Photographers are suitable for women and children, young and old, and anyone can be a photographer.A pair of eyes that are good at discovering, a ubiquitous lens, recording every bit of what happened around them, and then posting everything captured on the Internet to share with everyone, they are called "photographers".

These people have played a very important role in the development of video sites, and all kinds of weird and funny videos will surely attract all kinds of users.

For this reason, Jiang Hui plans to hold a one-month photoshoot competition on, and select a few original videos that perform well within a month based on click-through rate and playback time, and give cash rewards.

At the same time as launching the Paike Competition, Jiang Hui announced at the staff meeting of Tudou that he would build Tudou to "become the most popular video website for young people in China", and made it clear that Tudou would "become the most influential young cultural brand in China" "The vision of has established the brand positioning of "youth, individuality, independence, and fun".

Next, in order to make the photo shoot competition more attractive, Jiang Hui planned to let the famous dream band come to play a "photo shoot".

Jiang Hui is going to write a new song for Dream Band, which can be regarded as a price to pay for this event. After all, Dream Band has already signed a record company, so it is not convenient to help for free.

After thinking about it, Jiang Hui was going to take the song "Did Someone Tell You" in advance and use it.This song was included in Chen Chusheng's 2007 album "So I'm Never Alone".He has won awards such as the Best Song of the Year Award at the [-]th Music Billboard and the Best Golden Song Nomination Award at the Tianchao Radio, Film and Television Original Song Awards.

In 2005, shortly after Chen Chusheng terminated his contract with EMI Records, he continued to work as a running singer in a bar in Shenzhen City. He himself just broke up with his brother and was injured in a car accident. After returning to visit, he returned to Shenzhen City to compose this song. After the song was created, he has been constantly revising it, especially in terms of lyrics, and now let Dream Band sing in advance, which will definitely attract a large number of music lovers to

Everyone in Dream Band is a shareholder of, so they are naturally very happy to cooperate in releasing a new song.After seeing the song, the record company knew it was a good song, so they were willing to help shoot the MV. After all, the popularity of Dream Band increased, and the record company benefited the most.

The filming of the MV for the song "Did Someone Tell You" progressed very quickly. Jiang Hui listed all the requirements, and everyone can shoot step by step.

Two days later, Dream Band's "Did Someone Tell You" was launched on

"When the train pulls into this strange city
That's a neon I've never seen before
I opened the letter you sent me when I parted

suddenly feel very missing
A city that never sees snow in winter
I hear people cheering and people crying
Get used to shuttling through the dark night full of temptation
But I can't forget your face

has anyone ever told you i love you
Has anyone ever cried in your diary
Did anyone ever tell you that I care
Care about the distance to the city

When the train enters this strange city
That's a neon I've never seen before
I opened the letter you sent me when I parted

suddenly feel very missing
A city that never sees snow in winter
I hear people cheering and people crying
Get used to shuttling through the dark night full of temptation
But I can't forget your face

has anyone ever told you i love you
Has anyone ever cried in your diary
Did anyone ever tell you that I care
Care about the distance to the city

has anyone ever told you i love you
Has anyone ever cried in your diary
Did anyone ever tell you that I care
Care about the distance to the city


The eyes of the masses are always discerning. As soon as this song came out, the click-through rate on exceeded 100 million times that day.Many netizens put the link of this song on their Xiaonei network, Penguin space, Du Niang space and other places to spontaneously recommend it.

The Dream Band has already gained super popularity with a series of good songs, and unexpectedly released a new song on, which not only greatly increased the number of visits to, but also attracted many unknown singers. Start imitating and uploading your own songs.

Once a song came out, got a lot of visits and clicks, Dream Band gained more popularity and new songs, and the record company was also very happy with Dream Band's ever-increasing commercial performance prices.It's killing three birds with one stone again.

(End of this chapter)

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