Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 256 YY is not far behind

Chapter 256 YY is not far behind

Just when sister companies Meituan and Tudou are calling the shots on the Internet, YY Live is not willing to be lonely. Chen Hu, the deputy general manager of YY Live, was among the first group of people who followed Jiang Hui to start a business and was promoted to the rank of deputy general manager. Naturally, he did not want the company he was in charge of to be reduced to a supporting role. In addition, the company had dreams in its accounts. The band's 3000 million investment is enough for Chen Hu to make a fuss.

YY Live is a pioneer in the webcasting industry, and Jiang Hui also hopes that YY Live will not become the wave of the Yangtze River that pushes the waves ahead, and the waves that die on the beach.Instead, I hope that YY Live can always hold the top spot in the industry until the online live broadcast industry comes to the fore.

In fact, the popularity of webcasting is also inevitable.In terms of form, webcasting has changed the way information is transmitted and the way users socialize. It is a more powerful communication channel than pictures and texts, thus opening up a new pole of economic growth; in terms of content, webcasting has changed the relationship between production and consumption. The connection method means that content producers can reach consumers more quickly without going through intermediate media channels; in terms of monetization, relying on the convenient Guanghui payment, users can quickly complete rewards and purchases, which in turn can help live broadcasts The platform forms a stable cash flow.

Why did the YY live broadcast become popular, or why did Jiang Hui believe that the YY live broadcast would become popular in the future?In fact, go to the film and television city to see the extras.

For most people, it is too difficult to be famous on camera.The online platform just satisfies such a need that people desire to be famous.The Internet era has created too many Internet celebrities and grassroots. These originally topical and hype groups are struggling to find a suitable platform to show themselves. The webcast just gives them a very good opportunity. Naturally, however, they It will also bring a lot of loyal fans.,,, Guanghui Games, Douban, and other websites directly put links to YY live broadcasts in their respective navigation pages. In addition, there is a good location for YY live broadcasts on Hao123. The introduction of more traffic has rapidly increased the number of anchors and viewers of YY's live broadcast.

The first few part-time anchors of YY live broadcast have already signed contracts with the website, and they will be resident in YY live broadcast in the future, and the company will also help promote them, which not only plays a leading role, but also generates income for the company.

YY Live's current live broadcast content has diversified.

Users of Xiaonei come to YY live broadcast mainly to broadcast their daily life, singing, dancing, and some school activities, etc., relatively speaking, they appear small and refreshing.

Users of come to YY live broadcast mainly for some grassroots awareness. They often live broadcast some skills such as acrobatics and magic that they usually do not have the opportunity to show in front of the public.

After Meituan users come to YY live broadcast, most of them live broadcast food production, food tasting and other related content.

The users of Brilliant Games may be the most among all users of the group who come to YY live broadcast. Many of these people play both Brilliant Games web games and other online games. When they came out, some people watched.

After Douban users come to YY live broadcast, they mainly focus on some literary and artistic content such as film and television drama reviews and good book recommendations. The audience is relatively small, but they generally have relatively high education background.

There are relatively few users on as anchors, and most of them have become viewers of YY live broadcast. However, a group of users on have developed the habit of spending money to watch VIP chapters, so after coming to YY live broadcast, for sending The anchor flowers and so on are also relatively generous, and can be regarded as one of the sponsors of YY live broadcast.

In order to get more anchors to join YY Live, Chen Hu intends to spend 500 million to reward excellent anchors.The way to reward is to see which anchor has the most click-through rate, viewing time, received gifts and other things in the next month.

The way YY anchors make money is relatively simple. The first is the basic income, with a certain basic salary, similar to the perfect attendance award on, and then the effect of watching the flowers sent by netizens. YY anchors rely on these virtual gifts to realize their "sales income". If they perform well, they will generally have an income of over [-] yuan.

Good anchors YY will directly sign contracts with them, but in order to manage and recruit anchors, there are often many anchor guilds under the live broadcast platform, and they sign agreements with the anchors.According to the agreement, 50% of the daily income of each live broadcast room needs to be handed over to the live broadcast platform, and the remaining 50% will be divided between the company and the host.In addition, the company will also give some rewards to anchors who perform well.

Under Jiang Hui's prompt, Chen Hu set dozens of hundreds of virtual gifts for YY live broadcast, from the simplest "rose" to "chocolate" and "champagne", as well as "BMW", "Mercedes", " Yachts" and so on, when encountering special holidays, the company will also launch corresponding limited edition gifts.Except for a few "gifts" that are free, most of them require fans to spend money to recharge virtual currency to purchase.For example, 1 yuan can be exchanged for 100 YY coins, and 20 "roses" can be sent. A "Rolls Royce" costs 100 yuan. If you want to send a top-level gift "Gulfstream G550 aircraft", It costs 200 yuan, and even the "stool" sent by the Tucao anchor costs 40 yuan to buy.

YY Live's subsidy to anchors in the early stage, and giving away YY coins to consumers, etc., are actually all to attract more anchors and viewers to YY Live. With popularity, everything will come naturally.

People who have never been in contact with live broadcasts may be surprised by the many fans who spend so much money on female anchors. Why spend money to pursue some unknown grassroots anchors when there are so many free celebrity singing and dancing videos?What is the psychology?

To Jiang Hui, it is actually the ego of the consumers who are at fault.To paraphrase a local tyrant: "In the online world, as long as you spend money, you are the king. This is a feeling that you don't get when you watch celebrity videos. The female anchor will always interact with you and call your name in front of tens of thousands of people. , Saying thank you or something like that, you can’t feel the satisfaction. It makes me feel powerful and superior, and makes me feel stronger than all the men in the room, especially dignified, as if I have control over everything. world."

Anyway, YY live streaming is a new way of entertainment for everyone.Everyone's situation is different, and everyone's entertainment style is different.Some people think that playing games is not as fun as jumping rubber bands; if you like sports and fitness, you don’t think it’s fun to watch live broadcasts to collect gifts.To Jiang Hui, no matter what form of entertainment, happiness is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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