Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 257 Graduation Season

Chapter 257 Graduation Season

Just as all the companies under the Guanghui Group were advancing at the same time, Jiang Hui also took time to go back to school and take several exams.Although in Jiang Hui's current situation, no teacher, the school will definitely issue him a graduation certificate in the end, and the school will even hope that he will continue to stay in school to study for a master's degree or a doctoral degree; but Jiang Hui himself is not afraid of the exam. In my previous life, I was also a Ph.D. graduate, and I have been engaged in teaching in colleges and universities, so I am not at all afraid of exams.So Jiang Hui still chose to take the exams of various subjects like ordinary students, and even wrote a few papers for the professor to help deliver.

In the school, senior brothers and sisters began to take graduation photos. Although they looked stuffy in their bachelor uniforms on a hot day, everyone enjoyed it.

Before evening, the school radio station will start playing old wolf's "You at the Same Table" and other songs that remember youth, adding a touch of sadness to the graduation season.

In fact, in Jiang Hui's view, it's not that we are sad after graduation, but that we are sad when we leave the environment in which we have lived for a long time.People are afraid of change, and they all have an instinctive fear of the unknown in the future. They will be sad when they graduate from junior high school, sad when they graduate from high school, and sad when they graduate from college, because we are initially mature in college, and we can communicate freely and casually. Meet some very good friends. It is estimated that except for your parents and your future spouse, no one can get along with you for four years or even longer.Suddenly have to leave the accustomed environment and familiar friends, so it will be sad.

In fact, it is normal to be sad, and boys in college value friendship and loyalty, especially so.Facing the future bravely, facing the people and things in the future, future colleagues will get along with you for a longer time, and they will also be your good friends. College classmates are more of a treasure of memory, so, There is no need to be too sad, the temporary separation is for a better reunion.

The graduation season also drives the prosperity of the "flea market" module transactions on the Xiaonei website.Graduates are peddling goods in the "flea market" on the school intranet, and of course some set up stalls on campus to sell some books and daily necessities at low prices. This phenomenon is called "green school leaving".But at the same time, many friends also found that they were wasting their time in college by sorting out old things...a textbook for two or three yuan, a T-shirt for more than ten yuan, and free notes and textbooks...

Jiang Hui himself bought a lot of professional textbooks at the flea market from his brothers and sisters. When he finally graduated, he sold all the new and old books for [-] cents a catty, and some books were even brand new.Most of the surrounding students also deal with books in this way, which is really a waste and a pity.

"Have you seen those funny graduation photos on the Internet? Do you have to work so hard to take graduation photos? What do you think of the funny graduation photos?" After the last course, Jiang Hui and He Ling walked on the school road and saw many People were fiddling with various poses to take graduation photos, and couldn't help but ask Jiang Hui.

"It's nothing. I have personal hobbies. Maybe some people want to take some creative graduation photos as souvenirs when they graduate," Jiang Hui said.

"Why does it feel like everyone is getting more and more good at playing now, and the photos are getting more and more weird?" He Ling said.

"Whether it's funny or not is entirely because of the popularization of the Internet. In the past, some people may have taken all kinds of funny graduation photos, but because there is no Internet sharing, few people know about it. Now with the Internet, no matter whether it is intentional or not, people can take some funny photos. Creative graduation photos can make people popular, which also attracts more people to take pictures," Jiang Hui said.

"I think the graduation photos are just to keep good memories, but some people go to great lengths to deepen others' impression of themselves, and I think it's completely unnecessary," He Ling said.

"It's all about creativity! The first person who shoots like this is called a genius, the second one who imitates is called a genius, and the third one who imitates is called a fool," Jiang Hui said.


During the graduation season, the most popular reprints on the campus are topics related to graduation.

"Graduation Day We Broke Up Together".

"Graduation is Unemployment".

"What College Gave Me".

"Graduation Season, Rental Season".

"June, Dedicated to Our Graduation Season".


When this senior student went to the society, Jiang Hui was also thinking about the positioning of Xiaonei.

As a campus SNS site that currently focuses on college students, as the first batch of senior students go out to the society, whether to continue to open the school intranet or cancel their accounts is actually not a problem.It is not possible to forcibly eliminate students who have graduated by sticking to the positioning. On the contrary, this is an opportunity for the development and growth of Xiaonei.

In the case of not opening the registration authority of Xiaonei to ordinary people, retaining the accounts of graduates and adding new registrations for freshmen will increase the number of people on Xiaonei every year.

Some postgraduates and doctoral students are now reporting that their classmates have started working after graduation, and there is no way to register according to the rules of the intranet. They have repeatedly proposed the opening of the intranet and the admission of the oldest batch of postgraduates and doctoral students in the same year. Registration authority for university graduates.

Jiang Hui is also seriously considering this issue.In fact, this is similar to continuing to open the access to the intranet for senior graduates in the future. It is just that a group of college graduates who have worked for many years are suddenly allowed to enter the current user system of the intranet. How accepted are the existing users? ?Jiang Hui was a little worried.

In order to brainstorm, Jiang Hui asked the ministers and above of Xiaonei to hold a meeting to discuss this issue.

"As long as the problem of real-name authentication is solved, I think it will be no problem to allow people who graduated a few years ago to enter the school intranet."

"There are a group of senior students graduating soon, and the opening of the registration authority for post-doctorate students actually does not have that much impact."

"Now the number of registered students on has entered a bottleneck stage, and it is difficult to increase it significantly. Attracting tens of millions of high-quality users who graduated in the past five years should have more advantages than disadvantages."

"I also think it can be let go. Current users should not have much resistance to playing Xiaonei with some seniors and sisters, but if we want to open it to all social people, it may cause existing user experience. has dropped dramatically."


After soliciting everyone's opinions, Jiang Hui decided to first open the registration authority to those who enrolled in the same year as the existing graduate students.That is to say, all college students enrolled after 1997 can register to use the school intranet.In the future, according to the feedback from existing users, we will consider releasing the registration authority of the existing doctoral students who enrolled in the same year, which is equivalent to that all college students who enrolled in 1995 or after 1994 can use the intranet.

Whether it is good or bad, we will know after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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