Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 258 Half Year Summary

Chapter 258 Half Year Summary
It remains to be seen how effective Xiaonei’s open registration authority for college students enrolled after 1997 will be.

Under the arrangement and coordination of Liao Yun, the Guanghui Group's semi-annual summary meeting was hosted by and officially held in the large conference room of

Guanghui Group now has more than 1000 regular employees and interns in all companies.Holding such a meeting must have attracted the attention of many employees, and even some media that got wind of it are also inquiring about the discussion content of the Guanghui Group's summary meeting.

Guanghui Group's Xiaonei, Guanghui Games, Tudou, YY Live, Meituan, etc. are all well-known companies in the Internet industry. In the past two years, the Tianchao Internet industry has robbed some of its style, except for the listing of Penguin and Shengda Network. The rest of the important news can almost be related to the Guanghui Group, and the understanding of the Internet industry is also very speechless. With such a monster on the table, it feels that there is no room for development in the Internet industry of China.

The conference has not yet officially started, but Tang Wenwen, Fang Dawen, Liu Chujing, Chen Hu, Zhu Zhengfeng, Li Shigui, Dai Fuqian, Xiang Weiwei, Lin Zhen, Lu Yang, Shan Yu, Tang Minghua, Yang Yan, He Ling, Bai Xue and others have all arrived In the conference room, basically all shareholders and personnel above the ministerial level of each company participated in this meeting.

Bai Xue was originally with Jiang Hui, but she was too embarrassed to highlight her special relationship with Jiang Hui on such an important occasion, so she also came to the meeting room early.

However, Li Xingping, Dream Band and others were not involved in the specific affairs of the company, so they did not attend in person. After the meeting, just send them a copy of the meeting minutes.

"Old Tang, is very popular recently, and all kinds of group buying for eating, drinking and having fun have begun to appear," Fang Dawen and Tang Wenwen chatted.

"Old Fang, your is not bad at all. The auction contest is in full swing. The song "Did Someone Tell You" by Dream Band is really good, and the MV is also very good. Now the one with the highest hit rate is Is it?" Tang Wenwen said with a smile.

"It's all thanks to Mr. Jiang and the Dream Band. I'm just following along," Fang Dawen said.

"If you ask me, Boss Jiang is really amazing. He has all kinds of ideas at his fingertips, without any pressure at all, and he can't even imagine what his brain is made of," Liu Chujing interjected.

"Otherwise, why is he the boss and we are employees?" Yang Yan said.

"You can't be considered an employee, right? You have your shares everywhere. You are still an employee, obviously a representative of the management," Lin Zhen said with a smile.


While everyone was chatting in the conference room, Jiang Hui appeared at the door of the conference room on time under the leadership of Zeng Qingying and Liao Yun.

"Hi Mr. Jiang!"

"Hi Mr. Jiang!"

"Hi Mr. Jiang!"

Everyone kept saying hello to Jiang Hui. Jiang Hui smiled and nodded and walked to the seat reserved for him. Zeng Qingying and Liao Yun sat on both sides.

The meeting was presided over by Tang Wenwen, general manager of and deputy general manager of After Jiang Hui indicated that it was time to start, Tang Wenzhang rang the microphone in front of him and began to speak. ,

"Dear shareholders and colleagues. Good morning, everyone! Entrusted by Mr. Jiang today, I will chair this meeting. Compared with everyone, you have a certain understanding of the theme of today's meeting. The first agenda is to report on the past six months from each company. The business development of Xiaonei, let me first introduce the development of Xiaonei to you,” Tang Wenwen said.

Amid the applause of everyone, Tang Wenwen switched his computer interface to the projector.

"Everyone is familiar with the basic situation of Xiaonei. More than 300% of college students are our users.

Under the condition that the registration authority does not change, we have basically tapped out the potential of domestic users. In response to this situation, Mr. Jiang also held a discussion meeting with relevant personnel of Xiaonei. The registration authority of all college students, judging from the data of the past two days, the number of users of the Xiaonei network has returned to the fast-growing channel again.

As for the situation of international users, we currently have offices in island countries and Hong Kong. In the next stage, we plan to upgrade these two offices to branch offices to increase the development of the Asian market.There are tens of millions of college students in the entire Asian region outside the mainland, and our current users are less than 500 million. There is still great potential for development in the international market, especially in countries such as India and Russia, where the current number of users is relatively small. Low.

The current profit of mainly comes from web games and advertising revenue in cooperation with Brilliant Games. Without considering the server deployment, has already achieved profitability.However, considering that the group is about to build a new data center, there is still a long way to go before the Xiaonei network can truly realize independent development..." Tang Wenwen spent about 10 minutes introducing the situation of the Xiaonei network.

"I have reported to you the situation of, so I will continue to occupy Mike for a while, and continue to introduce the situation of As you all know, some time ago, raised 6000 million from IDG Capital, and then started Embarking on the pace of expansion, Meituan currently has 500 offices across the country, more than 300 merchants have entered the platform, the average daily transaction amount has reached more than 500 million, and more than 2000 million people have registered to use Meituan At present, the number of registered users is still increasing rapidly, and it is expected to exceed [-] million by the end of this month, and [-] million within this year...", Tang Wenwen said.

After Tang Wenwen introduced the situation of Xiaonei and Meituan, he then asked Fang Dawen, the deputy general manager of Tudou, to introduce the current situation of Tudou.Although Fang Dawen is also serving as the deputy general manager of Xiaonei in honor, the focus of his work has been placed on

"Thank you Mr. Tang for sharing with us the development of Xiaonei and Meituan. Seeing those data, I feel a lot of pressure," Fang Dawen said.

This unique opening sparked a burst of laughter from everyone, and it is estimated that the people who will report next have similar feelings.Apart from Guanghui Games quietly making a fortune behind the scenes, among the other companies of the Guanghui Group, and are the most famous.

Especially for, the venture capital circle has already issued a valuation of more than 30 billion, which is more than one billion more than the valuation of when it raised funds more than a month ago.And Meituan is even more powerful. At that time, IDG Capital’s valuation of [-] million was considered a bit inflated. Now Sequoia Capital and others who wanted to enter at a valuation of [-] million were rejected by Jiang Hui. According to Meituan’s valuation This development trend, when the first financing is burned out, the valuation will go to more than one billion.

(End of this chapter)

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